
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
284 Chs

Ghouls and Dragons(2)

Luke, who was moving at speeds that are invisible to the naked eye effortlessly avoids all of the hail of gunfire from a squad of four hellsing guards that emerged from a concealed door behind a mirror. Leaving a trail of light, he appeared between the four guards and with one fast swing of his curved blade, he cut them down instantly before the guards could react. 

Hearing a ringing and vibration from his pocket, Luke flipped his phone and answered it.


[Hello, hello, can you hear me, bro? It's Jan, commander of the great Hellsing killer army. We've finished taking over the first and second floors, now all that's left is to crash the conference room on the third floor and kick the shit out of everyone in there.]

"Proceed accordingly, and don't let your guard down," Luke said as he opened the secret entrance behind the mirror, "I'm heading for the basement now."

After hanging up the call, Luke notices blood stains on his suit's right sleeve and calmly wipes it away with his thumb.

"Let's find out what you can do, Alucard."

With a determined look, Luke heads for the sub-basement. 


"What's going on!?" Sir Penwood exclaimed.

Integra adjusts her glasses and responds, "The enemy will be here shortly, they've taken over the first and second floor as well as the roof area, the dark aether forces are preoccupied with the young man and his allies on the ground floor, but they might also show up here sooner or later, there's no way to escape anymore." 

"You're responsible for this!"

"Sir Penwood, there is no time to talk like that!" Sir Irons shouted back, "When it comes down to it, it's every man for himself, isn't that right, Integra?" 


Sir Penwood sits down on his chair and sighs, "They're ghouls and they are armed, then there's this dark aether you keep talking about that we conference members have no knowledge of. It's no use. We're... We're going to die." he said in a scared tone.

Until then, one of the wooden tiles on the ceiling of the room falls off, revealing a vent, and the tile hits Sir Penwood's head. From the vent came falling out Seras who landed on top of Pendwood with a certain nice view, knocking him out, and was followed by Walter as he skillfully fell out of the vent and successfully landed on the floor. 

"Are you alright, Miss Seras?" 

"I'm alright."

"Seras! Walter!"

"Sorry for being late, Sir Integra," Walter politely said to Integra, lighting up her cigar, "The defense forces have been completely wiped out, and the dark aether forces are still preoccupied it seems with Sir Rodeo and his allies," he explained, "I don't know who thought of organizing and arming these ghouls, but whoever it was certainly knows what they're doing. As for the dark aether, I'm not sure how they were able to find Rodeo and his allies, but I think this Forsaken wants to tie up loose ends it seems, after his invasion failure in that universe at their hands."

"Walter, give it to me straight. Are we done for?"

"No, never! Compared to what Sir Hellsing the First faced a century ago, this wouldn't even be considered a crisis. We will attack them with Mister Alucard and Lady Dimitrescu coming from the sub-basement and the two of us coming from the third floor, while Sir Rodeo will keep the second party occupied so we don't get overwhelmed instantly since they seem to be more focused on them at the moment."

In a serious manner, Walter continued, "Just as you have ordered, not a single one of them will be left standing, let's teach them just how expensive our tuition really is."

Integra and Walter both let out a devilish smirk on their faces while Seras blinked her eyes in confusion. Suddenly, the phone in front of Integra started ringing and she pressed the button on it.


[Integra! It's me, Rodeo! The Dark Aether is here!]

"We know! I got the information from the ones in the control room about it."

[Good! Because they aren't stopping, and we are just keeping on killing them!] Shotgun fire can be heard in the background amid Rodeo's yelling, [What's the situation on your end?!]

"The first and second floors have been taken over by armed ghouls led by someone known as the Valentine brothers, most of our guards are dead."

[...Damn it.] Rodeo mumbled underneath his breath, his voice tinged with anger, [Look, me and the rest are on the ground floor main entrance doors because more dark aether zombies are pouring through there since the portal in the hallway closed up. Furthermore,  it is the only exit we have for the conference members. When will Alucard, Alcina, Seras and Walter reach us?]

