
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
289 Chs

Control is Everything(16)

On the eighth floor, there were two broken vending machines along a hallway. Through the space between the two vending machines, D4C emerged. As he looked left and right to see no one, he walked down the corridor and turned right where he saw two large metal doors with the logo of the foundation. The guards stationed there were already dead, no doubt by the hands of the forces of the hell dimension that escaped containment, 

There was a digital keypad next to the door. However, there was no hand or eye scanner for the door's computerized keypad. It appears that a code must be required in order to open it.

From his radio, D4C receives a call, which he answers.

"Yes, Washichi."

[Boss, we might have a small problem.]

"Tell me."

[Born this Way and Price of Decay were unable to keep the two Human Stands at bay and 076 has been eliminated by Black Sabbath and SCP-5351 is knocked out cold.] The Japanese Hacker explained, [But one problem that was taken care of quite quickly was The World who was about to head to Crazy Diamond for healing was immediately knocked out by Price of Decay's Stand user, Alessandro.]

He added, [You might also have some company soon in the form of two Stand users and three Human Stands and one of them being King Crimson who you seriously injured coming to you. So you might have to pick up the pace.]

"My clones have already started roaming around the 8th floor so that will keep them at bay for now. Tell Born this Way and Alessandro to set themselves up for phase 2 of the plan: The escape." D4C began to explain, "Tell Scary Monsters to try and eliminate Crazy Diamond by going toe to toe with him. He's the only healer in Queen's Requiem and his repair ability could make more problems for us and perhaps it might act enough as a distraction so that phase 2 can work. Now Washichi, start the hacking process."


The digital keypad then began to type on its own, which was actually Washichi's doing since he is a skilled hacker and was in control of Site-17's servers so he could hack it without any trouble. Although his abilities were those of a genius and a prodigy who could potentially hack an entire nation's government or even the Pentagon. The Foundation's systems were much more intricate than any advanced systems he had ever worked on, and the code hacking is taking a bit of time.

"This is gonna take a while."


Since they discovered some extra medkits in the lab, Jacob was receiving treatment for his wounds from Amelia while lying down on a table in a lab on the eighth floor. While Green and Rodeo only suffered minor wounds, they had their wounds wrapped, and they kept their guard up in case they were ambushed. Michelle treated her own wounds by herself while Amelia on the other hand only had a dislocated right leg as it was merely being wrapped in bandages.

"So this D4C can only make clones or do more than just that?" Green said.

Rodeo responded, "It's a complicated Stand to understand but I'll say one thing about him. He can make parallel worlds to co-exist at the same time or in the same place."

"So basically it's a dimension hopper."

"Yes." Rodeo nodded, he glanced at the injured Jacob and then asked, "Jacob, you said that Jeff and you got separated right?"

"Yeah, but I'm not sure where he is right now?"

"How many elevators are on this site?" He questioned Green.

"Five elevators with three of them being cargo elevators. Why do you ask?"

"If D4C's already got the Arrow then no doubt he will head to the topside or better yet dimension hop out of here. So might need to head to the topside soon in case he does move out."

Suddenly, they started to hear various noises emanating from the lab's cupboards, cabinets, vents, and drawers.

"...Amelia, patch up Jacob quickly and Michelle, get your wounds patch up as quickly as possible. We might have company."

Everyone followed his instructions promptly and nodded as they quickly did what they were told to do. At that very moment, the drawers, cupboards, and vents opened up and D4C clones sprang out.

*Music Continued*

"So you've come this far it seems." One of the D4C clones spoke.

"But those who control fate are the real peacemakers." The second added.

The third one said, "And you are attempting to prevent our root world version from achieving control." 

"Your heavy hitters and supporters have been divided." The fourth one stated.

"The site is in chaos because you had no control of the situation. While our root world version was the one in perfect control all this time. You were destined to fail because you had no control of anything and had no control over fate itself." The fifth one said.

"But our root world version has an offer for you. Join his side and he can guarantee a perfect world that is controlled for the SCP world and other worlds as well." The sixth one makes a proposal to the group, only for Rodeo to reject it, saying.

"How about no!"

"Then you shall pay the price of going against his idea of control with your blood." The seventh clone added as he and the rest of the clones charged towards them. 



Leaping forward, Rodeo punches two D4C clones with both of his fists. In an instant, his fists create a huge explosion on their faces, blasting a majority of the D4C clones into oblivion. Even though he had obliterated all of them at once, more began to emerge from the cabinets, drawers and vents. 


Michelle shouted and proceeded to unleash a barrage of punches on the clones, knocking them down with her rubber arms.

"Since when can she do it?!" Green muttered in bafflement.

"Rodeo! Green! You both know this is a distraction! So you head for the vault and stop D4C! Me and Amelia will handle them, and also Jacob if he can."

"I can try."

Following her words, Green and Rodeo nod in agreement then rush out of the lab and head for the vault. Meanwhile, Amelia with her Stand Locked Away, Jacob, who was still injured was ready to face them, and Michelle, who took a fight ready themselves to fight against the D4C clones.

As soon as they were prepared, the three charged towards them and the D4C clones charged at their direction.


"Come on, Washichi." D4C grumbled impatiently.

After a short while of waiting for the door to open, he heard sounds of explosion coming from further down the corridor, and they were growing closer. 

When he glances back, D4C noticed a deceased scientist was visible on the corner not far from him. He grabs his lab coat as a means of escape. The sound of the beep was heard, followed by the opening of the doors, and as he entered, he discovered that the room's floor and ceiling were constructed entirely of steel. There is a bank-style vault at the far end of the room that must be unlocked manually as opposed to digitally

Standing in front of it, D4C murmured, "Maybe if I can..."

Before he could do anything, he heard footsteps, he whirled around to see a Dread Knight approaching him. 

