
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
284 Chs

All Out War(6)

– Queens, New York, America - 10:35 AM –

An Anti-aircraft turret on the roof of a building being manned by a Reich soldier was firing at a group of SCP Foundation Apache helicopters, shooting them down one by one until suddenly a piece of C4 landed on the turret he was operating. Gazing up, his eyes met with Evan who was hovering in the air with a detonator in his hand.



Upon pressing the detonator, the C4 blows up the AA turret along with the Reich Soldier. Another AA turret manned by a Reich soldier on the roof of another building at least two hundred meters distant from Evan had a lock on him, but before he could fire, a swarm of flies surrounded him and started shredding him to pieces. From the insect swarm came Bela with her sickle and finished the soldier by decapitating his head.

Following Bela was another swarm of flies, morphing back to Cassandra and Daniela as Evan lands in front of them.

"Thanks for the save."

"Shut it, Jerk." Bela said harshly, "Was that all of them?"

"No, there's still more around the city, some in the streets as well." Evan explained, ignoring her harsh response.

As the four were about to advance, Daniela noticed something floating in the middle of the air above the city.

"You all see that?" Daniela called everyone, pointing at a creature overhead.

Evan narrowed his eyes and inspected the thing with his enhanced eyesight, "Hmmmm…"

"What was it?" Cassandra asked.

"Use your binoculars and see for yourself."

Bringing out their binoculars, the three sisters peered through the tool and saw what was the thing they were seeing floating in the air and to their surprise... It was an alien-looking octopus of some sort.


"It's adorable!" Daniela purred.

"Why is that thing so familiar?" Evan muttered to himself.

At that moment, the alien octopus suddenly screams.


Much to their complete shock and horror, what the thing next horrifies them as it unleashes a massive beam of purplish-pink light from its mouth and splits an entire kilometer-long city block in two, annihilating every MTF soldier within there.


"Surprising firepower behind Ohma, am I right?"

A new voice suddenly appeared behind the four, which they turned around to see the blue alien and his gang looking at them menacingly. The alien octopus known as Ohma flys back to them as the blue alien was standing in the center of his alien gang.


"Oh no." Evan muttered beneath his breath as he recognized the group very well.

"Apparently it seems like anomalies like you are popular in this side of the universe. I was wondering when you guys would show up because I was getting hella bored!"

"How many did you just kill right now with that laser?!" Cassandra angrily yelled at him.

"...Enough to the point that I don't have to hear Engel and Forsaken's yapping."

"What are you, you maniac?" Daniela questioned in an irritated manner.































"...I'm a Goddamn Superhero."



– London, England - 2:18 PM –

Karl was standing on a rooftop in London when he noticed a B-class zeppelin in the sky.

"Okay. Just need to hurl a buttload of metal on it and give some of our guys in the skies a chance. Simple enough."

Raising his hand, a plethora of metallic objects lingered in the air. Before he could demolish the zeppelin, he was struck by a swirling tornado that propelled him skyward and into a vehicle on the barren street.

"Okay, who the fuck hit me?!"

As Karl rose up with an enraged look, he was met with the towering elderly man carrying two axes, one gold and other steel on his numerous arms approaching him from down the street.

"I'll take a guess you hit me."

"Well now, a lowly human, playing as a hero?" spoke the towering elderly man.

"I'm sort of going through a redemption phase so... yeah, maybe."

"I COMMAND THEE KNEEL!" The towering elderly man bellowes as he slammed the golden axe head into the ground and Karl noticed the lion symbol on it.


"Okay that's great and all but who the hell are you?"































"I am the Lord of all that is Golden!"



– Thames River, London, England - 2:20 PM –

Alcina was flying across the river Thames and heading for Essex using the map to navigate, not knowing the armored humanoid bird with raven wings was pursuing her. Raising his arm, the armored humanoid bird fired a laser from his arm-cannon at Alcina, but she managed to hear the laser fire and barrel rolls to the right, avoiding the attack.

"Damn that was a close one." Alcina muttered as she landed on the London Bridge, watching as her assailant landed on the opposite side and they both locked in a brief staredown.

"Foolish human. We are trying to bring order through power and yet you try to resist it. How disappointing."

"In English you damn bird! Who are you?!"

