
A Blend with kurama.[DROPPED]

A Self insert who's soul merges with kurama who way was just split in two by the shinigami.

Awriter · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Deal and Revenge.

"Let's make a deal Kurama," said Minato with steel-like resolve.

But that was a mistake as he felt as if a mountain was placed on him.

{How do you know my name?} Asked a furious Kurama as he stood up to his full height.

"You told me, millions of times!" Yelled Minato as he struggled to stand up.

{Explain} said Kurama as he let up on the pressure but was still pissed.

Minato started panting in order to catch his breath and at the same time 4 Gigantic demons materialized each one extremely ugly they were at least as larger as the Fox and were defeated by an absent minded swing of a tail which sent the Giants flying into the distance where they exploded like MOABs.

"I had/have to live my life over and over again do the same things over and over again and do you know what's worse? I can't do anything else even if I know what the future holds. Do you have any idea how painful it is for me to watch Kushina die, my students, fall into darkness, my son growing up to be an Idiot over and over again? I can't do anything as long as I am in the world of living even while being perfectly aware of what's to come it's like a curse!" Yelled Minato with veins bulging on his neck and then took deep breaths to calm down.

{I need proof}said Kurama.

"Indura-Human, Asura-Human, Kurama-kitsune, Gyuki-Ox yokai, Chome-The beetle, Saiken-The slug, Kokuo- The horse dolphin, Son Goku- The fire ape, Isobu- The turtle, Matatabi- The hellcat, Shukaku - The Tanuki, children of Otsusuki Hagromo and O̷̵҉̢̭͚̜̠ͫͣ͐͢͟͢͠͞͝t҉̷҉̢͖͔̹͛̌͊͘͜͢͠͡͡s҉̝̭̦͚̑ͯ̌͡u̶͖̖͆̊̈́͡͡s҉̝̭̦͚̑ͯ̌͡u̶͖̖͆̊̈́͡͡k҉̴̶̬͈̫̹͖̾̎ͭ́̍̐͜͜͝͠i҉̧̯̤̙͔̑ͧ̅̔ͦ́͜͟͢͝͠ C҉͓̟͇̼͕̻ͭ͌ͩ̒͘͜͡͞͠h̷̶̘̘̬ͭ̏͞͡i҉̧̯̤̙͔̑ͧ̅̔ͦ́͜͟͢͝͠h̷̶̘̘̬ͭ̏͞͡a҉͖̟̜̞̂̃̑̽͢͢͠͡r҉̵҉̛̠̩̥̋ͦ̆͆͟͞͡͞͠u̶͖̖͆̊̈́͡͡"." Minato then proceeds to tell Kurama Kurama's life story.

{Alright, I believe you} Said Kurama as he sat down again.

"Just like that? Now 'How do you know all that?' or 'You know too much?' or you trying to kill me?" Asked a surprised Minato.

{Let me guess you tried to tell me once before but the results were different} Said Kurama.

"You can say that again, you lost all light in your eyes and started attacking randomly and then again you never broke free of your seal but that was honestly traumatizing," Said Minato as his eyes glazed over.

{Answer me Minato. Do you hate having to repeat your life over and over again?}

"As much as I would like to move on, I am grateful because I get to live with her thanks to that. My one light in all this darkness and before you ask yes I have tried to find different women but none of them can measure up to her" Said Minato with a fond smile.

Kurama frowned.

{Are all your lives the same or can you change things?}

"Few events play out exactly the same no matter what I do and so do my skills I can learn new things but I won't be able to use them in those situations it's almost like I am following someone's script at those moments" sighed Minato.

{We need to talk about it in greater detail but later. Now tell me about that deal you wanted to make?}

"Let me talk to my son and guide him and In return, I'll be your slave until we get out of here"

Kurama smiled and said {No}

"Then what do you want in return?" asked Minato

{There is nothing you can give me Human, Nothing you can teach which I won't be able to figure out myself or recreate in time.}

Minato looked down depressed.

