
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
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289 Chs

New Enemies Appeared, and... New Allies Made?(9)

A Krasny Soldat, a Mangler, a few Tempests, and a horde of zombies were roaming around the south side of the village until they started seeing soldiers armed with guns walking towards them, inciting the horde to attack them. However, the Tempests did not react. Why, you may ask? 

Because it wasn't real. 

Hidden in the area somewhere, Donna and Angie were spreading the hallucinating flower pollen that made the horde think they were seeing soldiers, and it was real enough in their eyes because that's how the  pollen works to make its victims feel it's real. The Tempest, on the other hand, were different since they lacked any sort of sensory organs and were basically crystals, making them immune.

The Tempests teleported to the top of a chimney in order to gain a good vantage on the one spreading the pollen. One of the Tempests quickly found Donna and Angie hiding behind a well and immediately materialized next to them, startling the two of them.


The Tempest was about to kill them by unleashing purple electricity when a hammer came hurtling at him at high speeds that as the hammer made impact on his body, the entire top half of his body was ripped apart into a hundred pieces, killing him in an instant.

The flying hammer then sped through the remaining zombies, and much like the Tempest, were obliterated into pieces from the alarming speeds at which the hammer was traveling. 

Soon after, the hammer came flying back into the hands of Heisenberg, who stood behind Donna and Angie and used his magnetic abilities to throw his usual weapon at deadly speeds.

"You two shouldn't be her,  you know." Karl said with a blunt look at the two.

Angie responded, "We were trying to help."

"No, crazy psycho doll, I am the help!" Karl exclaimed while gesturing to himself.

Just then, Karl noticed more zombies approaching them. With a swipe of his hand, he sent countless pieces of sharp metal objects at the zombies and severed them in half by the thousands.


Seeing him laughing in amusement, Donna turned to Angie and said, "Let him have his fun."

"😑 Sure, let him." 

Out of nowhere, a Krasny Soldat lands behind Donna and Angie, glaring at them through the visors. Before he could do anything, his entire armor got torn away by Heisenberg's magnetic abilities before it was being sliced in two by a piece of metal shard.

"Shouldn't have done that." Karl muffles as he raises portions of its armor into the air before striking it down on a handful of zombies nearby.

After killing all of the enemies around him, Karl, along with Donna and Angie noticed the remaining zombies were actually... running away?

"They're running?" 


In the village, just as Rodeo, Miranda, Alcina and her daughters continued on taking down zombie after zombie, they suddenly noticed the zombies were fleeing into the forest or diving into the wells across the village. As if some powerful entity was calling them back.

*Music Stops*

"That was so much fun!" Daniela cried exuberantly, "We should do this more often!"

"Shut it, Daniela! The Dark Aether is not something to look down on because it's a cosmic threat of epic proportions!" Rodeo shouted at Daniela and deeply stated, "We are talking about a world-ending scenario, and you want to talk about fun?!"

"World ending?" Said the Dimitrescu Daughters in surprise and confusion.

"You know what these things really are, don't you?" Alcina asked from behind Rodeo in a cold tone, same as Miranda as she glared at him coldly.

Feeling all the gazes around him, realization hit Rodeo as he accidentally spilled some important information to them that he wasn't intended to clarify soon.

"Ah shit."

"You better tell us the truth." Miranda repeats, as the pressure intensifies the more they look at Rodeo, pressing him for answers.

"...To the abandoned cathedral!"

*Time Skip, brought to you by Chibi Donna weaving a suit while Chibi Angie pets Chibi Rodeo's ears.* 


The Four Lords, Miranda, the Dimitrescu Daughters, and Rodeo were back in the abandoned cathedral following the attack last afternoon and disposing of the zombies corpses. Rodeo explained everything regarding the Dark Aether, its story and origins, as well as what it's capable of. 

Knowing Alcina and anyone else were not fucking around, even if he tried to lie, Miranda would already know, so Rodeo had no choice but to reveal where he came from and how he ended up here in the first place, including about the SCP foundation and its universe, the enemies he is currently dealing with, and the current problems there in order to clear their doubts about him and come to some understanding. He did, however, keep the G-man out of the topic just for safety reasons. 

Everyone who listened to him was astonished and stunned after hearing all of his explanations. 

"So... you're from a different world?" Karl asked, a hint of surprise can be seen in his face.

"Yes," Rodeo said, nodding slightly.

"And this Dark Aether has cosmic origins to it and is led by powerful beings?" Asked Miranda.

"Yes," Rodeo nodded once more.

"And you work for people who have deal with world-ending monsters?" Asked Bela.

"Uh huh." Rodeo nodded for the third time.

Alcina queried as she frowned, "And you didn't tell us about any of this because...?"

"Because I wasn't sure how any of you were going to react to this."

