
A night at school

Our group ran to the girls locker room with a stumbling Brent who barely managed to get up and hid in the shower stalls in the back. We sat and whispered to each other the plans we had for tonight when the lights finally cut out with a loud click, plunging us into darkness. All the girls gave a little squeal and jumped, clutching each other. I ended up slipping on the soapy wet floor and falling back into someone's arms. I felt a warm breath on my ear and a strong chest against my back.

"Well, hello there," Matt said softly with a small smile and chuckling.

I blushed a little and stood up, "Let's go."

Rylee and Emmie, my closest girl-friends, looked at me and smiled only because they knew I liked Matt.

We scurried out of the bathroom and down the gym. The snow was falling heavily outside, covering everything in a white blanket. We reached the office and saw the small office window that was slightly open. We told Emmie to climb through it since she was the smallest and then told the boys to run and see if anyone was still here in the school. Emmie nodded and squeezed through the window, landing softly on the other side. She quickly searched for the spare keys while we waited anxiously outside.

"Got 'em," Emmie said, after climbing back out the office window. She handed me the keys and I snatched them from her hands. The boys came back at the same time, saying everyone had left. We breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at each other.

I turned to the boys and gave them their next mission. "Go and get the gaming system that's in the basement and then all the things for the movies in the last classroom on the right, take them to the teacher lounge" I instructed them. "And don't break anything!" The boys took off with a burst of laughter and whispers, eager to raid the school's entertainment stash. I saw Matt raise a thumb and wink at me before he followed the others. I felt a warm flutter in my stomach and giggled softly.

I looked at the girls and suggested, "Let's go get some snacks from the student store." We agreed that we needed some fuel for our night of fun and headed to the student store that was by the gym.

"Do you think you guys will talk soon? I mean you had a crush on him since eighth grade." Emmie came up behind me on my left and asked over my shoulder.

"Yeah, when will you guys get close, everytime you guys talk? From what I'm seeing it's more him talking and you listening." Rylee said on my other side.

"Probably never. I'm too nervous plus he has more experience and I'm completely new to this, so let's drop this and go get the snacks." I snapped at them and walked swiftly to the student store.

It wasn't much, but it had a decent selection of snacks and drinks. We grabbed some chips, popcorn, candy, and soda for everyone and piled them up in our arms. As we walked back to the door, we glanced outside and gasped. The snow had piled up so high that it blocked our exit. More snowflakes were falling from the dark sky, creating a thick curtain of white.

"Oh my god, guys, we're stuck in here," I exclaimed, feeling a mix of fear and excitement.

We looked at each other and turned to see the boys walking into the teachers' lounge. It had couches, comfy chairs, a fridge, a small freezer, and a giant TV. We looked at each other and decided to ask the boys what we were going to do after we got the snacks. We got some chips, popcorn, candy, and some drinks for everyone but decided we needed more just in case. We were about to walk back when Rylee said we needed blankets.

I looked at her and said, "Ok I'll go get them."

"Be careful don't trip thinking about someone." Rylee called out before I got far.

I blushed and looked back only to trip on a trash can, which caused both of them to laugh at me. I walked into the woodshop and past the rows of lockers that were covered with stickers and graffiti. The room was dark and dusty, with tools and wood scraps scattered on the floor. As I was looking for the blankets in the back of the dark room, I heard something small hit the ground behind me. I turned around and saw a shelf full of paint cans tipping over. I screamed in terror as the shelf came crashing down on me. The next thing I knew I was being pushed out of the way. I hit my head on something hard and felt scratches and bruises form on my arms and legs. Someone asked me something, but I couldn't hear them. That's when darkness took over completely and I fell into a deep slumber.