{But your actions helped me 'wake up' so to speak...} Said Kurama as he saw Minato light up in hope.

{So I will let you meet your spawn but only for an hour a day} said an amused Kurama as he saw Minato's face light up in pure joy.

"That is more than what I could ask for, Thank you so much!" said Minato with genuine gratefulness




"This is awkward," said Minato.

Kurama closed his eyes

"Hey wait! can you send me there now?"

{I can but we have guests and it would be rude not to greet them} Said Kurama as the Hell spawns re-spawned.

Minato took the last two of his daggers held them in his hands and channeled wind and lightning chakra to each of them and went to work. Kurama looking at his new 'ally' felt pity for him and whipped his tail and then hundreds of tri-pronged kunai shot from his tail and destroyed a small amount of the swarm.

{You are wellcome} said Kurama as he slept again.

When he opened his eyes he was back in his cage but the only thing that was different was a blond-haired, blue-eyed 6-year old staring at him in absolute terror from outside the cage.


"You are Mr.Voice-in-my-head?!" Yelled Naruto his fear replaced with awe and Joy.

{What are you doing here Spawn? How did you get here?} asked Kurama with only one of his eyes open.

"Well after I slept I woke up in this place and I was just wandering around when I thought it would be nice to meet you as I kept wandering around and somehow ended up here," said naruto as he scratched his head in nervously.

Kurama sighed while thinking 'As expected of the protag'

Naruto was staring at the kaiju nervously as he felt that he did something wrong.

{What do you want Spawn?} asked Kurama.

"I do not spawn! My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am...."

{'going to be the greatest Hokage ever!'.There is no need for you to put up an act in front of me I won't intentionally harm you unless you do something completely and utterly stupid.} said Kurama cutting him off.

"Oh..okay, but you still didn't call me by my name! and what's your name?" asked Naruto curiously.

{I only call those that are worthy of my respect by their name and only they are allowed to call me by my name and you are neither.} said Kurama.

"But what am I supposed to call you?"

{You can call me Kyuubi..."

"WAIT! you are the evil monster that attacked the village?" asked Naruto in disbelief.

{Is that what the 'adults' are saying? that I attacked your inconsequential nest?" said Kurama as he turned to face the blond with mild annoyance.

Naruto nodded as he started sweating.

{Then ask your leader this. Who attacked me and my siblings first. Who sealed us in artifacts and tortured us for years? Who controlled us? who my previous jailers were? who sealed me inside you? and until you have the answers to all those questions do not talk to me} said Kurama in disgust as projected the state he was in in the previous seals and pushed Naruto out of the mindscape.

Naruto after he was pushed out didn't immediately wake up he was stuck in a nightmare. He saw hundreds of people attack him and chase him not leaving him no time to rest, no matter what he did more and more people came trying to capture him and then he saw a man dressed in red samurai armor with long black hair but the thing that stood out most about him were his eyes they were red with a black pattern etched on to them and then he lost control of his body and was forced to fight someone dressed in similar armor and had control over plants.

During that fight, he regained control of his body but was soon tied up in golden chains and then transferred into a dark place where every square inch of his body was pierced by nails he struggled hard in order to escape but it proved futile the pain was eating away at his reason and chakra, after what felt like an eternity he was free but only for a few brief seconds and then he was nailed onto a burning ball of magma that continuously burned his body and he couldn't even move or scream because there were giant nails that nailed his body to the ball of magma and shut his mouth.

And after another eternity suffering that pain came a small respite as someone freed him and then he lost control of his body once more and was forced to attack a settlement of humans and then came the worst pain of his life as he felt someone cut him in two.

Naruto's young mind couldn't handle the pain and he had a minor stroke.

The Hyuga ANBU that was tasked to keep an eye on the Jinchuruki noticed this and immediately broke into the blond's apartment and carried him to the hospital while alerting his comrades who informed the Hokage.

Kurama after pushing out Naruto closed his eyes and slept but he forgot in his new state he could use 'Ninshu' very easily and given who he was talking to....well you read the paragraph above you get the Idea.