"I am…"






















"Raven Beak."



– Paris, France - 2:37 PM –

After shredding the zombie horde, Jeff and Spy both continued searching for any enemy positions filled with Anti-aircraft weaponry but at the moment they found the streets quiet except for the gunfire that was heard from miles away on the other parts of the city. Following that, they made a right turn down the street and saw... red.

"What happened here?" Finn asked.

The street they entered was filled with corpses of MTF soldiers with their heads bitten off, their blood splattered on the streets and webbed to the building walls. It was an absolute bloody display of carnage.

"Judging by the blood, it happened half an hour ago, these might have been MTFs who were stationed here in Paris." Spy speculated.

"And the webs... they too are red, and whoever did this enjoyed every bit of it," Finn added, his tone laced with disgust.


At that moment, Finn and Spy both were looking around, trying to find the source of the maniacal laughter. They swiftly put their backs against each other and braced themselves as the laughter kept on intensifying.

"You see anything?!" Finn loudly asked.


"Over here..."

Immediately, the two looked at the direction from where the sound came from, only to be met by a creature in red-mass clinging to the wall of a building, glaring at them like a predator ready to strike its next kill.

"...You gotta be kidding me." Finn whispered with horror in his voice.

























"I suspected he would say that."


Armory, Site-17 - 11:38 AM –

Five Scp Guards were gearing up with weapons in order to deal with the Reich's Super Soldats, Panzerhund and the breached SCPs that were roaming the site.

"Alright men, containing 682 is our first priority before dealing with these-" The guard began to say, only to interrupt when two elastic rubber arms suddenly emerged from the vents in the ceiling above and grabs one of the guards, dragging him into the vents before blood started spilling out.


The doors suddenly burst open and the Skull Robot shows up, blasting off two of the Scp guards heads with a Peacekeeper shotgun and reloads it but the shotgun gets knocked off his hands by one of the two remaining guards. But not before the skull robot swiftly stabbed one of them right through the heart with his hand, killing him but the last soldier struck his head with a crowbar, stunning him.

With this, the guard flees out the armory and heads for an elevator, which unfortunately is out of order. Nevertheless, he prys the elevator door open with the crowbar and is about to climb up the elevator shaft's maintenance ladder, only for the skull robot to appear behind him and grabs him by the throat, leaving him hanging over the long drop down the elevator shaft.

"Long way down ain't it?"

"What the hell are you?!"

































With one tight grip of his hand, the Apex Revenant breaks his neck, killing him. Upon releasing him, the dead Scp Guard falls down the elevator shaft and hit rock bottom. Revenant closes the elevator doors by hand and puts back the out of order sign on it before walking away, looking for more blood to shed.


SCP-053 otherwise known as Abby was walking down the hallway and trying to look for help with her best chance being Donna and Angie.

"T_T First dinosaurs. Now robots. Why? Just why?"

"Are you lost?"

"EEP?!" Abby cried out, looking around scared from where the voice came from.

"It's okay. I'm also a friend."

"Uhm... Where are you?"

"Hold up, give me a minute."

In the following moment, Abby turned in time to see the Spider Lady emerging from a ceiling vent on the wall to her right and revealed herself.

"It's been so long since I saw a child or got to play with one."

Abby looked at her in awe "Ohhhh, what are you?"





















"My name is Mommy long legs, but you can call me just Mommy for short if that's okay with you, dear ~"


"Okay, you said it's been a long time since you saw a child."

She let out a sorrowful sigh, "Unfortunately, yes. The place from where I was created known as Playtime Co. who made toys and bring joy to kids around the world, used to bring kids there. and me, Huggy Wuggy and the rest of the living toys would watch over them, play them and treating them like family, those were great days... then they just stopped coming entirely and things weren't the same anymore."

She wasn't wrong though. Whatever happened at playtime co. was a result of supernatural experiments to create living toys, she was one of them and the only thing that kept them from going psycho was the joy and love of children, but they never came after playtime co. went under, leaving them in the darkness and generating a hate for adults.

Following the words of the Prototype who the Forsaken had later cooperated with, she and the rest of the toys later slaughtered the entire employees which will be remembered as the "Hour of Joy".

