
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
289 Chs

Party! Party! Party!(Final)

There, sprawling out on the floor of some type of dark emptiness of the black void, lay Rodeo within in his innermost thoughts with purple cracks all over his body. It became clear that his soul was being eaten by the dark aether. He attempted and longed to rise up but was unable to do so even after trying due to how weak he was feeling by the aether consuming his soul.

"Get up boy."

"I.....can't.....I'm done." He said weakly.

"Anderson wouldn't want to see you like this, boy."

As Rodeo looked to his left, he was met with Alucard but most of his body appeared rather translucent, akin to his state when he was about to fade away from view.


"Greetings, Rodeo."

"Am I in heaven? Or rather, in hell?"

Alucard shook his head, "No, you are dead, yes, but you are somewhere between the realm of life and death."

"So purgatory?"

"A term from the Roman Catholics, then yes."

Rodeo closed his eyes and sighed, "Damn it."

"...You're one shot away from defeating the Forsaken and returning home, yet you're gonna just give up? Like a coward?"

"I'm no coward, I have fought many things for the people I cared about... but I can't now. This aether is eating my soul away and I can't move. I'm sorry."

"...Death is not your fate just yet. Rodeo. While I have become an imaginary number by Schrodinger, I shall return in my own manner to my master, and... I feel bad leaving Alcina the way I did but you, don't you have people waiting for you? Who is eager for you to return in good shape and alive and well? Are those people not worth living for? And you just want to give up? People give up when they have nothing to live, when they lose hope, or fight for or lose the idea, the will, and their desire of believing, but you persevere. So get up and fight, Rodeo. Get up and fight, Killer Queen."

As he finished speaking, Alucard was again slowly fading away.

"Farewell, Rodeo. May you live on and develop into so much more. You are a really kind soul that the darkness cannot take."

And like that, Alucard disappeared, leaving Rodeo to muster all of his will to get up. At that moment, he could barely see a door in the far distance and stumbled clumsily towards it. It felt close yet far away, but after what seemed like an eternity of traveling, he finally opened it and saw a light.

With a determined look hiding under his neutral expression, he steps into the light.


The light returned to Rodeo's eyes. Upon regaining consciousness and returning to reality, he found himself being impaled by multiple dark aether crystals, yet he didn't die but the pain he is experiencing is intolerable.

Using whatever willpower he possessed, he removed his helmet and glanced around when he suddenly found Casull and Jackal pistols laying next to him. With a smile on his face and giving thanks to fate as always, he picks them up and looks at the dark aether crystals in front of him before aiming the two guns at them with what little strength remains.

"Annnnnnnnnnnd jackpot."

In the air, Forsaken sensed something wrong and gazed into Rodeo's body to see him awake, directing Casull and Jackal straight at the crystals.


In a desperate attempt, Forsaken let forth a purple ray of light from his mouth onto Rodeo, attempting to wipe him from the face of the earth. However, it was too late when Rodeo squeezed the triggers of two guns at the same time as both bullets already struck one of the crystals. The crystal exploded in a massive purple electrical explosion as a result, sending the Forsaken and the two Super Soldats hurtling and crashing into the town.

Rodeo's entire armor except for his helmet instantly shattered from the explosion, including the crystal spears that pierced him as he fell on the ground next to a battered Karl and Rip.


The purple sky covering the world of the Hellsing universe disappeared and the merging process completely stopped, only the massive portal in the sky above London was still present.

"What?" Lina halted her actions and felt perplexed at the sudden change.

Alcina smiled, "They must have done it."


Karl was the first to rise, first seeing Rip, who had been beaten up quite badly but unconscious and alive before shifting his attention onto Rodeo, who had sustained some very unusual injuries on his body and face which was caused by the explosion. Karl checked on Rodeo and noticed his eyes were flickering in and out and he was still breathing, although one breath at a time. In addition, he saw that Casull and Jackal were resting next to Rodeo, together with his helmet.

Karl chuckled, "You did it, kid. But now..." before getting up to say, "It's time we send them and ourselves back home."