Kurama closed his eyes and switched priority to his 'Yin' half he was still angry at the 'monster' comment...his new values acting up.

In the stomach of the shinigami

Minato had just finished destroying the last of the swarm and marking the last of the daggers when he felt that something was wrong with his fellow prisoner. He turned to look at him and teleported to the furthest dagger available he was acted instinctively. He calmed himself was about to go back when.

{Back off!} yelled Kurama.

as soon as he did 4 giant silhouettes appeared around the Giant fox these silhouettes ranged from 300-400 meters tall effectively twice as tall as Kurama. They were equipped with armor and weapons and were dense enough that they seem to have their own gravity, yet...

They were being toyed with by the giant fox.

The 4 giants combined chakra level nearly matched Kurama, they were tougher than Kurama, had greater weapons and armor, a rather large array of Ninjutsu attacks as well as excellent teamwork.

Kurama didn't have any special powers. he didn't have mastery over an element like 6 of his siblings, he didn't command a species like one of his sibling nor was he as physically tough/strong as his other sibling what set him apart was the ridiculously large amount of chakra that dwarfed the combined chakra of all his siblings and insane speed he regenerated chakra and his understanding of it that matched or even surpassed that of the sage of 6 paths.

So, it should come as no surprise when Kurama kept dodging them with bursts of speed, countered/sometimes overpower any ninjutsu thrown at him with his own, and vaporize the 4 giants with a mixture of fire and wind chakra before they even had a chance to explode in a matter of minutes.

Kurama looked at Minato with rage-filled eyes and Minato despite being far away felt like he should run and get the hell out of there.

{You will pay for the pain you have caused me Minato. You will pay with interest.}Said Kurama as he roared.

Minato ran his instincts screaming at him to get as far away as possible from the enraged beast and so he did he used body flicker and threw his markers and teleported to them as fast and as far away as he could but it was all for naught when a wall of chakra slammed into him from his back followed by the shock wave and roar that left him dizzy, confused and paralyzed and before he could even snap out of hit he felt a massive amount of chakra enter his system replacing his own.

And Minato came too he was tied to the ground with golden chains in a kneeling position facing faceless tiny humanoid beings.

<Namikaze Minato, for the prosperity of our society and maintaining the power balance between our kingdoms. You shall forfeit half of your soul to the great lord Lavlos and the other half of you shall be bound to this baby where you shall lend him your power and when the time comes perish for the benefit of our cause" Said a tiny figure dressed in more luxurious clothes that the rest and before he could even say or do anything a gigantic Ax descended on him and he felt himself become two followed by an unimaginable amount of pain but that was not the end of it, oh no it was just the beginning.

Minato felt one-half of him disappear and the remaining half of him squeeze and compress causing him more pain, pain great enough to cause him to lose his rationality and tried to escape his constraints with no success.

And then he was stuck inside the baby where he felt his essence slowly being corroded away. Minato tried very hard to get out of there he applied everything he had ever known about sealing in order to escape his prison but he found it futile and to make matters worse his 'host' always got into some sort of trouble and got severely injured and his essence was used to heal him. The severe the injury more of his essence was used.

One day after many years his essence was almost gone and Minato finally and truly felt the fear of death if given a chance he would never want to feel this way again but alas faith was too cruel and he was used up giving a small boost to his host's d**k.

Minato only felt the void he could feel it but he could not comprehend or respond to it so he started to think about his long life and then on what he experienced he realized that is what he tried to do to his fellow prisoner and felt horrible but he could do nothing about it now after all he was...he didn't know what he was...

Minato's thoughts stopped there as he felt his essence return slowly but it was returning and so he concentrated on that and he slowly reformed and the moment he did he 'Woke up.

Minato looked around and saw that he was in the shinigami's stomach and was propped up against a wall of some sort.

{We have a lot to discuss regarding our little deal Minato} Said Kurama as he came into Minato's view.

Let me know about your thoughts on the chapter and should I bring in Kushina as well?

Awritercreators' thoughts