"It's okay, I'm here with you," Abby said, breaking Mommy's line of thought as she held her hand with a warm smile, "Big bro once said that in this world there are always people who will be there for you and be by your side."

Mommy long legs pats her head and smiles, "That's nice of you dear, I won't leave your side and make sure no one harms or takes you," she said as she carries her in her arms, "Now let's take you somewhere uhhh... what is your name?"

"My name is Abby."

"Let's take you somewhere safe from the big meanie robots and the people, my other friend is busy doing something. He might not like you, so you can't meet him."

"Is he mean?"

"A lot."

After that, they search the building for a safe area.

'Weird, why do I have the urge to harm that girl? Thankfully, that little crystal in me seemed to suppress that feeling. Forsaken didn't tell me more when he gave us those crystals, but who am I asking?'


San Francisco, California - 11:40 AM –

Standing on a building's rooftop, Rip, Zorin, Ramsey, Carson and Simmons were trying to identify the area or perhaps structure from where the heavy gunfire was raining down upon the MTF soldiers below. Ramsey scans her surroundings with a pair of binoculars until eventually locates the source of the shooting.

From the rooftops and windows of three different buildings were a vast number of Reich soldiers, Super Soldats and Manglers while few Guard Robots and Zitadelles were guarding on the rooftops.

"Target acquired. 150 meters west from our position. Got that Rip?"

"Ja, I did." Rip nodded, bringing out her musket and loaded a bullet in it before firing it in the direction of the three buildings at fast speeds. In less than ten seconds, the bullet traveled in a zig-zag pattern as it wiped out every targets within the buildings.

"All targets down," Ramsay reported.

"She's still got it." Zorin remarked.

Rip let out a proudful smile. Simmons, meanwhile, was astonished beyond belief. But at that moment, he noticed something across the street.

"Uh guys."

They all looked down and saw the towering Orda, looking down at them with a purple flash forming in its head. Immediately after, it let forth a massive pillar of purple light which impacted the middle part of the building they were on as it started to collapse.

"JUMP!" shouted Carson as he and the others leaped from the crumbling building's roof, breaking their fall with a landing on a bundle of garbage bags in an alleyway.

The Orda began to move toward them, followed shortly by a few more who had joined him. Rip and the rest rushed down the alleyway as the Ordas chased them. As they exited the alleyway, they all jumped over a fence leading to an abandoned carnival and hastily hid inside a booth.

The ordas exited the alleyway but couldn't find their prey anywhere, so they let out fierce roar and leave. Rip and the team, meanwhile, exited the booth once they know the Ordas left for sure.

"Coast is clear," said Zorin.

"For now," Simmons added, surveying his surroundings, "A carnival, huh?"

The carnival was, as you would expect, abandoned but the rides you would ride such as roller coasters, merry-go-rounds and so on were still present with abandoned booths and tents that provided various forms of entertainment.

"Let's meet up with the rest of the other Mobile Task Force, we did clear their path," Ramsay said, moving forward as everyone else followed her, walking down the carnival not knowing to meet a certain devilish figure.

On the other side of the carnival, the cartoon humanoid was busy on something when suddenly the Forsaken's voice could be heard in his mind.

[You have visitors. I suggest taking them out.]

"I'm busy."

[Busy with what exactly?!]




























"Oh you know, sharpening my nails."


[I'll double the soul count deal with you and increase to five billion souls.]

The cartoon humanoid, who is revealed to be the Devil from the game Cuphead himself stops sharpening his nails and grins devilishly, "Now you're talking," he says, taking out his golden trident out of thin air, "A brawl is surely gonna brew today!" before setting out in search of Rip and the others to give them one heck of a time.


On the South West side of San Francisco, a gang member was running away with a look of terror in his face when suddenly he trips on a piece of rubble and drops to the floor.

At that moment, a shadow loomed over him, who turned around and saw the masked man. Before he could move, the masked man grabbed him by the leg and tossed him into a car, crashing into it. The criminal looked at the masked man, who brought out his bladed weapon and swung it down on him, splitting his head in two.

This masked man was the supernatural immortal killer known as...





























Jason Voorhees



Then he heads out to find more prey.


Miami, Florida - 11:44 AM –

Back in Florida, the glitching man was drifting around until the Forsaken contacted him.