Looking around, Karl noticed among millions of stable crystals around him, one was unstable growing out of the ground, shaking violently. As he takes it out from the ground, he throws it at the portal in the sky with all his might. Immediately after he did it, he picked the Jackal and fired at the crystal with the explosive round, which caused the crystal to explode within the portal and render it unstable.

With a look of triumph, Karl was about to move forward when he suddenly noticed a Panzerhund sprinting in his direction with an object clamped around its jaws. Immediately, Karl precisely shot its fuel tanks, and the robotic dog exploded, dropping something from its jaws and rolling in front of Karl.

It is revealed none other than Zorin, who is nothing more than a mere head.

Zorin looks at him, "Oh, it's you."

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

Karl is unaware that the person in front of him is a member of Millennium, but he doesn't have to consider the situation further when he hears something and turns to find the Forsaken standing upright once more in a town. In a hurry, Karl decided to grab Zorin, carrying Rip and Rodeo over his shoulders and bringing Casull and Jackal with him, along with his hammer and Rodeo's helmet before riding on a piece of sheet metal using his powers, flying in the direction of the unstable portal and entering it.


On the way back to the city of London, all Reich and dark aether forces were seen being pulled back into the portal in the sky, which had grown unstable as a result of its connection to the portal from the dark aether realm. Even Lina, the Ausmerzer, Fischer, Stroheim, Fritz, Otto and even the London Monitor were dragged into the unstable portal.

Alcina, Miranda, Bela, Cassandra Donna and Angie could only watch it happening and understood that the portal in the sky was becoming unstable. Looking back, they saw Seras, Yumie, Heinkel, Daniela, Integra, and the remaining Iscariot Paladins arrive in front of them together with Moreau, who had returned in his normal form.

"What's happening?" Integra asked.

"Karl and Rodeo did it," Miranda replied with a smile on her face, realizing they had succeeded, "We won. But we have to use that portal to head back home since an unstable portal brought us here in the first place. I am very much indebted to you, Sir Integra. It was a pleasure working with you."

Integra smiled in return, "It was great working with you as well. Farewell to you all."

Knowing that there is not much time left, Donna and Angie cling to Miranda's back, Alcina grabs Moreau and Bela, Cassandra and Daniela all fly into the unstable portal. As soon as they entered it, the portal shrunk and compressed into a size as a penny.

Time passed slowly, and the moment it exploded, not only the city of London, but the entire world was enveloped in a purple radiance, shaking every part of the planet!

The dark aether forces from zombies to other otherworldly monstrosities all around the world of Hellsing has come to a standstill. A moment later, all of them suddenly began to disintegrate into particles and dissipated in the air.

After a moment has passed, the sky soon now becomes blue once again and the sun shines brilliantly onto the earth, as a sign that the war in the Hellsing universe is finally over.

"...It's finally over." Seras smiled in relief.

"Yes, what a crazy night we all had. Vampires, Zombies, Robots, Gods, and whatnot. That's one for the records I guess," Integra commented before turning to the sky, "Farewell to you as well, Sir Rodeo. May you move forward into what wonders, or horrors lies beyond our reach."


Back in the dark aether realm, the Forsaken had watched as the portal closed and exploded from his side, including Karl escaping into it along with the others. Lifting his hand, Forsaken opened a portal and tried accessing the Hellsing universe, however, he was electrocuted violently and had to shut the portal right after.

This implies that he can no longer access the Hellsing universe much like he couldn't access the Resident Evil universe as a result of the unstable portal exploding.

…He lost once again.



The Reich forces got teleported into a forest and were sent back to their universe. Fortunately, the Ausmerzer and the London Monitor were still in working order as they were checking their gear and attempting to make contact with New Berlin.

Lina was monitoring her forces when a dark aether portal materialized in front of her and the Forsaken stepped out of it in his human form. The Reich forces halted their activities and looked in his direction, waiting for him to say next.

"Comrades... we have lost the war and we can no longer access the Hellsing universe. I'll... advise you all of the appropriate course of action in a few days. For now just try to contact New Berlin and inform them about our whereabouts."

