

Leonard Julian Connor wasn't one to chase after girls but found himself chasing a certain air force officer. A pilot. He knew she was out of his league yet he wasn't discouraged as he was determined to win her over but she didn't want him in fact she detested him. Milena Ariel Smith wanted nothing but a carefree life as an air force officer where she could achieve anything especially her father's multi-dollar companies so as to widen their reach, she had so much to plan with the responsibility of being the heir apparent of the Smiths but being from a prestigious family with strict rules there was little she could do as her parents were punctilious about everything expecting so much from her yet she didn't let it discourage her until they made an announcement that changed her life forever. " I don't love you, Julian, don't you get it? You're just a bartender! A common delivery man. so not my type" every word she said broke my heart as I stare at her eyes. I never expected to be loathed by someone I love someday. Just when I wanted someone she didn't want me but I'm not going to give up. " I'll get a better job. Open a bar. I'm working on something. I need you in my life. Please give me a chance" I begged with teary eyes but she laughed so loud that it pierced my heart so I held her hands to comfort myself. You should have seen the way she yanked my hands off like it was infested with worms. " Don't touch me. You're everything that I despise. Stay away from me loser" What will happen when she finds out that the man she has insulted, rejected and disrespected was her supposed betrothal? Or what Julian might do when he learns who his betrothed wife was? Do you want to find out? Well, you're about to find out how fate played with both of them. Please leave comments and tips if you like the story: souvenir to boost my morale.

Tianna · Fantasy
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146 Chs

He knows

Milena's POV

" Mrs.Connor, what happened to Maximilian on the 15 of September?"

The detective asks me for the second time in a row. His question takes me back to that uneventful day at Trevor's company. My chest suddenly feels tight as I replay how Maximilian was killed in front of me. I can whiff the smell of his blood as it flows slowly. I remember how I stood there in shock staring into his dilated eyes and suddenly all the wave of sadness I felt two days ago came rushing back like a whirlwind. The difference is that I'm expecting it to but that doesn't help the guilt I have been escaping from.

If at all I did escape it for two days, I couldn't anymore cos I feel it all at once. His pain, her betrayal and deceit. Most importantly his lies .

" Mrs, Connor" I hear him call me again. I scoff at the last name wondering if I'm really a misses but that's not the problem right now.

" Yes, yes. Maximilian is.. I mean was my SO and we were there to sign a contract. I later changed my mind which didn't sit too well with Trevor Harrington..." I start to say but he interrupts.

" Your ex boyfriend" he corrects and I shake my head. He nods, picks his pen and starts writing something down. The other detectives is typing on his phone. I open my mouth to continue but he cuts in again.

" Why did you change your mind at the last second? I mean you were there obviously. It means you wanted to sign that contact. What happened?" This is why I hate interrogation. They always finds something suggestive from whatever you say. I hate detectives and their know it all instincts. Their ability to get information from a few sentences irked me. I can't wait to leave here. I'm the victim for Christ sake but I clear my throat trying to cooperate. I need to finish my speech before I lose my temper.

" Well, I realized he wanted to hire me because of my husband; the president of bond group for profits" I answer nevertheless. He seems to dwell on it for a while but he doesn't say anything neither did the others. I look at the opaque glass knowing Julian is on the other side of it watching us, listening in. I finally have the gut to continue with the interrogation because I know I have him on my side. It might be nothing to him but it means everything to me. His support and care are keeping me from freaking out on these annoying detectives.

" He wasn't happy that I turned him down obviously. He tried coercion but I didn't give in then he got angry demanding I sign it. There were men with guns surrounding the room before I know what was happening. Maximilian tried talking him out of it but he didn't listen. He ordered his men to shoot him after he knocked my friend Logan out and when I didn't cooperate he had his men cock their guns at an unconscious Logan. I finally cave in but he didn't expect my bodyguards to come knocking. I guess he panicked. My bodyguards were able to force their way into the room and you know the rest" I shift on my sight keeping my emotions in check. His eyes roams my face , I don't know what he's looking for but I can assure you, he's getting nothing out of me.

" Your bodyguards? Why do you have bodyguards?" He asks and I shrug desperate to give him the middle finger.

" I had them because my husband assigned them to me. You wanna know, ask him" he writes it down too and I scoff. he'll need luck with that though I know he wouldn't ask him.

I don't tell them about the gas explosion because I know Julian wanted to deal with him himself if he's to catch the mole in his family. I'm certain that mole doesn't want him dead. He's after his father whom Julian has been protecting. Olivia is there too.

" We couldn't find the contract papers " he points out after taking a long note . I shrug unconcerned. I was wrong to have thought he was good but I know he's not as good as I thought at this point.

"Excuse me if I was too busy taking care of my unconscious friend or too shock to accept Maximilian's death" I say in a sarcastic tone . Detective Mitchell frowns at the sudden outburst. He adjust his suit , shares a look with his colleagues before he resume the interrogation.

" Anyway, there was someone else in the scene. Isabella Smith. Your younger sister" it sounds like a question but it wasn't a question.

" Yes, she was equally as terrified as I was" I say in a bored tone, thinking he's going to stop there.

" You didn't say you were terrified just appalled by the circumstances that caused your supervising officer's death. As we know. She's your ex boyfriend's girlfriend "It sounded so wrong with the way he said it like he's judging me and crucifying Isabella. I can see what he's doing. They're looking for a scapegoat. Trevor is out of reach and they're trying to pin it on Isa.

" Yes. What has that got to do with the investigation" he smiles closing his notepad or notebook whatever he's holding. Is that his conclusion?

" I have gone through the employees list and Isabella isn't one of them" he says and I squint my eyes at him for being nosy. He got that within two days? I lean back on the chair intrigued with this young man but I don't answer.

" I think she's an accomplice. Your sister might have bad intentions towards you" I can feel the pain churning in my gut at his analysis. He didn't have to remind me. I knew that already. She said so herself. Unfortunately for him, I don't want her to go to prison.

" I wanted her to be there" he narrows his eyes at me and I frown. He doesn't believe me which means he had interrogated Isabella and Logan. I wonder what she said. Isa has always been a terrible liar. Did she give herself away? I look at the glass wondering if Julian heard him too. If he did that means he knows.

Julian knows everything and that can't be good.

It seems the interrogation is over as the other detectives stand up to leave except the intrusive Mitchell who won't stop staring at me. He eventually stand up leading me out of the room but I don't let him. I'd rather stay in the interrogation room than face him.