"They'll be there once they've dealt with the Valentine's and their ghoul soldiers, and by the way, how are you speaking to us right now?"

[I found a phone in the front desk area near the main entrance doors, but the people there were... already dead, no doubt by the ghouls you mentioned.]

Integra clenched her fist and snarled, "...We'll make them pay."

[...I know. Also, there might be a chance some of the dark aether forces that we lost sight of may be roaming around the first, second and possibly the third floor and if you see any armor or special-type zombies be careful with them, they are dangerous.] Rodeo warned, [Good luck on the ghouls and the Valentines, and please reach the ground floor as soon as you can.]

"We will."

The call terminates in the following moment. As soon as Integra hangs up, she silently looks at Walter and



"...Why is Lady Dimitrescu in the sub-basement, Walter?" 

"Alucard said to me, "I'll explain it later.""



Scene changes to Jan marching down the hall followed by his army of ghoul soldiers as they were now on the third floor and heading for the meeting room.

"♪ I don't give a shit! I don't give a fuck! Now if just give a shit, I might just give a fuck. But I don't give a shit, so I don't give a--! ♪"

In a blink of an eye, five of his ghoul soldiers were suddenly sliced to death instantly.

"...Fuck was that!?"

With a confused look on his face, Jan peered down the hallway to see someone approaching. 

In comes Walter, walking in like a classy posh butler with his razor wires ready, as he was the one who cut the ghouls in half with it. 

"Hello. My name is Walter C. Dornez. Ex-vampire hunter and butler to the Hellsing Organization. I answer the door, I clean up the estate, and I take out the trash... and I also kill self-entitled little twats like yourself."

"Well ain't you just the textbook fuckin' definition of classy!"

With a mocking look on his face, Jan snapped his fingers and the armored ghouls formed a shield wall formation with their guns aimed at Walter and their metal shields raised as they marched towards him.

"But guess what, Jeeves, that garrote wire won't do shit against armor this thick! What's that, Alfred? "How thick is it?" Well, half as thick as mah dick! So thick that you're gonna need a damn anti-tank rifle to pierce it, and I don't even see a piece on your wrinkly old ass."

Walter smirked, "...Miss Seras, commence direct support."

The view pans back to Seras, lying on the floor belly first close to the meeting room door at the other end of the hallway, holding her Hallconnen rifle, which was being pointed at the ghoul soldiers through the half open doors and ready to pull the trigger. 

"Yes sir!"

Finally pressing the trigger, she fired a shot from the massive rifle at the armored ghouls. In a fraction of a second, the high caliber bullet shredded right through multiple ghouls and their thick armored shields like paper, killing a significant amount in a single shot.

This dumbfounded Jan upon witnessing this.

"Oh fuck, that's an anti-tank rifle... OH FUCK  THAT'S AN ANTI-TANK RIFLE!"

Seras loads a new shell into the rifle and continuously fires again, shredding the other ghouls and killing a dozen more.

Bang! Bang! Bang!




Simultaneously, the moment Seras fired another round and a loud explosion erupted, Luke blasted a door open with a loud explosion and simply entered the sub-basement where Alucard is. 

"Even if you hide, I can still sense your powerful aura."

"Even if I hide?"

Looking ahead, Luke soon spotted someone sitting on the chair with their legs crossed.

'Wait, why does it sound feminine?' Luke pondered in confusion.

As Luke moves forward and look at the person on the chair closely, it reveals to be Alcina sitting on Alucard's chair with a cup of blood-infused wine in her hand. 

'._. That is a very tall lady.' That was the first thing that came to Luke's mind the moment he lay his eyes on her towering figure in admiration.

Brushing his thoughts aside, Luke approached Alcina and stopped directly in front of her.

"Who are you? And where is Alucard?"

"Lady Alcina Dimitrescu is my name, and Alucard is not currently here. What about you boy? Why do you want to see him?"

"My name is Luke Valentine, and I'm someone who admires the great Alucard."

"Oh? Tell me more, kinda curious."

