

Leonard Julian Connor wasn't one to chase after girls but found himself chasing a certain air force officer. A pilot. He knew she was out of his league yet he wasn't discouraged as he was determined to win her over but she didn't want him in fact she detested him. Milena Ariel Smith wanted nothing but a carefree life as an air force officer where she could achieve anything especially her father's multi-dollar companies so as to widen their reach, she had so much to plan with the responsibility of being the heir apparent of the Smiths but being from a prestigious family with strict rules there was little she could do as her parents were punctilious about everything expecting so much from her yet she didn't let it discourage her until they made an announcement that changed her life forever. " I don't love you, Julian, don't you get it? You're just a bartender! A common delivery man. so not my type" every word she said broke my heart as I stare at her eyes. I never expected to be loathed by someone I love someday. Just when I wanted someone she didn't want me but I'm not going to give up. " I'll get a better job. Open a bar. I'm working on something. I need you in my life. Please give me a chance" I begged with teary eyes but she laughed so loud that it pierced my heart so I held her hands to comfort myself. You should have seen the way she yanked my hands off like it was infested with worms. " Don't touch me. You're everything that I despise. Stay away from me loser" What will happen when she finds out that the man she has insulted, rejected and disrespected was her supposed betrothal? Or what Julian might do when he learns who his betrothed wife was? Do you want to find out? Well, you're about to find out how fate played with both of them. Please leave comments and tips if you like the story: souvenir to boost my morale.

Tianna · Fantasy
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146 Chs

Trevor is dead

Julian's POV

" He didn't make it" Sly says and I clench my jaw in anticipation. Dread suddenly creeps in as I swallow the lump in my throat.

"What?" I asks slowly. My feet are glued to the ground and my eyes are wide open. My heart hammered against my chest as I wait for it. If Ryder loses his life then there's no way I'm going to spare Isabella and that bastard Trevor.

" Trevor is dead. A sniper shooter shot him while we were transferring him to the safe house" I never thought I can hold my breath for almost an hour until now. Relief washes over me when I heard Trevor died instead. I thought I have lost Ryder to death.

Trevor's death proves something. Whosoever is gambling with his life just turned him over . I suppose that will take the police off the case if they're that dumb I think. I mean they already have a suspect and an accomplice . I doubt they'll ignore Isabella's connection to it.

" How? Explain" I say as I buckle up my seatbelt on the jet on my way to France. I want to see what Olivia has discovered.

"It was so sudden Leon. What should we do with his body?" Sly asks and I puff out exasperated breathe. Trevor's body belongs to the state and there's nothing I can do about it.

" Get it out of that van. The police will find him and Sly, is Kelvin with you?"

"No but I can get him if you want him to be here"

"I want him to be there" I say then I hang up. I check the time and it's almost six in the morning. My eyes stops at the ring in my fourth finger and I sigh wondering how she's doing without me. She has used sex as a distraction for days now , I hope she's ok now? Fuck, why didn't I just ask her?

Milena's POV

I toss and turn all night while checking the time. Julian had promised to return to me last night but he didn't. I tried calling him but his phone was switched off . It's the first time I'm sleeping in this suite without his arms around me or lips on mine. I don't want to be too hopeful but I think I'm getting used to sleeping in his arms which is a good thing I think.

I lie on my back staring at the ceiling then my phone chimes. I grab the phone on impulse then I frown .

" Ariana?" I call indistinctly to let her know I wasn't pleased with her calling me at this time of the day.

" Miley, I just saw Trevor's death on the morning news. How true is this?" She says and I squint my eyes stunned, confused whatever word for it then I quickly grab the TV remote control and turn the TV on. I search through the channels until I find it. It's in the headlines.

Trevor Harrington has been confirmed dead .

The CEO of the Harrington corps was found dead by the police .

Justice served as the killer of maxmillan dies a few days after he was buried.

I run a hand through my hair " I'll call you back" I tell her then I dial Julian's number again and it went straight to voicemail. I grit my teeth feeling like my head is about to explode from anticipating.

Did Julian kill Trevor? If he did then Isabella isn't safe . I have to get her to safety. She needs help.

