
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
289 Chs

Operation Snowbreaker(2)

After half an hour, more Mobile Task Forces arrived alongside with researchers as well, and they established a perimeter around the frozen town by Cerberus, neutralizing any 3199 that they might have left out. Unfortunately, they found no survivors in the town nor their bodies. 

Rodeo was currently sitting on a public bench that was on the street, watching as the researchers and MTFs were doing their job since he and Queen's Requiem had already done theirs in locating and neutralizing the 3199 instances. 


Hearing someone called him out to his right, Rodeo turned in that direction, and there he spotted Michelle. 

"Hey Michelle."

"You ok?" 

"I'm fine. Just tired. I know we can't sleep but still we do feel exhausted either way."

"True." Michelle said before turning to face at the direction of the town square where they first initially being ambushed in the distance. "These 3199s had planned an ambush for us."

"And that failed miserably." Rodeo added, "Also judging by their numbers, there were like over 150 of them."

"They must have been in this town for a whole week or more. Otherwise we might have had more numbers and the fact they found no way to use any of the heat sources since they don't know how to use them."

"Yeah." Rodeo nodded. For a brief moment, he stares at Michelle directly in the eyes and asks, "Hey Michelle."


"Do you ever feel like you want things to be good for a long time before someone tries to ruin it?" Rodeo asked.

"...Yeah, I do. Are you still worried regarding D4C and the possibility of Whitesnake being out there?" 

"Or... Wonder of U if he's even here."

"Why didn't you tell the foundation about Wonder of U? You know we might have to face him soon."

Rodeo shook his head, "The calamity ability is a problem Michelle, his power to manipulate probability and cause and effect has no bounds or any limits." he explains, "If the entire foundation decides to pursue him, he might destroy the foundation easily without laying a damn finger, and Finn has yet to unlock the go beyond bubbles."

"You're right, but one way or another we have to deal with him."

"Michelle, things are getting harder, and more and more people are going to be dragged into these situations, and... we are just accelerating that process more in the Scp world… just by existing. Amelia, Green, Lawrence and Collingwood have Stands now and lost their chance at normal lives." Rodeo murmured, his face tense. "I don't want to keep blaming myself for things, but I just can't ignore that most of these problems are only going to get worse the more we try to do something right."

Michelle sits next to him on the bench and says, "Rodeo, you're a nice person. Whatever is happening right now is not your fault, and we're all trying to become stronger so that we can beat these guys." She says assuringly, "Things will become better. We just need to make sure it goes that way... together."

"Yeah... together." he smiled inwardly.

Despite his face remained stoic, Michelle could tell he was smiling. But then she noticed one of his hands trembling, so Michelle held it for a brief moment before it stopped shaking.

"Has it gotten worse?"

"After our incident with D4C, it's just gotten much worse. I'm trying to take some therapy sessions but… there is only a minor change to my mental health."

"...It'll get better. I'm sure."

"I…" Rodeo sighed, "...hope so."

Glancing at Michelle, Rodeo gently held her hand, which made her blush slightly and she let out a small smile, and they just looked at the beautiful clear night sky with the grace of the white-gold moon shining its light upon the darkness below, with the frozen buildings, structures, and streets on the town made by Cerberus reflecting the light and transforming the town from a creepy ghost town to a beautiful enchanted world.

The two individuals gazed at it in amazement as silence hung in the air. It was how one admires the beauty of something, silently without saying a word but to watch, and it was what Rodeo and Michelle were doing as they watched the moon in the sky while daydreaming in the middle of a beautiful town of ice.

It had been a peaceful and lively moment… until a yell drew their attention. 


The two then discover the source of the cry and saw Dr. Logan arguing with Nikolai. 

"Oh I'm sorry, big bearded homeless dude who is named after Wolverine's real name. I was given an order by Rodeo to erase the eggs so I did the simplest thing… I erased them."

"Oh, you mean SCP-6601? Where is he?" Dr. Logan demanded angrily, glancing around for the person until he found Rodeo and Michelle, who then approached him. 

"I'm here. What's the problem?"

"Look, just because you lead a Mobile Task Force Unit filled with freaks doesn't mean you can do anything you want!"

"I just made sure the 3199s didn't proliferate and tried to outnumber and kill us all." Rodeo replied solemnly, "If we kept even one alive, they would have multiplied again."