"If you insist." Luke then explained, "Up until now, I've heard his name many times during my missions,"

'This will be boring.' Alcina mentally said as she yawned.

"How absurdly strong he is. How he can write in an ocean of blood while maintaining perfect grace. How a night-walker living outside the world of humanity. Beyond human. A monster whose powers radiate with a darkness that casts upon a shadow on darkness itself." 

With more admiration in his voice, he continued, "And now I know that all those rumors about him were true. When I was a human, I feared him. And when I gave up being human, I admired him. He is the trailblazer of immortality. Even after he dissolved into the darkness, I kept chasing his shadow."

"Oh please, get to the damn point, boy." Alcina interrupted as her tone went boredly.

"Ex...cuse you?" 

"Oh, I'm sorry, boy. I just felt the need to stop your talk short, because you talk too much."

"...Perhaps, I should just get straight to the point then,  my name is Luke Valentine, not boy."

"And again my name is Lady Alcina Dimitrescu of House Dimitrescu and ruler of Castle Dimitrescu. Guess where it is located... boy."

Luke growled, "I'm trying to have a serious conversation here."

"Oh, so am I, and I'm failing, and I'm sorry for that. It's just that I feel so annoyed, stressed out, and agitated because we're having problems against cosmic monsters, then at the same time some blonde man-thing little shit interrupted my peaceful drink from this fine wine that Alucard gave me and decided to stroll into his room and praising him like a little fangirl he is."

"...Change of plans, I'm killing you."

"Good to know."

The wine glass fell off the table, and before it could hit the floor, Alcina instantly brought out her sword-like claws from her hand. However, Luke materialized very close to Alcina and brought out his modified M1 Garand rifle at her head at point blank range while Alcina had her claws poised for Luke's neck. 

Luke seemed pissed while Alcina had a shit-eating grin plastered on her face as they stared at one another for a brief moment.

Finally, the wine glass shatters against the floor, and immediately Luke shoots Alcina in the head, followed by Alcina slashing his neck which happened within a fraction of a second. 

With Luke's body collapsed on the ground, Alcina remained standing with her head jerked back as she glanced at the ceiling with the bullet wound lingering on her forehead. Her grin still didn't leave their face as she stayed motionless, not until she burst out laughing like a lunatic. 


"Even your laugh pisses me off."

With an annoyed groan, Luke stood up with his bloody neck regenerated before utilizing his vampire abilities to shoot Alcina again in her chest. However, it seemed unaffected against her as Alcina began to slashed him down with her bladed claws on a constant bases, but Luke with his extraordinary reflexes maintained escaping the attacks while firing at her with his rifle continuously

Alcina deflected the shots that Luke continued to fire with his rifle, but some did damage her, but her regeneration abilities would heal her later nonetheless. 

"I'm not like the other vampires! I'm going to surpass Alucard and become number one!"

Reaching close to Alcina once more, he pointed his rifle at her head again, but in doing so it allowed Alcina a chance to attack with her claws.



Alcina went for a horizontal slash, but Luke leaped aside before the claw could hit him and continued moving like a blur to evade all the slashes.

Alcina thought, 'Damn it, even if I went for a close combat scenario with this man, I wouldn't be able to catch up to him. Just need the right moment to strike.'  

As Luke continued on dodging more attacks from Alcina, it was until a large object came flying towards him at lightning fast speed, but Luke barely dodged the object and allowed it to smash against the wall. Not only it shattered the chair completely but it made a hole on the wall as a result, revealing a flight of stairs leading to the upper floors. 

"What the hell?" Luke couldn't help but let out a surprised expression as he looked behind him before shifting his gaze to Alcina in disbelief, "Is that a chair? Did you throw that with such strength?"

"...Indeed it is."

With a deep tone and soul-piercing glare, Alcina releases a massive swarm of flies towards Luke. However, with a serene expression on his face, the man took out his curved knife and practically chopped every single flies into pieces with one fast swing. 

Alcina chuckles, "Your reflexes are amazing."

"I told you, I'm not like the other vampires!" Luke said as he rushed at Alcina once more.