

She was specially and carefully craved in the rightful places to befit me and me alone.

Sunny_star_999 · Fantasy
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20 Chs



It was soon Monday morning a day after Shaina came to my house and uncover my secret.

I went to school feeling nervous and hoping that she will keep my secret.

At last I was proved wrong and disappointed.

While walking down the corridor to go and keep my stuffs in my locker the students that lined the corridor suddenly circled me and started bombarding me with questions. My heart skipped a beat.

"Hey Sam is it true that your mom deals with hard drugs? A bully named Paul asked me.

"Uh? I stuttered because I was dumbstruck.

"Is it true that she collaborates with hardened criminals? Another sassy student asked me.

"N...No w...what are you saying, w...where did you hear that from? I asked them anxiously.

"Oh she trying to pretend, I never knew you were so deceitful! Another student blasted me.

"No it's not true you're lying! I tried to deny all the allegations.

"Oh stop your piteous act we won't be deceived by you anymore".

"Am saying the truth my mom doesn't deal with criminals! I tried defending my mom with tears clouding my eyes.

"I never knew she is like this, maybe she takes the drugs too don't you think? Amanda asked her friend.

"Yes that's why she is so brilliant in class! Her friend replied her with jealousy written all over her.

"Please hear me out am saying the truth those are so baseless rum..... i tried explaining but was cut short by a voice.

"Who said it's a rumor? The person at my back asked while circling me to meet me face to face.

"Shaina? Thank God Shaina help me they are accusing me, you said we were friends right? I asked Shaina while holding her hands.

She suddenly started laughing loudly. And snatched her hands from my grip and wiped it with a handkerchief.

"You are so funny who will want to make friends with a drug addict daughter? She asked between her laughter.

"I was lying when I said we were friends I can't make friends with your types!. She gritted the words out from her teeth.

"This is not fair Shaina, but you promised me that you will keep my secret for me? I asked her. While the tears in my eyes were flowing like a river.

"Oh did I? She gasped while placing her hand over her mouth.

"My bad but the deed is already done". She smirked.

I looked at the students to see if anyone will defend me but what I meet were eyes casting blazing gaze at me. I knew my days here are over. No one sees me as a friend.

"I thought her father was one of the most wealthy man in town? Someone suddenly asked.

"Oh he is dead, probably because of the drugs". Shaina replied her.