"Did you set us free with the help of your allies?" The Dread Knight questioned

"Yes, I did."

Looking at the Vault Door, the Dread Knight seemed to understand his attention, so he walked up to it and carved a circular hole through it with his energy blades. 

"Now we are even." The Dread Knight stepped back and stated. Looking at D4C, directly right into his eyes, the Dread Knight's eyes shoned intensely, "But the next time we meet, me and my kind will rip and tear all of you until it is done." 

The Dread Knight leaves those words on him and exits the room fast. Watching him leave, D4C entered the vault through the hole made by the Dread Knight on the door and found the Stand arrow laying on top of a glass pedestal. 


Without wasting time, he cautiously takes it, being careful not to get scratched by the tip. As he was preparing to exit the vault, he sees Green with his Stand Cerberus and Rodeo blocking his path from out of the room. 

*Music Pauses*

"D4C, you're gonna pay for what you did to everyone on this site." Rodeo muttered, glaring at him aggressively.

"I did nothing wrong, Killer Queen." D4C shrugged his shoulders and explained, "I just spoke the truth regarding the foundation and tested whether or not they are capable of controlling the situation that I created. So far they disappoint me." he shook his head in disappointment before his turn to ask.

"And about you? How can you do anything good with the Foundation, Killer Queen? If they can't control their world's fate and control the monsters that can end this world in the blink of an eye, they keep on delaying death like they always do over and over again and keep on replacing their people or send to the D-class division and act like cold hearted monsters. What's the point in working with them? Especially you, Agent Green?" he turned to Green's direction and asked.

"What about me?" 

"I know from your records that you lost your son to SCP-023. You tried to ask the foundation to terminate it but the request was denied and they couldn't even find a way to nullify its anomalous effects... or maybe they did find a way but never told you because they wanted to keep you in the foundation for a very long time."

"...What the hell are you saying?" Green asked, his expression darkened as he listened.

"Don't listen to him, Green. He's just trying to get to your head." Rodeo advised him.

"Am I though? Think about it, Agent Green. They see you as a valuable asset to the cause and believe me they will use deception and lies as a way to keep you around here because after your son's passing and you gaining a Stand, they've been trying their best to keep you here." D4C said, his words seemed to affect Green as he appeared to be twitching in anger.

He continued, "You think they kept you and Dr. Buck here because of all the hard work you did... No. They just see potential in you and just bring you here and once they see you as a liability, they will get rid of you. You think you are a hero here. No, you're just a weapon to be used and then replaced when needed. Same goes for Dr. Buck. You're all just assets."

"Shut it and just surrender already."

Pulling something out, D4C threw some files next to his feet. Green and Rodeo pick up the files and open them out of curiosity.

"What is this?"

"Parallel worlds exist, Agent Green. These files are from those parallel worlds which show your and Dr. Buck's fate. In some of those parallel worlds, SCPs don't exist and you live the family life with Dr. Buck, or you just keep working with SCP Foundation as an assassin after you lost everything or Dr. Buck died at the hands of 023 or you are part of the Chaos Insurgency and even try to destroy the foundation, including one reality that you even terminated Dr. Buck in that parallel world."

"Both of your fates are either just good or just terrible and those files from said parallel worlds are the truth. Green, in this root world you really think you can have a happy ending for yourself and Dr. Buck? No, because as long as the monsters walk in the shadows and your connection to the foundation stays, you two will never have a happy life and you will lose everything and be alone once again, just like how you were after you lost your previous family because you just worked with the foundation." he added.

As Green and Rodeo continue to examine the parallel world files further, they seem legitimate. This made Green considerably infuriated as a result, especially after hearing the things that D4C had said. 

This goes unnoticed by Rodeo as he stared at him and shouted, "Green, calm down! He wants us to make a mistake. We need to attack him precisely and-"

"History is doomed to repeat itself, Thomas Green. Fate will repeat the same tragedy that happened to you all those years ago the longer you stay with the foundation, because it was written by fate itself for you long ago. Things never will change, and you will lose Dr. Buck and your friends, because of your written faith." Says D4C, interjecting Rodeo's speaking.

Standing there motionless for a brief moment, Green finally snapped and charged in his direction. Rodeo made a valiant effort and desperately attempted to stop him, but he immediately got backhanded on the face by Cerberus, sending Rodeo flying meters away, all because Green was blinded in rage.

When he notices that his strategy is working and that Green is heading in his direction, D4C throws the lab coat into the air and jumps underneath it, which activates his dimension hop ability. When Green grabs the lab coat and throws it away, D4C is no longer there.

"Damn it!"

Behind him, Rodeo grabs him by the collar and shouted, "Goddamn it, Green! You let him get to you and now he might have reached to the topside by now all because you were pissed off of your and Amelia's future!" he scolded him severely.

"Says the 20 year old man who comes from a world where SCPs are just fiction and lives a better life than this fucking hell that I've been living in and putting my life on the line with monsters getting involved!" Green shouted back angrily.

Rodeo responded in a severe and threatening voice, "Do not make me the enemy here and try to alter the issue as well, Green."

"Yo, Rodeo."

Hearing a new voice coming from their side, they turned to the left and watched Jeff emerge through the wall through a hole he had made with his zippers. 

"Why are you guys yelling at each other?" 

Letting go of Green's collar, Rodeo didn't answer his question and asked , "Jeff, where were you?"

"Fighting bugs, getting Logan and some guards and MTF soldiers to safety. So does anything happen here?" 

Rodeo stated, "D4C got the arrow. We need to regroup with Michelle, Jacob and Amelia so follow me." He ordered, then turned back to look at Green and said, "We'll discuss this later."

Green reluctantly nods and all three of them leave the room.