

Leonard Julian Connor wasn't one to chase after girls but found himself chasing a certain air force officer. A pilot. He knew she was out of his league yet he wasn't discouraged as he was determined to win her over but she didn't want him in fact she detested him. Milena Ariel Smith wanted nothing but a carefree life as an air force officer where she could achieve anything especially her father's multi-dollar companies so as to widen their reach, she had so much to plan with the responsibility of being the heir apparent of the Smiths but being from a prestigious family with strict rules there was little she could do as her parents were punctilious about everything expecting so much from her yet she didn't let it discourage her until they made an announcement that changed her life forever. " I don't love you, Julian, don't you get it? You're just a bartender! A common delivery man. so not my type" every word she said broke my heart as I stare at her eyes. I never expected to be loathed by someone I love someday. Just when I wanted someone she didn't want me but I'm not going to give up. " I'll get a better job. Open a bar. I'm working on something. I need you in my life. Please give me a chance" I begged with teary eyes but she laughed so loud that it pierced my heart so I held her hands to comfort myself. You should have seen the way she yanked my hands off like it was infested with worms. " Don't touch me. You're everything that I despise. Stay away from me loser" What will happen when she finds out that the man she has insulted, rejected and disrespected was her supposed betrothal? Or what Julian might do when he learns who his betrothed wife was? Do you want to find out? Well, you're about to find out how fate played with both of them. Please leave comments and tips if you like the story: souvenir to boost my morale.

Tianna · Fantasy
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146 Chs


Julian's POV

I changed into something decent before I went to get the door . I can hear the dripping sound of water from the bathroom and I hiss cos I can't bath with my wife because of some fucking cops. I look at the time and it's almost three in the afternoon. What a way to spend my day.

There are eight cops outside my door when I opened it and they looked shocked to see me . I guess they were expecting to see Lena then.


" Mr. Connor, I didn't know you were in town" one of them says and I assume he's the senior.

" How can I help you detective?" I ask already irritated with them showing up here.

" Maybe it's the wrong room. It's nice to see you again Mr. Connor" he says as I squint my eyes in realization. Most people don't know Lena as my wife yet which I feel guilty about. I wanted to give her the wedding of her dreams but things weren't settled yet. My dad was attacked and there's a mole in my family. I can't risk attending a wedding nor being a participant despite the presence of the shadow guards.

"I'm the only one in this floor"

" Is that right?" Another says then he began searching some papers in his hands. He looks intimidated by me and I don't blame him. He stops searching when he finds what he's looking for then he pauses to show them to the senior detective who looks shocked but tried hiding it.

" We have orders to take a certain lady named Milena Ariel Smith in for questioning. I approached her before but she insisted I get a warrant . I have them" he says shuffling the papers in his hands.

" You mean Milena Smith Connor? She's my wife. What's this all about? " They look between themselves then straighten up.

" She's a witness at a crime scene that happened two days ago at the Harrington company and as you know a man died and many were hospitalized. Here's the warrant Sir " I take it from him and glance through it.The warrant has the district attorney's signature on it.

" Sure. I'm sorry for causing you trouble . I'll bring her to the station today. There's no need for a warrant. She's still going through a lot because the man that died was her supervising officer. Her friend and sister were hospitalized. It's normal to feel reluctant but I assure you that she'll be there" The girl in their midst wanted to speak but the Senior detective glares at her.

" I'm sorry to hear that Sir but we can't disobey a direct order from the chief . I know he's not aware of your presence and I'll let him know" I expected that. So I shut the door behind me as he put the chief on the phone. He only mentions my name then he pauses to look at me probably getting scolded by his chief.

" Sir, we'll be downstairs. Let us know when you're ready. We have a warrant hence we can't leave without her" he explains apologetically and I nod. Leave it to Lena to demand a warrant for an interrogation.

" We'll be down shortly " I say then I enter the room and shut it. I run a hand through my hair as I make my way to the bathroom to freshen up.

" Are they gone? " Lena asks behind me. I spin around to look at her and she's all clothed now. She's wearing a romper jumpsuit and her hair is in a high ponytail. I take her in and gulps some saliva. Lena looks good in anything. I eat her with my eyes some more oblivious to her question.

" The cops. Are they gone?" She asks more directly while I walk to her. I tug fringes of hair behind her ear and nods. She's so beautiful.

" No. They have a warrant. So, we have to be there" she wounds her hands on my waist then tiptoes to press her lips on mine . I drop my hands on her ass and give it a squeeze.

" Thank you " she whispers and I squint my eyes wondering what she's grateful for then I press my lips harder against hers when I realized she's thanking me for handling the cops.

We pull away to catch our breath" let me change. Are you hungry? You'll need the strength" I tell her and she nods.

" I don't have appetite. You can buy me lunch later"

" Sure" I say . She straightens my sleeves while I smile at her.

" Give me a minute "

The police escorts us to the station in their mini vans while Sim is driving my Porsche car. Lena is quiet but I can tell she's nervous. I hold her hands and bring it to my lips .She turns to look at me and she smiles curling her fingers on mine.

We just stay that way, letting our eyes do the talking and I know she doesn't like to talk about her feelings. Silence is a virtue at this point. Sim stops at the station and we were led inside . The chief is at the entrance by the time we got to there. He comes forward to shake hands with me .

" Mr. Conor, I'm sorry about this but the state governor is on my neck. A non swedish was killed and their ambassador is asking questions. We just want to provide a scapegoat. She's safe with us I assure you" the chief says reaching out his hands for a handshake with Lena but she ignores him , leaving his hand hanging while clinging to my arms.

" I'll hold you to that"

" I'm sorry about this ma'am" he says again probably trying to get on her good graces.

" Whatever. Let's get this over with. I have places to be " she tells him and he nods.

" Ofcourse , this way ma'am" he leads us into the interrogation room but only Lena went with them. I stay behind the cubicle listen to them with a microphone along with other detectives. Three men are in the room with Lena who looks annoyed and nervous at the same time.

" Mrs.Connor, what happened to Maximilian on the 15 of September?" He asks Lena while glancing through some papers.