Everyone nodded and carried on with their job for the time being, but the Forsaken was not feeling down or defeated... He was feeling rage. Pure unadulterated anger and rage in his body for losing again and he vowed to unleash suffering on Rodeo and whatever world he may be in.

"I'll make you suffer with me."


Within a room housing cargo containers, two portals opened, and when they did, Rodeo, the four lords, Miranda, the Dimitrescu daughters, Rip and Zorin fell out of them and crashed on the floor of the room. As everyone stood up except for Rip and Rodeo, who were still unconscious, and Zorin—well, she's just a head now, so her standing at all doesn't count.

"Oh it's you. Still alive, Zorin?" Alcina asked the vampire with a sharp gaze.

"Shut it. I have nothing to say to you."

Alucard rolled her eyes, "Whatever, but where the hell are we?"

Moments later, Miranda noticed a logo on one of the cargo containers that resembled ones on Rodeo's armor. Miranda now understood where they were.

That also caught Daniela's attention, "Isn't that…?"

Miranda confirmed, "Yes. The logo on the boy's armor. We are in the place where Rodeo works... The SCP Foundation."






Universe No: 689000045

Year: 202X

Time: 9 PM

Location: Cargo Container Area, Site-17, America

Universe Name: SCP (No. [DATA EXPUNGED])






Just then, the lights in the room went out and the sound of grunts were heard. As the lights came back on, Donna and Angie noticed the rest had been knocked down cold to the floor.

"What happened?!" Angie cried out in confusion.

"I don't know, it was dark, it happened in an instant!" Zorin snapped out in panic and looked around briefly before sighting someone behind the two, "Who is that?!"

With fear clouded over their faces, Donna and Angie slowly turned around and saw...

…Evan Williams, the one who had become The World.


"🙂 Monke."


In the following instant, the three pass out and land facedown on the floor due to shock and terror.

"Welp they couldn't handle the power of memes and…" Evan was about to say something when he noticed Rodeo among the unconscious bodies, "Rodeo!"

"...Ev.....an? He..lp…"

Couldn't hold it anymore, Rodeo passes out and his eyes stop glowing.

Evan quickly pressed a red button on a wall and alarms started blaring across the site. In less than a minute, a group of Scp guards along with a few members of Queen's Requiem, Michelle and Miguel, burst into the room where they found Rodeo in Evan's arms and the unconscious individuals on the floor.

"What happened to Rodeo?!" Michelle blurted out in confusion and upon seeing the others, more confusion hit her, "And why are the Resident Evil 8 characters here?!"

"Don't care! Where's Robert?!"

"He's on a mission with Green. They won't be back in an hour."

"Get Rodeo on a stretcher and take him to the Medical Center. Me and the guards will bring these people into containment. And Miguel, inform Zolgamax about this. He needs to know."

With a nod, Michelle and Miguel place Rodeo on a stretcher and transport him to the infirmary while Evan and the Scp guards round up and place Rip, Zorin, the four lords, Miranda and the Dimitrescu daughters under containment.

Fate has finally brought Rodeo back to the ones he loves, but he is unaware of the events that are going to start as a result of his return to the Scp world, and it will be big.

End of Chapter


A/n: Finally ended this arc but hope you enjoyed this chapter. Consider following me, vote for my stories and keep yourself notified for more chapters. Thank you.





















The Leader of the Council of Crows can be seen sitting in his chambers, staring out the window at the night sky while dressed in his crow outfit.

"Wonder why Erik sent those seven dudes into that one world?" he wondered, referring to one of his Elite members sending a group of gaming Youtubers known as the "Vanoss Crew" into one of the numerous fantasy worlds out there.

Until then, he was interrupted by a crow soldier bargin into his room with a briefcase.

"Here's the package that Abridged perfect cell told me to deliver to you according to your orders, sir." The Crow Soldier stated.

Without warning, the Leader teleports in front of him in an instant, seizes the briefcase, and immediately says, "You are dismissed."

As the crow soldier gives out a nod and leaves, the leader shuts the door and closes his room's curtain before looking left and right.

