
A Billionaire in his late forties Falls in love with a young lady

Brianna Bennett is a witty fun girl who likes to party and socialize. She gets a job at Empire Groups Michael Craine is a billionaire who has worked hard to get to where he is now. Brianna begins to work for Michael. Because of their differences, they find it difficult to get along but as time goes on, everything changes between them. Michael falls in love with Brianna and he finds it difficult to accept and express it

Daoist6K4Szg · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Mr Craine's Birthday Plans


Today Mr Craine will be having a meeting with the Wilson group. Liliana has been made a move on Mr Craine yesterday. I have decided to do something naughty. Today I will do something u never thought I will do. I closed from lectures and went to the hostel. I prepared some food and dished it in a take away bowl. I dressed up seductively and wore a big coat to cover my dress.

I arrived at the office after lectures and went straight to Mr Craine's office. He was busy working.

"Hi Daddy" I greeted

"Hi baby girl. How are you" he responded and asked

"I'm good daddy what about you" I asked

"I'm good too" he replied

"I came to have lunch with you so can we eat" I asked

"Sure baby" he replied

Mr Craine got up from his desk and I served him some food. We ate silently.

"Daddy please can I use your room" I asked

"Sure baby but tell me first why are you wearing a big coat" he asked

"You will know shortly" I said

"Brianna dear why do I have a feeling you are up to no good' he said

I giggled and got up. I went to the room and took off the coat. I checked the time and I realised that I have only forty five minutes to get what I want. I did some touch up and returned to the office. I stood at a corner and called Mr Craine.


"Mr Craine"

I heard Brianna's voice and looked up. I gulped hard when I saw her. She was wearing a black lingerie and black heels.

"Oh my goodness Bri" I said

She bit her lower lip and winked at me.

I smiled and got up. I walked to her quickly and started kissing her. She responded immediately. We kissed hungrily I pick her up and placed her on the couch. I moved to her neck and started kissing her. I quickly took off my clothes.

"I can't believe you are making me do this in the office" I said

I didn't wait for her to answer I took off her pants and threw it somewhere.

"Daddy be careful what if I don't find it" she said

"I don't give a damn about it. I will buy a new one for you" I said

I pulled her breasts out of her brassier and started sucking them hungrily. I separated her legs and started licking her. I started playing with her clitoris and she started moaning. I kept doing it till she had an orgasm. I got up and positioned myself between her legs just then I remembered I didn't have a condom.

"Bri I can't. I don't have a condom here" I said

"Daddy I knew it that was why I brought some" I said

I checked in her bag and brought the condom out I wore it and positioned myself between her legs.

"Let me take off my heels" she said

"Baby girl keep them on" I said

I entered her and started pounding her fast and hard. It's been a while we had sex. I kept pounding her till we both had our orgasm. I collapsed on top of her

"Oh my goodness Bri. You will be the end of me" I said

She started touching my abs. She placed her lips on my nipple and started sucking. This was new to me but I felt good. She kept going till I got hard again. I took out the used condom and placed another one on. I bent her over and entered her. I fucked her like crazy. Soon we both climaxed again. We rested for a while on the couch.

"Daddy what is the time" she asked

I checked and told her. I realised we had only some few minutes for the meeting with the Wilson group. I got up and go dressed. Brianna also started getting dressed.

"Daddy where is my panty" she asked

"Bri let's find it later" I said

I got ready and she went to my rest room to get ready as well. I got some documents ready and Brianna joined me shortly. My telephone rang.

"Sir please Miss Liliana Wilson is here" my secretary announced

For some reason Brianna was laughing.

"Let her in" I replied

"Baby girl why are you laughing" I asked out of curiosity

She walked to me

"Daddy can't you smell the room. The room smells like sex" she said and winked at me

I realised that she was right. I switched on the ceiling fan. Soon Miss Wilson entered my office.


