
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
289 Chs


– Briefing room, Site-17 - 9:50 AM –

The entirety of MTF Queens Requiem along with the Resident evil 8 and two Hellsing characters as well as Amelia, Green, Carson, Lawrence, Molly, and Site Director Jones were present in the room. After Rodeo exchanged warm welcomes and hugs from his companions, Jones began to play the recording data that they had taken from Rodeo's helmet which showed fights that took place from chapter 192 to 241.

"Why does it feel like it's one of those character reaction fanfictions?" Michelle mused, watching the scene where Rodeo punched Alucard right in the face, causing some reactions from the others.

Once they were done watching the whole footage, Rodeo along with the Resident evil 8 and the Hellsing characters explained their sides of the story and what they had gone through in these universes. The dark aether. The Forsaken. The Wolfenstein Reich. How things ended up in said universes. Everything they explained to Jones and the rest. Rodeo, however, kept quiet about G-man because he knew that was a different matter that he couldn't let them get involved in... and he is completely aware that G-man could hear him.

"...And now we are here."

"Well, at least it wasn't Warhammer universe." Carson remarked sarcastically.

"Really Carson?" Michelle said to him deadpan.

"What? Just saying."

"What's a warhammer?" Angie innocently asked.

Rodeo answered, "Something worse as this universe, but I'll explain it some other time."

With his arms crossed, Jones inquired, "Do you think this... Forsaken would try to attack us. Our universe I mean."

"Forsaken is smart, and he also understands that attacking this universe is a death sentence if he attempts to trigger anomalies that could wipe him out into oblivion."

"True. But what about those cracks on you? Clearly we know they radiate dark aether."

Nickolai added, "And if we learned anything from Call of Duty Zombies lore, this is corruption incarnate, comrade."

"Guys! Guys! I'm fine! I'm still me. They are just new scars for me."

"They better be, otherwise you might turn into a zombie and we shoot you in the head." Carson said.

"CARSON!" Amelia and Molly both shouted at him scoldly.

"Okay! Okay! I'm kidding, sheesh."

"Says the guy who left Lawrence in an iceberg with an SCP." Finn whispered, but not quiet enough for the others to hear.

"Seriously, why do you guys keep bringing that up? I got even with him after that."

"Now that is something I would like to hear." Karl said with a grin.

"Enough Karl," Rodeo interjected, "Now look, you guys are working with us and while I can't get you back home using that dimensional hopping machine and SCPs, because the machine transports people with exact coordinates which we lacked and using SCPs are only require permission from the O5 Council."

Alcina nodded, "I see. Well there is no harm in staying here, so long as we get the right living quarters."

Jones nodded, "I'll see to that."

"Rodeo, these guys from resident evil we can tolerate," Jacob said to his leader with a calm expression before pointing to Rip and Zorin, his countenance quickly shifted into anger, "Them, on the other hand, are a different story! You expect us to work in the same building with literal Nazis lurking around, mate?! My ancestors are Jewish and it's difficult to get used to people like them!"

"I'm just joining for my own reasons." stated Rip.

"To see a great death worth something? Yeah, good luck with that, but if we catch you up to something fishy, we will throw you in the same room with 096!"

"...Noted." Rip responded with a sneer.

Jacob scoffed, "...Nazi bitch."

"Should I say something?" Zorin asked.

"Quiet, shithead!"

"...I feel like this is going to be a recurring line from now on."

"Okay mi amigo. What's our next step?" Miguel asked their leader.

Rodeo answered him, "Given our enemies as you mentioned Miguel back in the infirmary are still out there or gone dark, we can't do much at the moment it seems."

Out of nowhere, Spy steps in and declares, "Eventually I have gotten two people in these few days you were gone to try to track the ones who attack Site-17, but their search has proven to be unsuccessful. They are currently wandering around Site-17 at the moment."

"Who are they?"

"THE COWBOY AND THE MAD SCIENTIST!" Kreig in his psycho side said.

The words led Rodeo to widen his eyes, "Wait, are you saying-"

"Yes, he's talking about Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef." Evan confirmed.

"Oh… neat. We do need more help in times like these."

"Although…" Spy added, his face seemed hesitant, "Bright can be a bit... difficult to work with considering his... individuality."

"Like I said we need all the help we can get in times like these, especially having a guy with a chainsaw cannon."

"Whatever you say, leader." Spy responded with a deadpan tone.