Knowing no one is watching, he opens the briefcase and sees what's in it.

"It's perfect."

The item in the briefcase was the most powerful and popular video game known to man.

Elden Ring.

Leader immediately boots up his ps5 and inserts Elden Ring in.

"Now let us rise and Elden Lord."

"Hello leader."

"Hey," Leader responded as he played Elden Ring, "The main menu music is awesome, and-" he soon cut his own words when realization hits him, "G-man?!" he immediately stood up and saw G-man seated on his chair in the corner of the room. "You have a lot of nerve to just show yourself here and sat on my favorite chair," he muttered in anger as he brought out the flaming sword of the God-emperor, "What do you want? Or else I will smite you in the name of the God-Emperor!"

"Just visiting."

"I do want to ask though, why are you doing this? First you interrupt my story and now you set the Forsaken out of his chains and let him make an enemy out of Rodeo. For what reason is it the case?"

"Let's just say I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone, who are those two birds? I can't tell you, and the boy needs the push that is required for the upcoming events that will rock the SCP universe to its very core. My motivations for doing so are my own and I must say taking the neutral route of not interfering with Rodeo's growth was a wise decision."

"Me and the council's time to break neutrality will come, but now is not the time unless the Scarlet King forces our hand. So there's no need for you to remind me."

"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world, and you chose the person with the most compassionate souls like Rodeo, to be in the wrongest place you can think... the SCP world. He has been making differences for better or worse for that universe and it's astonishing to see that kind of progress. How long can he tolerate it exactly? This wrath of the darkness and its effect on others? Well, only his fate can tell him what will come."

"...Perhaps, but he will not break."

G-man smiled, "Who knows. Anyways, my time here has ended and I'll be taking my leave. See you next time, Leader, and I wish you good luck on whatever it is you're doing."

The moment the Leader blinks his eyes, the G-man instantly vanishes. Well, he is always like that.

Sighing beneath his breath, the Leader gazed out the window at the night sky and murmured, "Oh great fate. What do you plan for this next?"
















Tranquility. Peace and tranquility set the scene all around him, the breathtaking awe of the beauty spanning in all directions filling his ears, his nostrils, and his eyes.

This was Mother Earth at its finest; the sound of woodpeckers, ducks, pigeons, and many other aviary creatures filled the air. The loud crashing of water falling from a cliff could be heard several hundred meters away. From the waterfall, a river cut through the land, sparkling in the morning sun. Near the mouth of the river basin, a herd of deer gently drank from the crystal-clear water cascading from the waterfall. Below his feet, grass crunched underneath his boots. The man admired the glistening green of the blades of grass, noticing that the grass sparkled in the morning sun, meaning it had rained not too long ago.

The man started a calm walking pace, gazing around him, his lips pursed into a straight line while he continued to observe the allurement of the nature around him. Mosquitoes and flies buzzed around him, some of them attempting to suck the blood from him. But when they stuck their proboscis down, a pang of pain jolted through their bodies, and they were rewarded with broken proboscises.

'What was up with this guy? It was like this guy's skin was pure iron.' One of the Mosquitos thought as he held his broken proboscis, crying in pain.

The man quickly reached the mouth of the basin. He gently placed his lips to the clear cool water. The river water felt cool on his tongue, and a wave of relief filled him as the clear water flowed down his throat. He took several large gulps of water from the basin until his thirst was quenched. A few feet away from him, the herd of deer edged closer to the unknown stranger, curious about who he was. The man lifted his head up from the water and shot the deer a stern look. With only that single look, their curiosity instantly vanished, and they ran as fast as they possibly could in the other direction.

The man stood back up. He would have to go to higher ground in order to find out if there were any signs of civilization nearby that he wasn't seeing. He looked up at the top of the cliff that was about 200 meters above him; there was a good spot to do surveillance. The man bent his knees down and bucked his hips. In an instant, the man sprang up from the ground, traveling upward at amazing speed and creating a burst of air pressure. The ground from which he jumped shattered, the shockwaves from his jump fracturing the ground around him in the process. In no more than a few seconds, the man reached the top of the cliff and landed with a soft thud.

