

Leonard Julian Connor wasn't one to chase after girls but found himself chasing a certain air force officer. A pilot. He knew she was out of his league yet he wasn't discouraged as he was determined to win her over but she didn't want him in fact she detested him. Milena Ariel Smith wanted nothing but a carefree life as an air force officer where she could achieve anything especially her father's multi-dollar companies so as to widen their reach, she had so much to plan with the responsibility of being the heir apparent of the Smiths but being from a prestigious family with strict rules there was little she could do as her parents were punctilious about everything expecting so much from her yet she didn't let it discourage her until they made an announcement that changed her life forever. " I don't love you, Julian, don't you get it? You're just a bartender! A common delivery man. so not my type" every word she said broke my heart as I stare at her eyes. I never expected to be loathed by someone I love someday. Just when I wanted someone she didn't want me but I'm not going to give up. " I'll get a better job. Open a bar. I'm working on something. I need you in my life. Please give me a chance" I begged with teary eyes but she laughed so loud that it pierced my heart so I held her hands to comfort myself. You should have seen the way she yanked my hands off like it was infested with worms. " Don't touch me. You're everything that I despise. Stay away from me loser" What will happen when she finds out that the man she has insulted, rejected and disrespected was her supposed betrothal? Or what Julian might do when he learns who his betrothed wife was? Do you want to find out? Well, you're about to find out how fate played with both of them. Please leave comments and tips if you like the story: souvenir to boost my morale.

Tianna · Fantasy
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I need to know

Isabella's POV

The cops are looking for me because Trevor is dead. I still can't believe he's dead . My Trevor can't be dead. He promised to come back for me. How did it come to this? I feel cold in this bunker but I don't know where to go. I had stopped by the house to get some clothes earlier then I overheard Dad and Miley speaking.

He said I wasn't his.

To him, I'm a disgrace to the family. The only daughter he recognized is Miley and for years I have been curious about his love and devotion to her but I get it now. I am not a Smith. It hurts to know he did everything he did for his daughter hereby neglected me . All my life I have wanted to please him, to make him proud of me and I stopped when I realized I'm never getting that attention because his favourite daughter is Miley hence, she became my role model

She didn't look surprised when dad mentioned it which means she knew . They lied and deceived me for the past twenty years. It shouldn't matter but it hurts so badly that I fear for my heart. The family I thought was mine wasn't.

And she's going to pay for that. Milena Is going to know how it feels to be a bastard. To be all alone and miserable but before I do that, I have to leave here. I'll never forgive Miley for ruining my life.

The cops are tagging me as an accomplice all thanks to her. They must have interrogated her too after I and Logan had left the station. She opened her mouth and rattle me out. That bitch. She conspired against me.

Now that I have established that, I need to know who killed Trevor. Leonard or the cops?

It's convoluting but I don't trust any of them. If it's Leonard he'll have caught me already and if it's the cops they would have gotten a confession out of Trevor. He'll never rattle me out unless there's a slight possibility that he was working for someone else.

Someone who has been using his obsession with Miley against him. Someone who has been in the dark while we did the dirty work but who? I wish Trevor was here to answer my questions. I have always wondered how Trevor got Miley that contract.

Could this person be responsible for that too?

The suspense is killing me so I plop on the bed to think this through. I can't be a fugitive in my own country. I need to do something about it. I can surrender myself to the cops and pretend to ask for forgiveness from Miley afterall She's married to the president of bond group. The largest communal group in the world with over a hundred investors and branches.

All I have to do was act pitiful but I have to speak with my parents first. I don't care how I'm going do that but I'm doing it. They have to confirm my suspicion.

I need to know who I am.

After giving it some thinking, I decided to go to the house through the basement. I and Miley spent more time down there than in the house because we wanted to be away from dad and his procrastination. The best decision we have ever made. I shake my head to dissuade myself from thinking about those days when we were really sisters but we're grown now and she has taken everything from me. She has forgotten our bond probably because we don't share the same blood.

I harden my eyes when I think about it but I have no choice now. I have to do this. I hadn't killed anyone. All I did was follow instructions, dare I say I can play the victim too? The police might not believe me but they have no proof.

Not enough to send me to prison anyway. If they could, I'll have Miley for the aftermath. Perfect.

I heave a sigh of relief when I get out of the basement and I was in the winery . My eyes roams all over the room and sighs to know I'm in. Let's hope I get to talk to my parents peacefully without getting them to call the cops on me . That'll be disappointing if you ask me.

I take the room opposite the winery and down to the lobby and I was in the living room within minutes. I figure Miley is still here so, I decided to enter my room and wait for the perfect time to talk to them. Dad might not be the right person to talk to considering his speech earlier which leaves Mom. I'm a bit skeptical in talking to her but I need to know who I am . I have to know. It'll might take days to get to talk to Mom alone but I can wait afterall I have nowhere to be.

All thanks to the cops.