Edward is behind the wheel and he keeps glancing at me but I don't care. I'm too tense to care about him at the moment.

The sound of the radio interrupts my thoughts as I hear series of reports about Trevor. I clench and unclench my jaw just thinking about it. Edward changes the station quickly but I already heard and I'm damn scared.

I jump out of the car before Edward could park the car by the time we got to my parents house.

" Mrs. Connor, slow down" he yells after me but I ignore him as I make my way into the house hoping to find Isabella but I found dad instead and he was consoling my mother. It seems she's been crying.

" What's going on here?" I ask crouching down in front of mom. She sniffles, looking into my eyes. I narrow my eyes at her urging her to tell me since dad was silent.

" The police came here for your sister. They said she's an accomplice. She would never do something like that Miley. We raised her to be tough like you. How could she be an accomplice in a case of mass murder?" I hold her gaze as much as I can as the alarm went off in my head. Isabella is under arrest and if Mom is crying, it means they haven't found her yet which means she's on the run. I caress mom's hair then look up at my father who looks less affected compared to my Mom.

" When did this happen?" I ask dad but he glares at me. He helps my mom on her feet and hand her to the butler.

" Take her inside while I talk with my daughter " he emphasizes like he needed to be sure I was. I narrow my eyes at him but I don't say anything. Mom isn't in a good state right now. So I agree with him on this.

" Mom said mass murder? I thought Trevor killed only Maximilian" I point out but dad shakes his head . He leads me to sit on the couch and I reluctantly let him. I'm only doing it for the information.

" Everybody in that room have passed away except you, Isabella and Logan" he finishes and I gasp . I keep my eyes open for about an hour as I let what dad said sink in. He must be talking about the men that were employed by Trevor who got affected by the toxic gas from the explosion. I remember they didn't get any oxygen masks before the real medical team arrived.

" Do they have proof?" I ask frantically which dad notice as he narrows his eyes at me.

" I don't care . Isabella is no longer my daughter as long as I'm concerned. You're the only Smith as it should be" I flinch as he speaks. Dad leans back on the couch as he pours himself some whiskey then he casually takes a sip.

" As it should be? Isabella is in danger? All you care about is money and Honor. What about us? We're your legacy. We... "

" She's not mine and I forbid you from helping her. She's a disgrace to this family. I have one daughter as far as I'm concerned " he declares with finality to his voice but I'm not going to take that shit from him. He hardens his gaze as soon as I open my mouth to say something.

" Enough Milena. You're not going to change my mind . Run home to your husband and deal with the other woman. I thought you have your own problem to solve" he says and I frown wondering what Julian had told them about me afterall he loves reporting back to them. It must have been in the contract.

I can almost picture my dad's contemptuous face as he jots it down.

" You don't tell me what to do anymore. You have lost that right" I yell at the top of my voice for the first time in many years. It's not my first but he'd send a message the last time I challenged him and I suddenly cringe under his gaze on realizing the temerity of what I have done.

Dad closes the space between us but I don't step back. I'm eager to know what his reaction will be and I'm scared at the same time. So convoluting.

" You don't speak to me that way. You ungrateful brat. You and your sick sister are not fit to be mine. We have lost so much because of your recklessness. All you have to do was stay married to Leonard Connor and become a part of their family yet you failed. I had thought you're the son that I lost but it turns out you'll be the one I wish I lost . Such a disgrace " There's one thing about my Dad. He's so good at hurting people with words and I take after him. It has affected me for years and as I grew older I thought I was immune to it until now. I look at him with horror and he doesn't look remorseful. I blink my lashes dejectedly.

I know I have been a pain in the ass since childhood yet I yearn for my father's love or recognition and when I gained his recognition, he became hostile. He treated me like he would a son: fierce, smart and dominant. He showed me the rules in the business world and the shortcuts and most importantly, he showed me freedom and amidst all this, he taught me how to be me . I thought he did it because he was impressed by me at least it was something. I thought so until now. I know I hurt him by leaving but I was tired of trying to live for him. I was tired of being the person he was molding me to be. I thought he had forgiven me but it turns out he never did and as I look into his dark eyes I realized something.

My dad just wished me death.