
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
289 Chs

Pure Love

– In an Alleyway Far From the Park - 11: 40 PM –

Miguel was standing in an alleyway waiting for someone with his arms crossed. He then looked to the right and saw Amelia approaching carrying a bag of medical supplies. 

"Nobody saw you right?" He asked.


"Then let's go."

Few minutes later, the two enter an apartment building and luckily nobody saw Miguel and Amelia. They both walk down the corridor and enter the elevator and head for the third floor. While in the elevator Amelia asks Miguel.

"Who was that humanoid in the glass?"

"That was the Hanged Man. It is a Stand that can jump from one reflective surface to another in a linear pattern and can attack people by attacking their reflection. 

"That's how he was able to attack Green?"

"But the attack was meant for Rodeo."

"I know."

As the elevator then reached the third floor,  they moved forward and walked towards one of the doors, Amelia knocked and the door opened to be Rodeo. 

"Get in."

Amelia and Miguel enter the apartment room and Rodeo quickly closes the door. Green was lying on a couch face first, shirtless but still had his pants on but the slash marks were still on his back. Amelia took a chair and sat next to him then took from the bag some bandages, a thread and a needle, and some first aid antibiotic ointment to patch the cuts up. 

As they were treating him, they then heard a grunt from Green.

"Green are you feeling ok?" Amelia asked worriedly.

Green grunted, "Yeah. How long was I out?"

"For ten minutes due to pain and shock."

"I see. Argh! But my back hurts like hell." 

Amelia observes the slash wounds and while they weren't too deep they needed to be patched up. Amelia then started to patch up the wounds with the items she bought. While she was doing that, Green asked Rodeo and Miguel. 

"Care to explain how you two got here?"

Rodeo and Miguel looked at each other and then looked back at him.

"Let me explain."

– One Explanation Later –

"That might have been the craziest plan you can think of and you didn't even tell us because you knew the enemy might find out some way."

"Look I'm sorry I planned all of this behind your backs but it was the only way to find out about the Stand faction that is after Amelia and put a stop to them." 

Miguel added, "But to think that we would deal with three Stand users and three Human Stands was totally unexpected. But that Silver Chariot had an all too familiar voice from one particular video game I know." 

"Who is he?"

Rodeo answered, "The Spy from Team Fortress 2. He's a stealthy man who can go invisible and disguise himself as anyone. And he's very intelligent as well."

"And always goes out with Scout's mom."


"Don't ask."

Then, Amelia was finished with patching up Green's wounds before asking Rodeo. 

"This Spy. What's his job?"

"He's a mercenary. A gun for hire. Which makes me believe that he took a contract with someone who is after you and accepted it. It's just a hunch from my side, but I think they're all doing this for money. Spy, I get, but it's the others I don't get why they're doing it?"

Amelia looks down and then Rodeo asks her.

"Amelia, it's time you told the truth. Who are you connected to that they are after you?"

Amelia looked at Rodeo and while his facial expressions remained stoic she knew he wanted answers and even Green was hurt today due to her being a target. 

"All right. Then all of you need to promise me you won't speak of this in front of him and keep it between us only." 

"""Alright.""" Everyone nodded.

Amelia took a deep breath and opened her mouth to finally explain.

"My father's name is Dr. Numita Buck. He's a scientist that works for the Foundation and.... works very close to O5-1, the Founder."

The three were surprised and shocked with this information. Then she continues. 

"But he's stubborn and is quick to get angry. He wants things to be done his way and he'll use any cold inhumane way to get the results he needs and not giving a damn who dies or lives. He also hates disappointments.... like me. My entire childhood was ruined because of that man's stubborn attitude and anger. Even my mother couldn't stand him and then finally she broke away from him and.... I was stuck with him for the rest of my life after that. He didn't show love. He didn't show anything. He only showed coldness. I tried many times to be a daughter to him... but he only saw me as another person or just an assistant. He always tells me to call him Dr. Numita rather than father because he thinks it's more respectful. Also he will.... kill anyone who finds out he has a connection to O5-1. The only reason he told me only was because he knew I could keep it a secret, but if I told this to anyone he wouldn't kill me but he would kill the ones I told as a way to educate me that you need to be cold in this world in order to do some good." She said with every negative emotion visible on her face.

Hearing her entire explanation, Rodeo, Miguel and Green let out Jojo's shadowy eyes.

"And you all wonder why I was always cold at the foundation... because of him. That's why. And the reason I joined the foundation was also because of him. Everything that is happening right now is because of him." She started to sob, "And I'm sorry I dragged you all into this. I'm sorry." She said with tears leaving her eyes.

The three were just at a complete loss of words. Her life was hell from the beginning and the reason for her personality was because her father treated her like nothing and didn't show love. Only coldness. Rodeo gripped his hands tightly. This question kept swinging in his head now. 

Why? Just why are the people in the SCP world like this? Why can't just one, a single thing be happy? Why can't one be loved and have a nice life? Is it because the SCP world is meant to be like this? He just didn't know. 