[I have new orders for you. Head to a facility that might be housing some information about this world. Teleport straight there.]

The glitching man obeyed, entering a TV screen and used it to teleport to the facility known as... Site-19.


– Security Room, Site-19 - 11:45 AM –

In the security room of Site-19, a security guard was casually looking at multiple TV screens that displayed the footage captured by the cameras installed throughout the facility. All of a sudden, all the screens went static and two hands emerged on one of them.

"What the?"

In an instant, the glitching man genuinely came out of the screen, startling the guard as he backed away and saw who the glitching man was.

"No way! Are you…"























"The Thin Man!?"


The guard tries to make a run for it but instead gets pulled into the TV screens before being trapped in them by the Thin Man's power.

Before long, the Thin Man notices the power outlet and uses a dark aether crystal to stab it, sending a current of dark aether energy throughout the site and triggering multiple malfunctions

[Multiple SCP containment cell failures detected. All staff-]

The speakers themselves malfunctioned and the PA system suddenly went silent. The Thin Man later walks out of the security room and makes its way through the hallways while slowing down time around his surroundings.

[Welp. This site is doomed.] spoke the security guard on the Tv screen.


Finally reaching the one-eyed humanoid who was standing in the middle of the city square, Cameron noticed that every projector screen had a symbol that resembled the one-eyed humanoid's trident spear's head. Furthermore, all of those symbols were made of blood engulfed in flames... literally.

"Hey you!"

Despite Cameron's yelling, the one-eyed humanoid did not look at him and instead fixated on the burning symbols.

"Soooo you gonna give an epic speech or stay like a strong silent type? Because I really need to get this situation under control since this is my first ever deployment," Cameron said with a confident tone, "I pinned your buddies down so feel free to talk to me, we'll get this over with real quick. Superhero to Supervillain. Otherwise I just might get a teeny bit angry and just take you out before turning you over to the foundation."

For a brief pause, the one-eyed humanoid finally turns around and looks at him.

"Welcome honored guests of this war…"






























"...To the beginning of a new DYNASTY!"


"Now that... was epic to hear."

With his trident spear drawn, Mohg, the Lord of Blood takes a battle stance.


Upon rising from his crystallized throne, the Forsaken let out a sinister grin in his face, "Foolish Rodeo! You believe this would be a normal war? No! This is my ALL OUT WAR where everything goes my way! My pawns have already entered the battlefield and will lay waste to your friends and this world! This is my way to SEE. YOU. SUFFER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Now let it begin!"

The pawns of the Forsaken have finally revealed themselves.
































Back in the class-A Zeppelin in Ireland, Goblin Slayer was still crawling through the vents and trying to find out what these people in this place are up to and while the maps gave some insight on what might be going on he is still far from understanding their motivations but he was certain that is not for a good cause that's for sure.

As he was crawling around the vents while drowning in his thoughts, he accidentally stumbled over a vent gate which abruptly opened from the weight of his armor. Consequently, he fell through it and ended up in what appeared to be a jail cell.

…And in that cell, the prisoner woke up.

"The fuck?!" He was startled, looking at goblin Slayer lying on the floor before watching the newcomer standing up and looking at him.


"A knight? So you also got magically transported here like me?"

"Yes... but who are you?"

"I will tell who I am, but… can I trust you ?


"You won't try to kill me?"


"Fine, as for your question, have you ever heard of Vox Machina?"


The Prisoner sighed, feeling got used to people not recognizing his party, "...Anyway, what's your name?"

"I'm Goblin Slayer."

"Your name."

"That is my name."

"What the…" The Prisoner was dumbfounded, but he shook his head, "Nevermind. Nice to meet you Mr. Slayer, the name's…"
































"Percy De Rolo of the De Rolo family and member of Vox Machina, but you can just call me Percy."


"Nice to meet you, Mr. De Rolo, but what are you doing here in this... fortress?"

There was a brief pause on Percy as he chuckled nervously, "Funny story actually."


– Three Hours Ago –

Returning back in time, Percy was sitting in front of a bonfire he made and like Goblin Slayer, he had been stranded in this enormous forest for a few months with no encounter of civilization.

