
A better Symbiosis

I like Spider-Man, but I want to be better so whats the best way to be better. It's of course a Symbiote. Everything Spider-Man is and more. Its time for the rise of a Symbiote.

Count_Daath · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Double the spider

I should have Ink knock me out more often, because when I woke up, I felt like I had the best sleep in my life. [I would happily knock you out more often.] ha ha Ink that's so funny. I open my eyes fully finding myself in my bed a little surprised that I wasn't at the hospital, but this is easier on me anyways. I didn't want anyone getting my DNA and going on a cloning spree when they find out about my unique physiology.

[Yeah, this world has enough of you in it] I ignore Ink and get up and go the bathroom. I check the myself out in the mirror to see if any physical differences occurred. I checked myself out and saw that my face stayed the same with its medium length black hair and black eyes and oval shaped face, my height increased from 5'8 to 5'10 and my former four-pack changed to six-pack. [You done checking yourself out now?] yes, I'm done checking myself out Ink.

I get dressed in some workout shorts and a t-shirt and walk down stairs and then walk down stairs. I walk to my mom who was currently making some breakfast. I walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder. She jumps startled and whirls around facing me she then visible relaxes "Don't scare me like that and you shouldn't be walking around your still recovering." "Sorry about scaring you, but I'm feeling fine." I said apologetically and then asked "So, how long was I out?" "Not that long actually you were only out for a day and a little bit of this morning." My mom said answering my question. "Did you want anything to eat or a you good." My mom asked "Yeah I could go for some food." I answered back and my mom went back to cooking breakfast.

I walked out of the house after eating some breakfast and spending some time convincing my mom. My destination was anywhere I could test my new found strength, speed, and reflexes. Before I was bitten, I already had Spider-Man level strength of about 20 tons, move at 150 mph, and have lightning level reflexes courtesy of spider-sense and my own body. I enter inside a abandoned construction site. In the construction site were half finished houses and loose construction material.

I walked around the area looking for something to test my strength against and as I walked around, I found a half-built house with a weak foundation. I walked around it looking for a hold so I could try and lift it. A space between the floor and ground was to be my grip. I squatted down and grabbed the floor and started to lift and I slowly started to lift. I moved more under so I could lift from the middle and after some struggle I lifted it above my head and threw it a small distance when it fell it crumbled and the ground cracked. Strength test check. I then then toke a five-minute rest. I then marked the ground and then started to run after three seconds I stopped and marked the ground again. I reached into my pocket for a portable meter ruler and after measuring the distance between each of my marks I created. I did some math and found out my current new speed. Speed test check. I couldn't figure out my reaction speed in this area, so I would have to figure it out later. My results for my strength test 102 tons since I could lift up a half-built house, my speed was 120 mph since I traveled 360 meters in three seconds.

Overall, I had improved by more than double in both strength and speed. Hey Ink do you think I should go for being an edgy superhero or a quirky one? [Wait What?! Don't ask me these stupid questions.] there not stupid there important. I walk home pouting. I can't believe Ink doesn't understand the importance of being either edgy or quirky. If you can't pick what type of stereotypical hero you want to be no one will take you seriously. Look at DC and Marvel they both have their types of superheros and supervillains, but it's more common in DC though. Look at Batman and you see edgy; you look at Spider-Man and you get a guy who is quirky in suit and likes to make puns. Supervillains act in the same way Poison Ivy is a sociopath who wants to help the environment and the original Venom is someone who had one goal and one goal alone. To kill Spider-Man.

I need a goal/personality for my superhero persona. When I was a civilian, I was your mild-mannered asshole and in costume I was...something. That's why I asked Ink on what I should be between those two options to play homage to my favorite DC hero and Marvel hero.

I walk back inside to see that my mom was almost done making dinner. My mom turns around when I close the door behind me "Where have you been young man?" "I was walking around the city." I answered. She shakes her head and turns back to cooking.

I was in my room after eating and was relaxing in my room thinking about what my alter-ego would be and its future name would be. I knew I wasn't Spider-Man and I feel this world doesn't need a Batman, but I feel the need to be like them. It may be a combination of admiration or childhood fantasy or even a combination of both. My name I already knew and I got to say it was bland, but I liked how it felt right for me. My name would be Symbiote to represent my connect to a special Symbiote by the name of Ink. [Sweet talk won't get you anywhere.] hey a man's got to try.

The current problem still was who my alter-ego was, but I guess that would be found out when I finally went out and made a name for myself. I slowly close my eyes when I finally remember I don't have school for another three days off of school to recover, so I then proceed to play some video games into the night and pass out from exhaustion.