"Well, here we are! Now we have a world-ending cosmic force ready to kill us all and this world, and you being from another universe because of these things called SCPs that you call them." Karl said in a frustrated tone.

"How was I supposed to know that the dark aether might be here?! It's not supposed to be part of this universe!" Rodeo exclaimed, "Unless the dark aether is somehow leaking into different universes by someone or something, but the Shadow Man was dealt with in the original dark aether timeline, which leads me to think that guy might be doing this in some way."

"Who is it?"

"...The Forsaken."

Looking at everyone in front of him, Rodeo says to them, "Look people, this attack was just the first wave for the Forsaken to check whether this universe has anybody who can stop his plans." he explained.

Karl added, "And now he knows, because we are those people." 

"Yes, and sooner or later, the Forsaken will send more of his army at us from time to time in order to weaken us before launching a full-on assault, but we will not surrender nor will we give up, we can possibly stop them."

Rodeo paused for a moment as he looks at all of the villains that stood there in silence, he continues, "I know you all have done things which I can't forgive, but you all had reasons behind those acts and yet I'm still conflicted, but maybe, just maybe all of us can work together, you all might do something good for once and maybe earn a tiny bit of redemption. Otherwise this universe and all of you and the people of this world will be dead."

Standing there briefly, he declared, "So I ask you all for an alliance and because if you want to live to see another day and see the things you cherish, the time is now."

Everyone fell silent. Rodeo was asking for a fight against a cosmic being that could be considerably far powerful than all of them, and against whom they couldn't even win even if they combine their power against him.

"Look, I'm not forcing you, and while I want to go back to my friends in my world, I'm not going to leave this universe and allow a cosmic power like the Dark Aether destroy it, because I won't let evil do what it wants without making sure they receive this fists of justice and are stopped."

"...We will help." Donna and Angie both suddenly answered.


"Even if we don't win, we can at least stop them in some way with companions like you beside us," Angie shrugs.

"I'll help as well," Alcina followed, "I want my daughters safe and nothing else, I don't want them taken away from me by some cosmic monster, but don't think I've forgiven you completely regarding yesterday."

"Me and my sisters will also help," Bela stated, "We want Mother safe, and we won't let something take her away from us."

"I-I'll help as well," Moreau said nervously, "I think It's time I did something brave for all of you rather than be seen as unimportant."

"Karl? Miranda?" Rodeo asked as his gaze fixes at the two.

"The only reason I'm going to help is so that I can wake up the next morning and see a bright sunny day rather than an apocalypse, and so that I can kill you myself," Karl responded with an arm-crossed and a deep frown of his face. "It's not like I care about anyone anyway." 

"Fair enough. Miranda?"

"...I'll help, but only because I want to see my Eva's  consciousness safe in the Megamycete, and if we lose against this Forsaken, at least I'll be able to reunite with her in death." Miranda closed her eyes and nodded gently, "What more can we do?"

"Then we're all in agreement." Rodeo announced, "Now this alliance will last as long as the dark aether is active or we get caught in a situation where you might also get caught in the crossfire, but I highly doubt that will happen anytime soon. Now the Lycan army?"

"They will follow us without question." Miranda stated, "However, they are dealing with undead who are equipped with armor and mechanical weapons for warfare, but they will fight nonetheless."

"Karl, can you fix my armor?" Rodeo asked, looking at Karl. "The more protection, the better."

"I'll see what I can do, but I will make some modifications to it as well, just to equal the playing field." Karl responded with a small grin on his face.

"Great," Rodeo said with a smile before remembering something, "Oh, we still need one more thing for Moreau."

Miranda gave out a curious look, "And that would be?"

"...A 70 inch plasma screen TV." 

This caused Moreau's face to lit up in joy and enthusiasm.


"With Netflix."

Miranda gives Rodeo a blank gaze, saying, "I might need to talk with the Duke regarding that. Should it be 3D?" 

"No! That's a stupid fucking gimmick and everyone knows it!"

Most of the four lords laughed, while the rest chuckled and giggled in amusement. Rodeo did not anticipated things to go the way he expected today, but with the dark aether on the village's doorstep, ready to wreak havoc in the Resident Evil universe, new allies were also made unexpectedly, but will their alliance be permanent or temporary? Once everything is finished with the dark aether will Miranda and the four lords be enemies to Rodeo again? And will they win against the cosmic Dark Aether? 

Well, fate might just plan something for them. 

"What's Netflix?" Angie asked.


In the skies above Manhattan in New York City, Kars was flying over the massive city with his morphing wings and wearing human clothing as always, just to breathe the fresh air and fly among the city's common birds like seagulls and pigeons.

For days has passed, Kars did not find anything relating to Joseph Joestar or his presence here, which made him wonder. Is he dead? Is this even the world where he should be? Or is Joseph in hiding somewhere? Those questions were still lingering in his mind. 

Kars could only sigh and mutter, "Perhaps I should move out of the city."

