
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
289 Chs

Another New Enemy(1)

Rodeo was lying on his bed without his armor on, reflecting on the incident that occured the day before. He wasn't pleased, and while he's relieved the others are alive, he was sincerely wanted to change things and save their men, but the Forsaken and his forces prevented him so, and made the situation worsen, which only made him feel worse.

"Did you really think you can change things around here?"

Glancing to his right, Rodeo saw the G-man sitting on a chair with his usual smirk on his face.

"Even if you did, you risk damaging this world's timeline and with the Forsaken now here, I'm afraid this world is gonna have changes in one way or another... but in a bad way."

Rodeo angrily stood up from his bed and yelled, "You set the Forsaken free! Clearly you're at fault here!"

"I do what I do, because I have reason... in doing it."

""What do you want from me?! In fact, what do you want to gain from me, you lunatic bastard?!"

"...I'm afraid I can't answer that question for you."


Interrupting his conversation with G-man was when a knock on the door was heard. Rodeo looks at the door then back at G-man, only to find he had already left.

"Damn you," Rodeo growled, but he managed to calm himself down before looking at the door, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Seras."

Rodeo walked up to the door and opened it to see Seras.


"...Hi, Seras."

With a sweetful smile on her face, Seras enters his room and sits on a chair while Rodeo sits on his bed and stares down.

"...How are you doing?" Seras asked, feeling concern upon seeing his behavior.

"Great... and terrible."

"Rodeo, I know and understand how you feel. I'm not even happy with what happened to our fellow hellsing members, but there was nothing we could have done," Seras assured him before calmly stated, "If you weren't on the ground floor keeping the zombies at bay, things could have been much worse. The conference members even thanked you."

"...I have seen people die in the previous world I've been to, Seras, and they just keep dying the more I try to do something right. I'm not even a bad person, so why do I have to go through these things everytime?"

"Rodeo, there are just some things in life you can't expect and there are just some things you can't just change, avoid, stop or walk away from, sometimes you need to face or accept those things one way or another."

"...I want to accept, and yet at the same time, I can't. I'm just feeling... conflicted about certain things."

"Like what?"

"...It's just that I try to find reason about someone or something before making a decision on what I should do, and it's been happening ever since I've been in the universe from where Alcina and the rest came."

"...I see."

"...How are the rest doing?" Rodeo then asked.

"They're doing fine for now," Seras simply answered as she cast a fleeting glance towards Rodeo before saying, "Rodeo, if you don't mind me asking?"


"Were you talking to someone? Because I heard you yelling when I arrived at the door."

"I was just... yelling at myself."

"Are you sure?" Seras asked, tilting her head in confusion.


"Okay," Seras says as she stares at his ears, "Can I…"

"Go ahead."

Smiling excitedly, Seras proceeded on petting his ears and commented, "They're just triangles, but they look adorable on you."

"I get that a lot."


Interrupting the two, both turn to face Walter at the door as he asks.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"I was just petting his ears, Walter!" Seras exclaimed as she abruptly releases Rodeo's ears with a sheepish expression on her face.

"...Okay." Walter responded with a blank look before staring at Rodeo, "Sir Rodeo, Sir Integra wishes to speak to you at her office."

"Alright then."


Sitting on a chair was Integra as she was currently sitting in front of her office desk until she noticed the door open to see Rodeo entering her office wearing his armor, holding his helmet on one of his hands.

"Alright I'm here, Sir Integra."

"Yes, it's regarding what we found about the word Millennium itself. Do you know what it means?"

"Of course, I have read a dictionary for hours since I was a middle school student, so I know what it means. It means 'A thousand years'."

"Correct, and do you remember an empire that wanted a thousand years and plunged the world into a war?"

"...The Third Reich."

"Exactly, and I believe this Millennium might be remnants of that Reich."

"I see, but we don't know where they are operating from, right?"


'Where's BJ when you need him?' Rodeo thought.


"Yeah?" Rodeo broke out of his reverie and fixed his gaze on Integra.

"You said in your stories that you lead a team in the scp foundation, right?"

"Yeah, I am, but it's not an easy job."