Liliana Wilson wore a tight skirt that revealed her thighs. She wore a short that showed lot of her cleavage. She frowned as soon as she saw me and I winked at her

"Hello Miss Wilson" Mr Craine said

"Hi Mr Craine" she replied with a smile

She sat down after Mr Craine offered her a seat.

"Mr Craine you are really a gentleman" she said

"Thank you" Mr Craine said

"Miss Bennett I thought you were no longer Mr Craine's secretary" she asked

"I am still his secretary and don't forget I am also his girlfriend" I said

"Must you always be around him like a housefly" she asked

"Well I am trying to keep my beautiful man from witches like the one in front of me" I said

"What are you calling me a witch" she asked

"No ma'am how can I say something like that. Of course not" I sarcastically

"Can we start the meeting" Mr Craine interrupted

"Of course Mr Craine" she said

The meeting started and soon I was getting bored. I look up and I couldn't believe what I saw hanging on the ceiling fan. I signaled Mr Craine secretly and he looked up as well.

He gasped at what he saw. I started laughing but I dared not to make a sound. It was about to fall on Liliana's head. Mr Craine looked down and pretended like he hasn't seen anything. Finally it fell on Liliana's head and she removed it.

"What is this" she shouted

She looked at my face then looked at Mr Craine's

"Did you guys have sex before the meeting" she shouted

"Miss Wilson, we are a couple so we can whatever we want" I said

"I can't believe this. Mr Craine you are an adult. You should act sensibly. This is what happens when you decide to date a little girl who lacks sense and morals. You also become senseless and immoral. You should leave her and get yourself a matured lady" she said

"You...(I was about to reply when Mr Craine stopped me)

"Miss Wilson it seems like you luck manners. Tell your father that I said this deal is off and because of your disobedience, he will not be getting contracts and deals for the rest of the year. Now get out" Mr Craine said

"M-M-M-Mr Craine" she said

"Get out" Mr Craine shouted

Liliana picked up her bag and files and left.

"Daddy I...(he stopped me from talking)

"Now I know that you seduced me because of her so I will punish you later" he said

"Daddy I...(he stopped again from talking)

"Sssssshhh relax. It was good that you came. At least I felt relaxed after being with you" he said

He hugged me and we kissed.

Mr Craine and I went home. I spent the night with him. The next day I went downstairs and I saw his children in the living room.

"Hello Bri" One said

"Hi. Please you must be Ariana right" I asked

"Yes you can call me Ari just like I will call you Bri" she said

"Alright Ari" I said

"Come. I know it's too late but let me introduce you to everyone. This is our elder brother Patrick. "Hello" I said

"Hi Brianna" he responded

"These are Kathy and August" she said

"Hello" I greeted

"Hi" they both responded

"Bri we are discussing what we will do for dad's birthday" Ari said

"Oh my goodness it's Mr Craine's birthday and I didn't know" I said to myself

"Come and sit down" Patrick said

I sat down and listened to them talking. Soon Daniel arrived

"Hello everyone" Daniel greeted

"Hello" they all responded

Daniel was about to leave when I called him.

"Dan the children are discussing about Mr Craine's birthday. I didn't know. Please tell me when it is" I said

"Mr Craine's birthday is in a week. The children always plan a birthday party for him but Mr Craine doesn't enjoy it because he always feels sad on this day" Daniel said

"Why" I asked

"It reminds him of his childhood" he said

"Alright Dan thank you" I replied

I returned to the living room. The children continued their discussions. It was obvious they were planning another party. An idea crossed my mind.

"Please can I say something" I asked

"Sure" Patrick said

"You always throw a party for your father every year so how about this year you do something different" I said

"That is exactly what I have been saying. Every year we throw a lavish party for him but he doesn't enjoy" August said

"Alright so what do you suggest" Patrick asked

"How about we plan something different this year. Let's go back to where your father began his life" I said

"How? We don't know where Dad started life" Ari said

"I have an idea" I said

We discussed everything in detail and planned something different for Mr Craine's birthday.