"Been stuck in this forest for god knows how long. Can't sleep and eat for some reason and all because I picked up and tested that gun out before being here. I'm pretty sure the rest might be worried sick about me," Percy contemplated in his thoughts, reflecting that time long ago. Percy rubs forehead and heaved out a deep sigh, "Fucking hell."

As Percy returned to his thoughts, he suddenly heard rustling in the bushes and a sound of footsteps behind the trees. The moment he heard those noises, a weapon immediately manifested in Percy's hand and it was no ordinary weapon. It was the weapon Stand...

The Emperor.


Leveling the gun in the direction of the noise, Percy sent off a burst of shots from the Emperor sending the bullets flying over the trees and bushes. A moment later, half a dozen Reich soldiers emerged from behind the trees with their assault rifles pointed right at him.

"You missed. Surrender now or we will open fire."

Hearing the soldier's threat, Percy smirked, "Did I miss?"

All of a sudden, the bullets reversed course and shot back at the Reich soldiers, piercing through their heads and sending their dead forms on the ground.

The Reich soldier that spoke earlier, however, only able to survive because Percy allowed him to by letting one bullet pierce his leg instead.

"There is your answer, now who are you people? Bandits?"

The Reich soldier grunts in pain, "We are the great and powerful Reich! This world will bow to us and eliminate those who stand against us!" he declared, glaring at Percy with an fierce look.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Reich? The hell is that?"

This surprised the Reich soldier, "Are you living under a rock or something?"

"No. Hell, I don't even know where I am precisely, but if you would point me in the direction of a nearby town or kingdom, please by all means guide me, or I can just leave you here."

"You will regret this!"

Percy mockingly patted his head, "Come on, be a good gentleman to me for once. It's not like I'm gonna get whacked in the back of the head with something."

As if fate was messing with him, a dark aether portal suddenly materialized behind him and a Super Soldat stepped out of it, whacking him in the back of the head with a shovel and knocking him to the ground unconscious with the Emperor vanishing from his hand.

Standing up with one leg, the Reich soldier made contact through the comms in his ear, "Commander. We have found an interesting one."

Ten minutes later, an A-class zeppelin arrives and takes Percy before placing him in a prison cell, unconscious for a few hours until Goblin Slayer crashes into his cell and wakes him up.


– Present Time –

"And now we're here. I know, I know, I kinda got myself into this and let my guard down."

"...It's okay. We are humans after all, we make mistakes but learn from them as well, you don't need to feel bad about it."

"Woah, you're quite the nice guy even with no real name."

Goblin Slayer nodded shortly, not before long he noticed something hanging from the ceiling.

Noticing his behavior, Percy turned to the direction where he was looking and saw a security camera on the right end corner of the ceiling.

"What is that?" Goblin Slayer questioned.

"Even I'm puzzled by it. It seems like it's observing us."

Beneath his helmet, Goblin Slayer narrowed his eyes cautiously, "Your words might hold true."


In the security room, a security personnel was cycling through different camera feeds of the class-A Zeppelin while drinking his coffee. As he checked the camera feed of Percy's prison cell, he saw an unfamiliar person within the cell.

Thinking for a moment, the security personnel suddenly realized that person had never been there before.


With this conclusion in mind, he pressed the alarm button as sirens blared around the class-A Zeppellin which basically everyone inside heard as Reich soldiers and Manglers began making their way toward the cell.


"That's not good." Percy said as he and Goblin Slayer heard the alarms.

"Can you manifest that weapon again?" Goblin Slayer asked.

"Hold on." Percy said as he called out the Emperor as it appeared in his hand. "So they didn't snatch the weapon after all." he murmured.

Soon later, Goblin Slayer and Percy heard footsteps outside the door, and thus, they prepared themselves.

"Mr. De Rolo."

"You can just call me Percy."

"Okay Percy, once we get out of this, I would like to hear more about your group and any stories related to them."

Percy was a bit surprised but smiled slightly, "Definitely, now let's get out of this place."

Moments later, the door breaks open by a Super Soldat and the two charge at the giant robot when-


This chapter is more of an introduction to this story's war arc and which players the Forsaken had summoned for his so-called "All Out War". But I hope you enjoy this story nonetheless. Consider following me and vote for my stories and keep yourself notified for more chapters.

Artemis099creators' thoughts