"...Do you think I'm responsible for what transpired yesterday?"

"No, we were both responsible for what happened. I felt like something bad was gonna happen, but we got attacked by the dark aether which we didn't expect to show up with the ghouls. Both of us didn't expect our enemies to show up and unleash chaos. So you're not the only one feeling bad about all of this."

The edge of Integra's lips curved into a faint smile and said, "I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one feeling like this regarding yesterday's events."

"...Sir Integra, we both are leaders of our respective teams or organizations. Responsibility is a big thing to bear especially when you know that the person bearing it is people like you and me. We have to accept it one way or another."


"So do you have a plan to bring some new people to join our group because while me and my friends are powerful enough to defend you, we still need people here when we are not around."

"Yes actually, Walter came up with one. A mercenary group known as, "Wild Geese.""

"Well, we are out of options either way, so we need all the help we can get. So when will they arrive?"

"By tomorrow night. We need to show them what the organization deals with, and they'll do their jobs so long as they are getting paid."

"Got it."

Then he thought, 'I mean, I also have the Spy on my side as the Scp foundation's mercenary, so... yeah.'


The next day, the Wild Geese mercenary group were standing inside a room while the group's leader was seated in reverse on a chair.

A leader named Pip Bernadotte.


"They are going to be paying us to kill monsters." He said to his men in a French accent.

"What?!" Shouted one of the mercenaries.

"You gotta be kidding me." says another, laughing.

"It's true."

The wild geese mercenaries and Pip turn to see Integra entering the chamber, addressing the group of mercenaries as she continues.

"The enemies are immortal creatures that sustain themselves by taking blood. Your job, gentlemen, is to fight these monsters using bullets, garlic and holy water. Put a stake through its heart, cut off its head, burn them down and scatter the ashes. For further instructions consult Bram Stoker books."

"That's just ridiculous." A random mercenary said.

"Everyone knows that vampires aren't real." Another one added.

"Then everyone is quite mistaken or more accurately we've kept them in a state of blissful ignorance. For over a century the hellsing organization has served the British Empire in the fighting a secret war against the forces of darkness. The vampire in particular. For those of you who still need convincing," she gestures to her right, "I present to you a genuine vampire."

Pip and the mercenaries looked in the direction to where Integra was pointing. To their confusion, they only saw Seras standing next to a wall.

"Wait! Wait!"

Restraining his laughter, Pip approaches Seras and asks, "Hold on, you're telling me you're a vampire?"

"Uhh yes, I am. Hello."

Pip and the wild geese mercenaries burst out laughing, finding out that her being a vampire was just ridiculous.

"I think they are laughing at me." Seras says as she glances at Integra.

Integra smirked, "Then prove them wrong."

"Yes sir!" Seras nods her head before glancing back at Pip "Come on then."

"If you're a vampire, then I'm Frankenstein's monster." Pip couldn't stop laughing as he raised both arms resembling a Frankenstein and approached Seras.

Before Pip knew it, Seras raised her hand and with a flick of finger, his head was instantly knocked back, bleeding. Seras then flicked his head two more times and sent Pip flying and crashing next to his men, who were shocked by what just happened.

"Sir you alright?!"

"Monster!" Pip shouted as he immediately rose up and looked at Seras with a terrified and astonished expression on his face, "She just flicked my head, it happened so fast, then I started to bleed, and... Are you really a vampire?"

"Damn right she is."

Suddenly, Pip and the mercenaries saw Alucard appear through the wall with his faze through ability, startling the mercenaries even more.

"Police girl may be the lowest of the low ranking, but a vampire is still a vampire." Alucard stated, resting his crimson eyes beneath his orange shades on the mercenaries, sensing their fear erupted from his presence, which amused him. "What a bunch of sniffling cowards. Do you really think that they will be of any use to us?"

"They will Alucard."

Another voice was heard, and Pip and the wild geese mercenaries turned to their right to see Rodeo approaching them without his helmet on.

"A cat?" Pip mumbled with a puzzle look, the fear on him and his men instantly died down.