"At the very least, you could have kept one alive and properly restrained it so that we could gather more research data on these predatory Scps, you damn freak."

"I have a name, Logan, and it's called Rodeo, and we're trying to keep people safe. Whether you like it or not." Rodeo frowned.

"...You know things were better and safer before you showed up."

"Excuse me?" 

"We were able to contain Scps and keep them from escaping and made sure no one gets killed, then you Stands started showing out of nowhere and made the foundation's job of keeping things perfect ten times more and more casualties than ever before."

Clenching his fist, Rodeo spat back, "You do know we're the ones who stopped Spy's gang, saved the site from getting nuked by Gustav, made sure Hell's wrath didn't burn the damn earth you were living on! And-"

"Failed to predict D4C's attack, allowing the hell dimension's forces to escape and bring more death and destruction to our world because you appeared out of nowhere by some unknown force and acting like you were one of us." Dr. Logan added with a severe look.  You are just nothing more than Scps. Not humans. So you better not misuse your freedom when it comes to dealing with Scps, Chaos bringer." he stated coldly.

Hearing all Logan's comments, Rodeo gazed at him and his expression darkened. Nickolai and Jacob, who were behind him, were furious.

"Rodeo, mogu ya vycherknut' etogo cheloveka iz zhizni?/Rodeo, can I scrape this man from existence?" Nickolai asked in his native tongue.

Jacob cracks his knuckles with a grin, "Yeah! Let's break that son of a bitch's legs off-"

"Let's go. Our ride's here." Rodeo whispered coldly and turned around. His words made the two to look at him with a mix of surprise and anger.

"But comrade! This fool is-"

"LET'S... go, Nikolai. He ain't worth yelling at." he said strictly. "Arguing with him is like arguing with a brick, so don't go down to their level."

Watching him leaving, Nickolai could only sighed, "Da, comrade." 

As they follow, Rodeo and his team then make their way for the V-22 Osprey helicopter. Before entering the aircraft, Rodeo turned back and gave Logan a sidelong glare before heading inside.

"Goddamn freaks. Helping us to be safe?" Logan scoffs, "More like increasing our problems and the doomsday clock more."

On the V-22, the team boards the helicopter, and the aircraft begins to ascend,  heading for a nearby foundation outpost before they get transported back to Site-17 in America. 


"You let that guy off easily, Rodeo!!"

Inside the Osprey, Jacob grabs Rodeo by the collar and swears angrily at him with a fierce look.

"What do you want me to do? Snap out in anger at him and show my vulnerabilities? My frustrations? Beat him up and make myself look like a villain to the rest of the foundation?" Rodeo asked, sternly, "Don't tell me, Jacob. You want the foundation to lose trust in us by beating up one of their own?!" he exclaimed.

Jacob wanted to say something but groaned, letting Rodeo go and simply taking a seat, knowing that dragging this discussion on would be pointless. Noticing the negative atmosphere inside the Osprey, Miguel decided to speak out since he didn't want Rodeo and the rest to be frustrated over what Logan said.

"This town we were in... reminds me a lot about home."

"You visited towns like these back in the real world… with family?" Nickolai asked.

"Si. My aunts mostly lived in towns like these, and I visited them during my days as a child. Those were beautiful days, " Miguel reflected, "And yet this town had to be robbed of its beauty and life by darkness. The light, even the darkness, is beautiful my friends, but don't let the ugly side of darkness grab you and take you to the deep dark abyss." 

"True." Rodeo agreed with his statement, "You really like talking about this type of stuff?"

"Si, amigo, talking helps to alleviate certain frustrations, such as the one you're going through."

"Well, it's definitely working."

"How did these things get here, though?" Robert then asks, regarding 3199.

Green responded, "According to the old reports of 3199 they were first spotted in Ireland. That's when the foundation discovered them, and after this incident, we cleared up the foundation thinking the 3199s are expanding their territories to other countries in Europe."

"I see."

As silence was descended once again, Michelle spoke out, "Anyway guys, while we are going back, we should-"

While everyone else was talking, Green peered out the window at the night sky and enjoyed the view… not noticing someone was observing them from afar.

Several miles in the outskirts from the frozen town, standing on top of a tree branch and peering through the binoculars at the helicopter carrying Queen's Requiem in the far distance was none other than... Wonder of U.


