
Magic system (stages)

Stages :

- Advent (two times stronger than the normal male adult, capable of utilizing Mana)

-Reborn (This stage represents someone who has been reborn with a new energy. Someone who has succeeded on taking the path of power, and instead of Mana the utilize it's true form—Stigma)

-Cosmic sigil (people of this stage are said to be able to hold slight resonance with cosmic forces. They are decently common though)

-Professional (someone who is an expert in utilizing both stigma and their Draft)

-Sage (any entity who has gained access to slightly temper with soul code is considered a sage, also their pool of stigma is UNPARALLELED by multiple times the previous stages.)

-Dreamy Harmony (This is the first out of a two-part stage where a person achieves Harmony between their spiritual and physical body, allowing for them to fully control soul code and attack another person's soul)

-Imaginary Harmony (In this stage a person gains the natural ability that all experts at this stage hold, an 'imaginary vein', a barrier created from an imaginary amount of energy which is technically unbreakable by anyone at a lower stage, keep in mind that this power is passive)

-Cosmic Harmony (The final of the stages with the word harmony in it but not part of the two stages before it that were considered 1 and 1/2 each. At this stage a person gains the power to 'punch through time' and 'kick away space', basically they can defy the laws of physics willingly like instantly traveling a 'infinite' distance)

-Mystic Terror (entities at the stage are considered to have reached the peak of mysticism or physical ability, If before they could break the laws of physics then now it's simply doesn't apply to them. They also have resistance to basically all forms of poison unless it's considered the same grade or higher then there own stage. Along with that they're regeneration is incredible, allowing for these guys to even survive multiple nuclear bombs at a high level at once. All Mystic terrors have something termed a 'Eldriditch body', a vessel created by a person's own soul and the laws that a person continuously creates to 'ascend' stages)

-Ascension ( At this stage a person can survive multiple apocalyptic forces capable of destroying literal planets and wiping stars off the galactic map! Despite the fact that they most likely don't hold that destructive power until much later, they can in fact survive such attacks).

-Transcendent of worlds (entities at this stage basically transcend the laws of everything, As with a mere flicker of their bodies that can transcend the speed of light, multiple countries can be destroyed).

-Crafter of Dimensions (someone who has fully developed their Eldritch body, capable of setting it to passive form and making it so that whoever sees them goes insane instantly. This stage also mainly prioritizes physical stats, So anyone who reaches the stage as a physical combatant is considered a monster when it comes to talent)

-Pinnacle of Worlds (someone who has achieved the power to destroy entire planets! It is even been said that if a person can 'ascend' beyond this then even destroying galaxies is possible.)

-Olden One (an entity that transcends all things and can travel the multiverse as they wish, their names are termed 'icons', such names also allow them to bless people with extraordinary gifts such as immense potential and resistance to fate manipulation).