At that moment, a soft feminine giggling, echoing in the shadowy recesses of the hall. A soft buzzing noise reached the mercenaries' ears, and Pip's eyes narrowed as two swirling clouds emerged from the darkness. As they came closer, the "clouds" were revealed to be two swarms of flying insects, most likely flies, that suddenly began to coalesce, drawing together and solidifying into a group of humanoid forms.

A moment later, the shadowy, indistinct forms snapped into full visibility, and Pip and his mercenaries were confronted by a group of three young women dressed in tattered black dresses and cloaks.

"Hello there." Bela murmured, smiling brightly.

"What the hell is going on?"

The next moment, another similar "cloud" appeared, this time a murder of crows came into the room through the windows and morphed back into Miranda. Karl, who was floating by standing on his giant hammer, entered the room through the window.

"Mercenaries, huh? I think they'll do juuuust great."

"They better."

They returned their gaze to the entrance and saw Alcina enter the room through a door along with Donna & Moreau. Because of her height, Alcina had to kneel down a bit in order to get through the door gap.

"These doors are a nuisance sometimes."

"I have seen many things, but a very tall lady was the last thing I expected." Pip remarked, silently marveling at Alcina's towering shape.

"Same." The majority of his men agreed.

Behind Integra, Walter arrives at the room and apologizes, "Sorry Sir Integra, I tried to stop them, even to sir Heisenberg who decided to tilt every painting down the hallway."

"Ahahahaha!" Karl laughs evilly.

Integra rubbed her temples and sighs in exasperation, "Going through that hallway is going to be a headache now."

"Got to keep the jokes and memes alive." Karl stated.

Integra frowned, "What jokes?"

"Nothing." he replied as he averted his gaze.

"Okay, everyones here, so..." Rodeo glanced around, only to notice Angie was missing, "Where's Angie though?" he asked.

Suddenly, one of the room's ceiling vents opened up and Angie came falling out lands in front of Pip and the frightened wild geese mercenaries.


"""😨 """

"...Hey kids, want to see a dead body!?"


The Wild Geese Mercenaries all began screaming, until-

"Stop screaming!"

The Wild Geese Mercenaries' screams were soon replaced with whimpers like the dogs of war that they are.

"As if child's play wasn't enough!" A random mercenary suddenly shouted.

"What's Child's Play?" Angie asked, curious.

"It's a movie," Rodeo immediately responded as he looked at Pip, "Now look sir, vampires and monsters aren't the only thing that we have to worry about."


"Let me explain." Rodeo stared as he began to explain where he and the rest are from and about the Forsaken and Dark Aether, and Pip and his company of mercenaries could only let out a complicated expression from the words of Rodeo, which caused their entire world view to entirely change.

"You're saying there's an interdimensional cosmic space monster with an endless number of armies out there ready to destroy this world, take this universe, and absorb it into this dark dimension and chances of us becoming his undead slaves, and you're all from a different universe?!"


Pip let out a sigh, "This is too science fiction, but... we're getting paid either way for this job so might as well get involved."

"Shit has gone insane for us in just a day," A random mercenary with his surprise expression remain on his face, "I mean, what's next we're going to see? An army with an assload of robots that can fire lasers and big robot dogs that breathes fire?"

"Let's hope not."

Walter glances at Integra and says, "Now that introductions are over," he then pulls out a letter, "A very unusual letter arrived for you in the mail."

Integra took the letter from Walter and inspected it briefly. Not before long, her eyes caught one name on it.

"Enrico Maxwell. The head of the Iscariot organization." Integra says with a frown as she opens up the envelope and reads the address.

"What does it say?" Rodeo asked.

"He wants a meeting with us in one of the museums here in England, and he has information on this Millennium."

"We'll have to meet up with him then, but I can't, because I ain't the most human looking of the bunch."

"Then I'm taking Walter, Heisenberg, Seras, Miranda, and Alucard," Integra said as she faced the people she had listed, "Miranda will use her mimicry ability to disguise herself. And Karl, you're getting a new suit."

Karl grinned, "Perfect."

"As well as a shave and haircut."

Karl's smile instantly faded upon hearing this, "What?"