Putting away the binoculars from his view, Wonder of U chuckles, "Oh kiddos, just wait till you get a load of me... and the calamity. They don't have pursuing intentions yet, but they will. If I'm going to start a business that is perfect in this world, I need to get my hands on the Scps and resources they have. I'm not gonna repeat the same mistake that I made in Rapture, because the flow of calamity was on my side this time."

At the next second, he vanished from the spot like he was never there to begin with.


In an unknown dimension, the leader of the Council of the Crows was sitting in his chamber reading some manga while clad in his crow uniform when his room door was kicked open by Alex, his Elite member of the Council. 

"There is a thing called knocking on the door, Alex." The Leader said, not leaving his gaze on the manga he was reading.

"My apologies sir, but do you remember the Devourers we have contained in our secured section of the mansion?"

"Yeah, I'm well aware of these cancers of creation and our Crows, even Erik is keeping an eye on them."

"Well, one of those devourers somehow escaped and ended up in a random multiverse."

The Leader, frozen in place, slowly turns his face toward Alex with a 'o_o' look.


That's the only thing he responded before asking.

"So which universe did it end up?"

"Universe no. 4315814254, a powerful multiverse almost equivalent to the Tensura Universe is entering a massive war with the Devourer, or the Blight, which they called has already proliferated at a terrifying rate. Just less than a month, over hundreds of millions were already dead and were in serious trouble that not even their Gods in that universe stood no chance."

(A/n: If you guys are wondering, Universe no. 4315814254 is the universe of my other stories like "Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age(Alternative)" and "The Vanoss Crew Journey to Another World", check it out if your interested on a cold blooded android protagonist with an army of world ending droids entering a fantasy world or a group of Youtube gaming idiotic youtubers transported in a world of fantasy creating laughter and chaos.)

"Hmmm." In deep thought, Leader return his gaze at Alex and begins to instruct him, "Alright Alex, you and Doyle go to that universe and make sure you annihilate all of the devourers before giving credit to their Gods to hide your trace from the residents, and make sure you do it without any of their Gods noticing."

"Yes sir." Alex bowed, "The Elder Gods and the Almighty Godfather, the creator himself in that multiverse might not like this if they realize we are responsible for one of their important worlds being devoured."

"Pfft! I don't even give a shit what they think, they can blacklist me all they want, but they should know that they are only bacterias in my eyes. I only did this because letting a single devourer loose could easily devour an entire multiverse if it's in its peak stage, which can be a huge problem for me."

"And also, what about Erik? Why should you trust him while he's the one not doing his job to contain a mouse size of these things. Especially one of them inside him."

"Alex, I trust Erik and his control over the devourer, but that devourer within his body I can't trust enough, and one of our own died just to save him, and I trained him all his life and made him a member of the council. I don't want to see him die, his like a son to me. And-"

Cutting his sentence off, the Leader could feel a buzzing noise coming from his pocket. Pulling out a flip phone from his pocket, he checks the message he has received.

"Shit, seems like the problem is getting worse. I think I decided to add another elite crow to go with you, Alex."



Then an elite crow emerged from a wall by phasing right through it. This was Klaus. 


"Hello mein friend. Mein name iss Klaus. Ein uff ze older elite krows here." he first introduced himself with a German accent.

"Nice to meet you."

"Introducing aside. You two and Doyle know what to do, and I hope you and the other three come back safe. Alright?" 

"Yes sir."


After saying their goodbyes, they left by vanishing from his sight, even from reality.

Seeing them leave, the Leader lowers his hat and sighed, "Good grief. Eons of working on policing fictional universes is kinda tiring."

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, SCP-507, commonly known as the "Reluctant Dimension Hopper" appeared in his chamber unexpectedly due to his uncontrollable teleportation power. 


"Ughhh, where am I now?"

As he rose off the ground, he turned around and the first thing he see was the Leader approaching him with a baseball bat in his hand.

"😠 You picked the wrong mansion, fool!"



As the Leader was about to bonk the living shit out of him with Doggo's divine baseball bat with the power enough to annihilate a horny God from existence, 507's teleporting abilities activated again on its own, teleporting 507 away from the mansion and from this universe in an instant.

"Well, he left." The Leader said as he placed the baseball bat into his infinite dimensional storage before wondering, "🤔 Hm, why do I feel like he's gonna play an important role in the future? 😁 Naaaah I might just be overthinking it."

(Author: *Intense Sweating*)