Had there been anyone around, their hearts would have stopped. Who was he, they would have asked. But what would he have given in response? Only silence.

For this man wasn't actually a man. He was, in fact, a monster, lost in another world, warped to this new reality from his battle against Seras only to accidentally drop himself in a dimensional gateway from the third party.

It was the werewolf, the second-in-command of Millennium, and Millennium's trump card: The Captain.

The Nazi werewolf didn't think he'd ever get the chance to experience this: Freedom.

Unbeknownst to everyone outside of Millennium, including Rodeo himself, the Captain was not a willing soldier of this Nazi organization. His entire species had been brought to near-extinction. He was once part of a village of werewolves who'd chosen to live a solitary life in the wilderness of Europe. But despite their solitude, there were still humans who sought to rid their kind, and would do almost anything to achieve that goal. Even though werewolves were naturally stronger than humans, they were still prone to be caught by surprise, and on occasion, their sheer numbers could overwhelm the werewolves.

The Captain quickly learned one truth, one simple yet undeniable truth: In order to protect his village, he had to be strong. So that's exactly what he did. Since his earliest childhood, he did everything he could to increase his strength, speed, and reflexes to avoid fatal silver bullets and other silver objects. Unfortunately, it was never enough, and eventually, his entire village was destroyed, leaving only him. And to make matters worse, he was eventually captured by the Nazi Party and handed over to that short, pudgy, abominable Major and his doctor friend, who experimented on him and inserted the FREAK chip.

That was more than 50 years ago, and for more than 50 years, he was a prisoner. Yet now, his destiny was once again his own. There was only one thing left that was keeping him tied to Millennium.

The Captain gazed down into his very chiseled chest. Lodged within his ribs was the FREAK chip that forced him into Millennium's servitude. He could never remove it before, for every time he attempted to do so, the Doctor would immediately know and send an extremely high-voltage shock throughout his body. He didn't know how it was possible, but even in his ghost form, the chip would still remain. Even suicide was not an option.

One, because they made sure to keep anything silver away from him, and two, if they did catch him doing any sort of suspicious activity, the chip would activate and incapacitate him. He couldn't be sure, but he felt that wherever he was, he was somehow out of the doctor's control to activate the chip. But in the end, there was only one way to be sure.

The Captain morphed his hand, elongating his fingernails into sharp claws. He couldn't remove the chip in his ghost form. The only way to do it was to take it out by hand.

The werewolf took a deep breath, moved his arm back, and with a quick thrust, stabbed himself in the chest. He began to move his claws around, trying to find where specifically the FREAK chip was. He quickly found it between his third and fourth ribs. The Nazi werewolf's left side of his mouth curved up. He then got a firm grip around the chip, and with one swift movement, ripped the chip right out of his body. Blood began to pour out of his chest, although The Captain's highly resistant body allowed him to feel little-to-no pain.

For a moment, the Captain looked at the chip in the palm of his hand, staring at it, almost finding it hard to believe that he had it in his hands. At last, the wretched piece of technology that'd kept him chained to the evil Nazis was finally out of him. It was almost too good to be true. The Captain crushed the chip in his hand, following up by craning his arm back and throwing the bits of the FREAK chip into the air. And as he watched the broken pieces of this chip fly through the air, it was as if the chains of bondage were finally broken as well. He felt alive, his spirit soaring and his mouth turning upwards for the first time in 50 years.

The happiness was now overflowing out of him, in the form of tears. Yes, actual tears were streaming down his cheeks. He simply couldn't help it. The dog was finally off the chain.

As the Captain continued to enjoy himself of his newfound freedom, unbeknownst to him, the screen pans to an aerial view, and beyond ahead from where the Captain was located...

There was a battlefield.

Giant armored men and ginormous mechanize titans, battling against unimaginable horrors in a once tranquil and peaceful forest into a place filled with death and destruction.

It is a place where there was only war.






Universe No: 510814450

Location: Random Paradise World

Month & Year: M41 (41st Millennium)

Universe Name: Warhammer 40k

<——————— TO BE CONTINUED < p>