Landing on the roof of a random building, he then smelled the air, picking up various things from humans, car smoke, and more of these vulgar environments created by humans.

However, there are three familiar scents that caught his attention. How is he able to pick up the scent? Due to him being able to morph and use the abilities of any animal on the planet, his sense of smell was now comparable to that of wolves or other animals with a keen sense of smell. In fact, he can use all of them and have the sense far greater than even all of the animals in the world combine. 

But the fact these scents were familiar to him, he needed to investigate. 

"Could it be... them?" 

Shooking his head, Kars brushes off the thoughts in his mind and flies off the roof, heading towards the scent to confirm his guess.


Three muscular men could be seen in an alleyway wearing clothing that covered basically their entire body. They had a couple of Harley Davidson chopper bikes parked and were just casually sitting around and doing nothing for now... until they felt a presence in the alleyway.

"Oh, you wish to challenge us? Then reveal yourself!" One of the muscular men sneered at the person they sensed approaching them.

"Actually, I wanted to ask how in the name of the Stone Mask are you all here?"

The familiar voice caught all of the three muscular men by surprise.

"It can't be! That voice!"

Kars, who was hidden in the alleyway with the use of his camouflage abilities of a Chameleon to blend in the environment, revealed himself in front of the three men, who were actually Wamuu, Esidisi, and Santana. 

Wamuu's eyes widened upon discovering his lord as he exclaimed, "Lord Kars! You've returned!?"

"Yes, I am."

Immediately, Wamuu, Esidisi, and Santana bowed down before him. 

Seeing his subordinates' reactions, Kars coldly said, "Let's have a talk. Shall we?"


A few minutes after that reunion, the four talked with each other regarding how they ended up here and what they've been doing up until now. Kars explained what occured to him and how he became immortal, but he withheld some information, such as his fight against Lisa Lisa, because Wamuu's pride as a warrior could make him question since his fight was more cheating rather than honorable. He also informed them regarding how he got thrown into space and the decades his been trap.

"I've failed you all as your master and avenger," Kars apologized to his men, his face flushed with guilt and contrite. "I couldn't avenge your deaths and lost to Joseph joestar. I am sorry." 

Esidisi chuckles as he pats Kars on the back, "Don't be, Lord Kars. This defeated look on you also doesn't suit you, and look we're all back together. How do humans say it? Hmm... Ah yes! The gangs all back together."

"And now I'm starting to wonder how much of the human way of living you've learned since you arrived here."

"A lot actually because believe me, Lord Kars, if we learn their ways a little bit, we might be able to better survive. You can still walk in the sun due to your immortality, but you have yet to learn their ways because in a strategic way it could benefit us and you as well if you think deeply. Heck, even the clothing me, Wamuu and Santana are wearing are perfect against the sun. In simple terms, we adapt, an important rule in the rules of nature."

"Couldn't agree more."

"So what are we supposed to do now, my lord?" Wamuu asked, "Because you've returned and clearly you have some plans, right?"

"It's hard to say. With the stone mask and the red stone no longer in my possession, and no Joseph joestar to be found, let's focus on learning about these groups." Kars stated, pulling out a Chaos Insurgency and Global Occult Coalition badge. 

Esidisi, Wamuu and Santana all noticed the badges and immediately recognized it. Wamuu followed by bringing out a Chaos Insurgency badge, Esidisi with a Global Occult Coalition badge, and Santana with an SCP foundation badge. 

"Hmm... It seems you had encounters with these groups, right?"

The three nod their heads.

"We will try to learn about them in some way and find out more about what this world truly is before we annihilate the humans."

"You have planned something, Lord Kars?" Esidisi asked.

Looking at his subordinate, a menacing smile spread across Kars' face and said, "We underestimated most of our human opponents and were easily defeated by their tricks, like Joseph Joestar for example back in the past. Humans are a threat to Pillar Men like us and we experienced that very well with that foolish Joseph joestar, but with my immortality and the past as a major lesson, we find some way to destroy all of humanity until there's nothing left but us Pillar Men only. We are the ultimate life forms and we will not let other life forms like humans walk among us!"

"But how do you propose we do that?"

"Perhaps these groups with the different emblems will give us the answers we need to our plans, but if fate has something for us, then we will use it to our advantage in humanity's destruction. This time, no underestimating them! No looking down on them! Nor will we let them defeat us with tricks! We. Will. Adapt and erase their kind once and for all!!"

"As you wish." Wamuu, Esidisi, and Santana both said in unison.

"But Wamuu, I'll let you fight them your way, but I still need you to learn from your past mistakes and be a better warrior."

"I will not let you down again, Lord Kars." Wamuu responds by bowing before Kars, "I'll prepare myself for the new battles that will occur in the future."

"Excellent. Now let's move out."

"Yes, Lord Kars." The three Pillar Men responded.