Miguel meanwhile felt disgusted. Why treat her like this? There is no beauty in a cold heart only ugliness and she had to look at that ugly heart throughout her life. While he barely knows her, he can understand the pain she has gone through. 

Green on the other hand, while surprised by the O5 part he couldn't help but feel really bad for her messed up life with her father. In all the years she knew her he thought her cold demeanor was because she took her job seriously, but to think there was a bigger reason behind it was shocking for him. 

"That's why I didn't want to tell you because if he finds out, he might kill you or better yet do it right in front of me or worse he throws you into an SCPs cell.... just to get results. I.... don't want to be alone again, like I was when I was a child. I just can't be that unloved little girl again." She mumbled with tears streaming down her face.

Rodeo approaches her, she looks at him which Rodeo wipes away her tears and says to her.

"Amelia, you won't lose us. And your secret is safe with us. We won't tell a soul. And even if he does find out we will protect you, no matter what happens."

"He's right, Dr. Buck. We won't let anything happen to you. We will keep you safe no matter what obstacle comes in our way." Miguel says.

Amelia felt a hand on her shoulder and saw it was Green. 

"We're here for you Amelia. You don't have to deal with everything by yourself. You got us on your side."

Amelia lets out a small smile, "Thank you."

"Alright now we need a plan." Rodeo then said seriously.

"To get out of the city or fight the Stand group?" Green asked.

"If we try to get out of the city, then no doubt they will try to stop us from leaving it. So me and Miguel will scout the city and look for any easy exit route we can take while you guys stay here."

"But what about your injuries?"

Rodeo looks at himself, "Don't worry I'll be fine. But I'll be careful. Come on Miguel."

Miguel nods and they both leave the room. Amelia and Green we're now the only ones. As they were left alone, Amelia noticed, Green still hadn't put his shirt back on. 

"Agent Green put your shirt back on."

"Oh right. Sorry."

Green went for his shirt which was on the couch and put it back on and his jacket. Green then sits on the couch which Amelia follows.

"I feel... like a massive weight is off my shoulders." Amelia said.

"Yeah, when you keep stuff like that hidden and then let it all out, it makes you feel better."

"Just like when you told the truth regarding your past to Rodeo?"


"Seems like we're not so different after all, Thomas. I lost a good childhood and you lost... your family. 

"We've both lost something in our lives, Amelia."


Amelia then slowly rested her head on Green's shoulder. Green was a little bit surprised by this but given what she's been through and being hunted down she needed someone to be there to comfort her right now. A loved one. Green then slowly wrapped his arm around her neck gently and she was surprised by this, but accepted it either way. 

"This feels kinda nice." She said with a small smile.

"Yeah..." Green nodded, but then he asked, "Amelia, I want to ask you something." 


"I've... already told you how I feel about you that day at the elevator. So I wanted to ask you.... how do you feel about me?"

Amelia then looks at him, "When I first saw you, I didn't really think much about you but as time passed I started seeing a man who is kind, likes to crack jokes, ready to risk his life for others and not afraid of death and one who had genuine feelings for me. I was a fool not to realize it because I was more focused on my own matters rather than anybody else's. Then I saw that behind that kind and heroic man there was a troubling past that he wanted to forget and move on from and I just wish I could have talked to you about it. But why I didn't ask those questions is because.... I was focused on myself back then." She said with honesty.

Then she looked into Green's eyes and continued, "Green, even if this world ends one day by some SCP, even if a massive war breaks out, even if any bad things happen, I wouldn't mind spending those last moments with you."

"Me too."

"You said that day that you believe in second chances right, Green?"

"Well yeah."

"Then I want to have a chance to feel happiness again... but with you."

"Amelia..." Green whispered.

"Thomas..." Amelia whispered back with a.... turn on tone.

They both looked into each other's eyes and that same feeling that they felt at the elevator that day came back to them. Their hearts were beating fast and their cheeks had a small light red blush on it, they slowly brought their faces close to each other and closed their eyes and finally, gave each other a passionate, gentle and warm kiss on each other's lips. 

Both have gone through many hard things and had suffered in some way in their past lives but now they felt the old scars of the past being washed away from their minds and only felt love. Nothing else. Just love. Pure, genuine and honest love for each other. Even if this world went under an XK-class end of the world scenario they would at least be with each other till the end when that happens. They will not break apart. They will be together and support each other in the toughest of times. No matter what the world throws at them or what evil comes after them they will deal with it not alone but together. They are ready to forget the past problems and start something new together with the second chance they have. Because that is life. 

The kiss between them lasted for a few minutes until finally both of them break away from it as they look at each other with a happy smile. 

"I love you, Thomas."

Green rested his head on hers and replied back, "I love you too, Amelia."

While they might have had their happy moment. That still doesn't change the fact that the enemy was still after them. And one of those enemies was here. 


– Down the Corridor –

The elevator doors opened, revealing to be Albert Winchester. 

As he started walking down the corridor he then pulled out something from his top hat. An axe and then started dragging it along the floor while singing the song "London Bridge is falling down" in a menacing and somewhat scary and ominous way. 

"🎶London Bridge is falling down. Falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down. My fair lady🎶"