Turning to face Jones, Rodeo said, "I need access to SCP-038 for creating more bullets and magazines for these." as he pulled out Casull and Jackal.

Upon seeing the guns, Rip widened her eyes in surprise, "Wait! Those weapons are with you?!"

"Well I did take it when we were in the dark aether realm. So yeah." Karl said.


"Scp-038? Yeah, it is here actually." Jones answered Rodeo's question.

"What? I thought it was on a different site." stated Robert.

"Yes it is," Jones nodded and gave an explanation, "After Chaos Insurgency activity got more and more increasing day by day, the foundation needed to shift them and luckily we were able to move it safely from Site-23 to Site-17."

"Take me to it," Rodeo said, casting a glance at two female researchers who were standing behind him, "Amelia, Molly, you will come with me for observation of the process."

"Are you sure about this? Those weapons and ammunition are from a different universe." Amelia said.

"We'll take our chances, and hey, it might give you more research data on SCP-038."

"Well he ain't wrong." Molly said with a smile.

Amelia sighed, "Alright."

"Then let's go."

Shortly afterward, Rodeo, Jones, Amelia and Molly left the room, leaving the others in the briefing room.

"...Don't you think he needs a break?" Lawrence asked.

"From what we are dealing with, Lawrence? I highly doubt it," Spy said, leaning back and rested into his seat, "He only rested last night, has those cracks and now he is back working again. In times like these, getting a break is not easy sometimes, especially when the enemy could attack anytime."

"Well it's not like we can just throw a party for this one day." Karl added as he lighted his cigarette.

Upon hearing his statement, an idea suddenly struck into Michelle's mind, "Karl you just gave me an idea!" she shouted.


She turned to the two vampires, "Rip. Zorin. In or out?"

"Out." Both said simultaneously.

"Okay..." Michelle felt regret asking them, so she turned to face at the rest, "Listen to me guys. This is what we are going to do..."

Not long after, Michelle began discussing and shared her brilliant idea to everyone in the room.


– SCP-038's Containment Chamber , Site-17 - 10:00 AM –

Rodeo, Molly and Amelia were now presently in the containment cell of SCP-038 in hazmat suits in order to not risk cloning themselves. SCP-038 was basically a normal looking apple tree when one sees it at first glance. However, it is anomalous in nature due to the fact that any objects whether organic and inorganic comes in contact with the bark of the tree will cause it to clone. This process only lasts two weeks mostly in case of human clones, but in some cases, it may not produce an exact replica of the object with examples being SCP-500, where the clones do not function as efficiently as the original.

"Here we go," Rodeo murmured, bringing out the magazines and bullets of Casull and Jackal. And not too long afterward, he placed them next to the tree and close to its bark.

In less than a second later, bullets and magazines started appearing on the branches of the tree and fell off of it and onto the floor below.

"Huh? It worked." Molly said

Rodeo smiled in satisfaction, "Perfect. Now we need to scan these bullets and magazines to see if they are a perfect copy."

"Let me get the scanner real quick." Amelia said as she turned back.

A little while later, she returned with the scanning device in her hand and scanned both the original and the copies to see if they were a perfect match, and to their amazement, it was a 100 % match.

"Wow, seems like other universe items might yield different results," Molly said in amazement as she began writing down the results on a clipboard, "Interesting."

"Looks like Casull and Jackal are back in business." Rodeo said, feeling more satisfied.

"That concludes our experiment today then." Amelia added.

"I'll take these guns to the shooting range. See if the bullets work the way they should." Rodeo stated as he picked up the items and placed the hazmat suit aside before leaving the containment chamber.

Watching as he leaves, Amelia casts a glance at Molly and says, "Molly, you handle things here, I'll go after him."

"Then you owe me a coffee."

"Yes, yes, I know."

Placing the hazmat suit away, Amelia goes to follow Rodeo. While all of this was going on, Molly continued writing down some notes, not noticing a tiny desk engineer, the same one from before, ran past her feet at breakneck speeds without her noticing its presence, letting out a "Yeeeee" sound and disappearing into a vent.

"Huh? Why do I feel like something ran past me and screamed?" Molly wondered, searching left and right for a brief moment, "Hmm, probably nothing."

At that moment, Miguel emerged from a shadow next to Molly, which immediately noticed him.

"Oh, what brings you here, Miguel?"

"Hola doctor Collingwood, Michelle needs your help with something."