

Leonard Julian Connor wasn't one to chase after girls but found himself chasing a certain air force officer. A pilot. He knew she was out of his league yet he wasn't discouraged as he was determined to win her over but she didn't want him in fact she detested him. Milena Ariel Smith wanted nothing but a carefree life as an air force officer where she could achieve anything especially her father's multi-dollar companies so as to widen their reach, she had so much to plan with the responsibility of being the heir apparent of the Smiths but being from a prestigious family with strict rules there was little she could do as her parents were punctilious about everything expecting so much from her yet she didn't let it discourage her until they made an announcement that changed her life forever. " I don't love you, Julian, don't you get it? You're just a bartender! A common delivery man. so not my type" every word she said broke my heart as I stare at her eyes. I never expected to be loathed by someone I love someday. Just when I wanted someone she didn't want me but I'm not going to give up. " I'll get a better job. Open a bar. I'm working on something. I need you in my life. Please give me a chance" I begged with teary eyes but she laughed so loud that it pierced my heart so I held her hands to comfort myself. You should have seen the way she yanked my hands off like it was infested with worms. " Don't touch me. You're everything that I despise. Stay away from me loser" What will happen when she finds out that the man she has insulted, rejected and disrespected was her supposed betrothal? Or what Julian might do when he learns who his betrothed wife was? Do you want to find out? Well, you're about to find out how fate played with both of them. Please leave comments and tips if you like the story: souvenir to boost my morale.

Tianna · Fantasy
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146 Chs

The accomplice

Julian's POV

Listening to everything from her perspective make my blood boil . I clench and unclench my fist in annoyance. This wasn't supposed to happen. She had bodyguards. It seems I have to be around her more often. I can return to work after Trevor or the mole is caught.

My phone has been ringing like an alarm since morning so, I decide to answer a few calls while I watch her from the glass. She's a bit annoyed and intimidated by the detectives but she's doing fine. I don't know what I deserve to get a smart girl like Lena. We didn't talk about this but she knew there were certain things, the cops can't know.

" Hello Leonard, I have been calling you like crazy. We have him. Permission to shoot" I remove my phone from my ear to check the caller and I realized it's Sly. An eerie feeling courses through me but I shake it off. As much as I'll like to beat the hell out of him , I can't leave Lena alone. Not in this state.

" Solo . Keep him" I tell Sly in ancient Czech in a whisper. My cousins and I understand Czech perfectly. Let's say we have history there.

" Are you sure? " I grit my teeth, wondering why he's asking me that but I answer him after all I'm surrounded by police officers.

" Get it done" I say then I hang up then I pick up my other phone.

" Olivia,"

" Hi Leon, I have been looking into dad's archives and there's something I think you'll like to see . I can give you some hints"

" Not on the phone. In person " I tell her knowing I can't talk about my dad here . His shady business makes it impossible.

" Alright. I'll see you tomorrow " she says and I hum then hang up. I drop the phone, ignoring another call but it won't stop ringing. I have to answer it. My mother can be persistent when she wants something.

" Mom, I'm not in the mood"

" You need to see him. You have to. I know it's too late but there's still time to fix this Leon" I run a hand through my hair still looking at Lena.

" Fine. Give me two days and I'll be in Italy "

" Good. Don't be late" she says and I hear a beep. Yeah, she hung up. I dip my phone in my pocket ready to listen without disturbance but I see Lena by the door but she wouldn't leave. I share a look with the detectives.

" What's happening? Is she under arrest? " The chief replies instantly.

" No Sir. We have a hunch on something. Trevor Harrington is the mastermind but Isabella Smith isn't innocent. She's an accomplice. We might not have evidence now but we'll soon" I wish I'm surprised but I'm not. She has been my primary suspect and I don't have proof too. It's a good thing they think so too. It'll be easier for me. The thing is, Lena has refused to accept it with the insinuation that she was a victim.

" Her sister? What's the world turning into?"

" You'll be surprised how deep and cruel the heart of humans can be" the chief says and I shake my head. Ofcourse I know that, that's why I don't have any expectations. Nothing surprises me anymore.

" Indeed" I tell him, striding to the door to lead Lena out. She looks at me and then she looks away quickly. I wound my hands around her waist helping her walk properly.

" You're not going to ask?" I narrow my eyes at her . I know what she's talking about but I don't care . She's the one that needs proof yet Isabella watched Trevor hurt her friend and said nothing. I hope she finally sees the truth. Wait a minute, if Isabella is Trevor's accomplice, that means she wasn't forced to... Oh no .

Did Lena know this?

" No. Come here" I pull her into my arms for a hug . She wraps her hands around my waist and I grit my teeth feeling the urge to order for Trevor's death yet I couldn't. If Trevor has indeed been found, I want to interrogate him after all he's not into this alone. I wonder how they found him.

" Julian" she murmurs holding on to me tightly. I kiss her head .

