
Idols of divinity (magic system)

When a person is attempting to ascend to the Mystic Terror stage, they first need to build up their concepts and gather it into one or multiple objects which would act as scriptures for their divinity to act upon.

This method is also what allows for Mystic terrors to affect the laws of physics and rules of a world quite easily simply because of the fact that they're divinity only works on those rules and nothing else can bound it (other than divinity at the same stage or a higher stage).

Actual Idols of divinity are considered items bound and created / imbued with a person's divinity allowing for them to only be uniquely used by said person, these Mystic artifacts can also be inherited through heritage and many other factors but even then such an appearance is rare since people that can make it so that they're divinity can be inherited need to be really strong, far past the Mystic Terror stage, which alone is very rare to come across.