
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
289 Chs

Fight, Run, or Die(2)

Back at Site-28, Rodeo was discussing with Michelle, Krieg, Robert and the MTF captain of Urban Brawl on their next course of action until they heard a massive explosion and the entire building shook. This was due to Fu's energy orb which was luckily far from their location.

"What was that?!" Michelle exclaimed as she nearly lost her balance.

Rodeo ignored her question as he peered out the window and noticed a massive cloud of dust and smoke rising from the place where Fu and Evan are, "Must be Fu. Hope Evan and Alcina's daughters didn't run into them."


The place where Fu's energy orb hit was covered in a cloud of dust and smoke. When it eventually cleared up, what was left of the small city district was a 2000 meter wide crater with Evan nowhere to be seen.

Fu chuckled, "Maybe I over did it a bit, but who the fuck cares! He dead :3"

"Think again!"

Fu's eyes widened, and as he turned around he was met with two knives stabbing both of his eyes. Fu cries out in pain and blinding him only in those eyes since he had other eyes on his body. It turns out that Evan avoided being dissolved into atoms by outflying the explosion and traveled a considerable distance away from it before being disintegrated and reduced to atoms.


With a grin, Evan brings out five knives and stabs him in the back with them before bringing out ten more knives and stabs his chest followed by six more to stab his legs and arms with it.


With his final move, Evan swung his hand down and split Fu's head vertically in half as his body stayed standing motionless, taking his life at last... or so Evan believed.


All of a sudden, Fu's right hand arm moved at a speed that even Evan was caught off-guard, and couldn't react in time when Fu's clawed hands slashes his right eye, blinding him in the right eye completely as he recoiled a few steps back and hold his bleeding eye in pain.


At the following instant, Fu's body started moving again and adjusted his split head back to its original position before removing all the knives off his body. Fu possessed a regenerative ability to mend his wounds and maintain the integrity of his body although it's of a much less powerful scale unlike 682's, carnage or anyone with a powerful and quicker healing factor.

"That stings like hell!" Fu shouted in a voice filled only with rage.

Before he knew it, he saw Evan fly towards him in an instant and drop kicked him off the roof before crashing down on the streets. Fu quickly stood up but was immediately met with a right hook to the face from Evan, who leaped to his left and land another punch to the face, briefly stunning him before he grabs a piece of rebar and smashed it on his head, stabbing him right through his chest followed by a kick that send Fu a short distance away.

With an infuriated roar, Fu swinged both of his arms skyward and Evan swiftly sidestepped to the right and dodged a golden spike erupting from the ground, followed by side stepping to the left and dodged another spike before back flipping away from another spike and lands on the top of a lampost.

"Annoying asshole!" Fu yelled as he sent his hair tendrils at Evan in the hopes to stab him with them but Evan leaped off the lampost, leaving the thing being violently impaled by the hair tendrils.

"EVAN SMASH!" Evan bellowed as he slammed both his fists down on Fu's face, driving his head into the ground and shook the surroundings. Lifting Fu up over his arms and shoulders, Evan power bombs him to the ground.

Cracking his neck, Evan let out a cocky smile as he asked, "Have enough-"

He began to ask, but was immediately cut short when Fu kicked his face, followed by an X slash across his chest, his claws easily punctured through his armor chest plate and entering his flesh, giving Evan a deep cut wound. In response to this, Evan countered with two fast right jabs, but Fu easily seized his arm and twisted it violently.


"CRY MORE, PUSSY!" Fu said with a psychotic grin.

With a groan, Evan quickly scissors kicks Fu's face, compelling him to release him. Moving behind Fu, Evan wrapped his arms around his waist and suplexed him to the ground with a strong force. Evan then grabs both of his legs and tossed him towards a building's wall where Fu crashes face first into it.

Without delay, Fu removed himself out of the wall and gazed at Evan with murderous intent.

"You're a tough son of a bitch!"

"Come on then!" Evan shouted at him as he realigned his twisted right arm, "Ow!"

Fu and Evan soon flew towards each other. Fu gives a right hook to Evan's face. Evan responds by giving a left uppercut to Fu's chin. Fu followed by headbutting Evans face but the latter promptly kneed him in the gut making him cough out some blood.

Before he could react, Evan gets his legs sweeped by Fu's spinning sweep kick and sent down on the ground. Fu grabs him by the throat and chokeslams him to the ground, preparing to launch another attack when Evan suddenly gives him a lightning-fast left jab to his face, causing Fu to release him from his hold on his throat.