" I'm here. It's okay" i say , not comfortable with the pairs of eyes watching us, I lead her out of the station. She needs closure if we're going to survive this. Knowing Isabella is likely an accomplice, it explains why she's this way. Lena is hurting because she's found out about her sister. She'd mention Isabella confession earlier.

We return to the hotel with a lot on my mind. I'm not only worried about Lena but my mother's sudden interest in Iona. She has come up with a bizarre assumption. An assumption that might cause a rift between me and Lena if I don't handle it well.

I tuck Lena in bed when she had had dinner then I walk into the bathroom to refresh my body. I have a lot of things to do but I can't leave Lena alone neither can I take her with me. I close my eyes as the shower soaks my body while I push my hair to the back then I rest my hands on the wall.

" Your phones won't stop ringing. Every member of your family has been calling you including Iona" I hear Lena say and I tense up when I heard Iona's name. She doesn't have my number. I flip my hair to the back then I turn around to find her by the door staring at me. Her eyes aren't looking into mine but at my chest. I will say she's looking down if she didn't have something to say.

" Is it world war three?" She asks in an irritated tone.

" My cousins have Trevor Harrington. I'm supposed to be there by now" I tell her. Her eyes changes from lust to shock . It's normal to be surprised but I expected a different reaction from her maybe relief or excitement.

" You're leaving me here, alone? "

" Not really, Edward will stay with you. I'll be back I promise" I tell her. I turn the shower head off so that she can hear me clearly.

" How did they find him? Do I get to meet him?" She asks , stepping away from the door and closing in on me. She stops in front of me, turns the shower on while she steps out of her clothes.

"Babe, I..... " I stutter not really sure about sex right now but looking at her overrule that idea. She strips out of her panties and bra as I drink in the sight of her. Lena can be nominated as the most beautiful girl in the world and I'm certain she'll emerge winner not just because of her curves or face but because she's smart, intuitive and fierce.

" Yes??" She whispers softly, pressing her chest on me. I reduce the shower flow then I cup her cheeks while she puts her hands in the back of my head.

" Are you mad at me?" She asks and I shake my head leaning down to kiss her. As much as I can't be here for her, I do want her and I'll never turn Lena advances down no matter what.

She parts her lips the moment my lips touches hers and I smile against her lips as I move it with hers in a slow kiss. She puts my hands on her ass and I give it a squeeze. My body feels warm despite being under the shower when she touches me . I run my hands on her smooth body and stop on her boobs then I deepen the kiss. She writhes on me as I stroke my tongue on hers . I pull away from her mouth when she needs to catch her breath and suck on her neck. There are hickeys from our previous sexcapades but I want to leave more . I move to her cleavage to do the same then I feel the warmth from her hands as she strokes my member. It twitches in her grasp and she whimpers.

It feels like it's about to break as she keeps stroking it. I slip a finger in her and I grunts when she locks it in. I use my thumb to press on her clit in a circular motion before she lets go. My baby is anxious.

" Ahhh .. Julian," She moans when I pummel into her. I raise her up at some point and wraps her legs around my waist then I press her back on the wall, thrusting my hips harder into her.

We are both in the tub to calm our nerves. She's straddling me with her head resting on my shoulder while I'm leaning on the bathtub and my hands are wrapped around her back.

" Do you have to go?" She asks in a husky voice. She places her head properly on my shoulder then she presses a kiss on it. It causes my cock inside her to twitch.

" Yes. They have Trevor baby. Aren't you excited?"

She stirs then moans. I bite my lips to avoid moaning with her. It's been perfect for quite some time now and I wouldn't want to ruin it before my mum drops the bomb on her. So I caress her hair.

" I am but I think it was too quick. I mean you looked for him before but couldn't find him and all of a sudden he's found. Isn't that suspicious?" As long as he's out of the way. At least we'll know who is behind everything. She may not know it but I get it. It's no coincidence that Trevor has been found when the police started asking questions. I know there's a foul play somewhere.

" Maybe but I'm ready to take that chance"

Lena raises her head from my shoulder to look at me then her gaze wandered off to my thighs, where we're joined then she meets my gaze. She presses a kiss on my lips and then raises her hips a little as my member slides out of her.

" I miss you already. I guess I'm sleeping alone tonight"

" I'm still here and you don't have to. I'll be back before midnight" she hums when I said that.

" Okay" she says ruffling my hair.

We cleaned up and I get dressed to meet my cousins while Lena is typing on her laptop. I press a kiss on her lips on my way out then I see a call from Sly.

" Yes, I'm on my way" I tell him before he gets the chance to speak. Finding Trevor suddenly doesn't interest me anymore probably because I know it's a distraction. From what? I don't know. I need to speak with my dad there's something he's not telling me. Why does he want the Congress vote so much? And who amongst my family is against this? I need to know. I'm tired of guessing. I tend to end the call since he's not saying anything because I'm suddenly angry.

" Actually... He didn't make it"