Lifting a nearby car over his arms, Evan swings it horizontally on Fu, sending him flying across the street and crashing into a wrecked car. With all his might, Evan tossed the car at Fu but the enraged alien sprang to his feet and slashed the car horizontally, splitting it in two before it could hit him. As soon as he did that, he was suddenly met by Evan flying towards him.

This time, however, Fu was prepared as he flew towards Evan at fast speeds, reeling his right fist back while Evan followed as both let out a loud cry that can be heard from miles away.



They soon drew near enough to each other that, using all of their strength, they simultaneously landed their fist at each other in the face, generating a powerful shockwave that instantly crumbled the surrounding buildings and shattered the ground beneath their feet like glass. The intensity of their blows caused them to be launched apart into the air and crashed against two different walls on opposite sides of the street.

~ Music Ends ~

With a slow, deliberate fall, the two fighters gradually toppled from the walls and collapsed face first on the ground. Both were heavily injured but Fu was trying his best to heal his wounds with his regeneration while Evan's condition was in a much worse state as a result of the severity of Fu's attacks, including the final punch that fractured many of his bones.

With a heavy pant, Fu stands up and exclaims, "You...*pants* are really...*pants* Woo! Let me catch my breath!"

Evan stood up and wobbled around a bit before saying, "I ain't gonna let you... *pants* I'm finishing this…" he paused, breathing heavily momentarily before letting out a pained grunt, "My back."

Fu smirks upon seeing this perfect opening and sends his hair tendrils through the ground. A moment later, dozens of tendrils came bursting through the ground behind Evan and stabbed him in the back before wrapping themselves around his body and starting constricting like a snake, crushing him from the inside as Evan cried out in pain.


"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Fu laughed maniacally as he walked up to Evan, "Sorry but I like to play a bit unfair and, hey, everything is fair in love and war and even if you use your power to stop time, I can't be affected by it due to the dark aether crystal that I kept inside me. But thanks for the fight, so going to tell me where the rest of your friends are and what they're planning? Engel needs to know."

Glaring at Fu as he was being crushed, Evan mustered these words, "Tell her....*grunts* to go fuck herself!"


With no hesitation, Fu slashes Evan's left eye and now Evan is blinded in both eyes.


"Hey you didn't give the right answer, so I'm just giving you a taste of pain," Fu nonchalantly responded, proceeding to stab both sides of Evan's chest with his claws and piercing them deeper, causing Evan to scream louder in pain, a sound that Fu wanted to hear for his own twisted amusement.

"Hahhahahahaa! Cry little baby! CRY!"

At that very moment, a flashbang suddenly falls next to Fu's feet and explodes on his face, blinding him and releasing Evan in the process. Without wasting even a split second, Evan flies away, despite being blind, he didn't care if he went in a random direction, the only thing he thought was to get as far from Fu as possible.

As Fu regains his vision, a huge amount of killing intent bursts from his body as he roars.


Out of nowhere, a few dozens of GOC soldiers in exo-suits manifested out of thin-air and surrounded Fu, who felt surprised and wondered when did they appear without him noticing.

"Weapons free!" said one GOC soldier as he and the rest opened fire on Fu but the bullets did zero damage

Fu sneered as another energy orb manifest on his hand, "Fuckers losers! Your nerfguns ain't do shi-" He began to say, but he stopped himself speaking when he noticed a grenade close by.


At first, Fu thought a mere explosive device would do nothing to him, but much to his shock, the moment the grenade detonated, the orb on his hands vanished and he reverted back to his original form.

"What the fuck!?"

"Target's anomalous power is disrupted, switch to the special bullets!" The GOC soldier shouted, bringing out a magazine that seemed unique in appearance. He inserts it in his rifle, followed by his fellow men as they begin firing at Fu, who couldn't help but feel dumbstruck as he felt a stinging sensation by the hail of anomalous bullets.

"Fucking hell! Since when can these things hurt me!?" Fu shouted in disbelief. He had battled armies far more advanced and powerful than this backwater planet, yet these natives were somehow able to harm him with mere pellets.

This... this humiliation. Him, a fucking God, being harmed by a weak and inferior creatures struck his nerves to his core, enough to infiltrated him to the point when a purple light glowed on his groin.

"RAHHHHHHH!! FUCK OFF!!!" Fu roared, and the purple light which was the dark aether crystal on his groin burst off, reverting back to his boss form and sending his hair tendrils to stab all GOC soldiers in the head within a blink of an eye before dumping their dead forms on the ground.

Panting his breath, Fu examined the badge on their uniforms, "They ain't the same guys we're fighting, the logo is different."

At that moment, he heard the sound of propellers behind him. As he turned around, he was met with four GOC attack helicopters hovering and surrounding him with their weapons armed and loaded.

Simultaneously, the GOC helicopters launched their rockets at him. However, Fu snorted as he effortlessly caught every one of the rockets with his bare hands and hurled them back at the GOC helicopters, sending them crashing onto the ground and explode.

Fu glances around and groans in frustration, "That guy escaped. Well, he can't see and hurt me so he might not have gone far," he said with a shrug, "Oh well. I'll let Engel's men deal with him."

Removing a GOC badge from one of the fallen GOC soldiers, Fu flies back to the Ausmerzer, not knowing that Kars was sitting on the gargoyle statue of a nearby building watching him leave.

"Interesting, some new players have come to bring war in this world that me and the rest are in. It doesn't matter. My objective is not this war anyway."

Morphing his arms into wings, Kars flies away in an attempt to reach his subordinates, failing to notice Stroheim is perched on the roof of another building not far from Kars. Using a pair of binoculars to observe Kars leaving, Stroheim seemed to think the orders he was given by Engel to scope the city for any threats was not that as detrimental as he initially thought after all.

"Kars," Stroheim muttered, putting the binoculars away from his face which expressed a deep scowl, "To think I would see a ghost from the past here, and still being in ultimate form. Just what do you plan now, Kars?"

Stroheim decides to follow Kars and gather further information before relaying it to Engel or if needed, the Forsaken.


The blinded Evan was still flying in the sky until he landed in an alleyway much to his luck and began to roam around in search for an entrance door of any building since he was blinded. Up to that point, his hand landed on a door knob and he ripped it off the door before opening it to enter to find what appeared to be a kitchen.

The reason he knows this is because he could smell the various food within.

Sitting underneath one of the kitchen counters where he can remain himself hidden, Evan heavily pants and relaxes himself.

"The Forsaken came much more prepared and more dangerous than ever. Couldn't you have made Thanos or Darksied or some other powerhouse mad instead, Rodeo?" He questioned that in his thoughts as he grunted in pain, "I need to warn Rodeo somehow about the enemy possessing crystals to nullify time abilities and let Robert patch me up,"

Evan let out another small grunt from his injuries. Pressing a button on his MTF armor that set off an emergency Beacon. This will relay to other members of Queen's Requiem that he is in trouble and alerting them to his whereabouts. Since his radio got shattered along with the helmet by Fu, this was his only option.

"Hope they make it, and hope Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela are alright, or their mom will kill me."


On Site-28, Rodeo, Robert, Kreigs and Michelle continued on discussing their plans when suddenly their armor started beeping.

"Hm?" Rodeo activated a hologram map of the city which projected from an LED light on his right wrist guard, displaying the location of an emergency Beacon and the name of the person who activated it was Evan.

"Dang it I knew trouble would meet him, hope he's okay," Rodeo murmured to himself as he turned to face the MTF Captain of Tau-51, "You and your men stay here and guard the facility with Michelle and Krieg. Robert and I will take a humvee and retrieve Evan."

"You sure you don't need Sergeant Gordon and the rest of the men?"

"Don't worry. Me and Robert will be enough."

The MTF captain and the rest nodded their heads at Rodeo, who move out with Robert to take a humvee and drive down the devastated streets in an attempt to locate Evan based on the beacon's location.

"So Fu and his gang are here, huh?" Robert broke the silence as he drove the humvee.

"Yeah, I just wonder what else did Forsaken bring with him. This is totally not the same as how he invaded the Resident Evil or Hellsing universe. It's more precise and insane than that," Rodeo stated as he lowered his head, feeling ashamed as he added, "All because of me."

Glancing at Rodeo with concern, Robert assured him, "...Look man, we can only fight. That's what we can do, and win. Please don't blame yourself, either way this is bound to happen whether we like it or not."

"You might be right, let's just get Evan and Alcina's daughters before planning something back at Site-28."

Robert slightly nodded and they kept on driving down the devastated streets.