
A Bet with Slutty Evil Being!

~Mature Content~ There are a total of seven sins, and a revelation is made to a young man named Alex that he is destined to become a demon lord, more especially a demon lord of sin called LUST. It's not like he can change that and because he always knew something about himself was different—not in a physical sense, well, maybe a little—and not in a mental sense—but rather because he is thrown into a demonic war that compels him to accept his new reality. He was only aware of a difference in himself. Relating to him and the ladies who are drawn to him... Well, it was more or less like he was a magnet in front of all the girls, and all the girls were drawn to him like a metal. ___ Dragon = 1 Bonus Chapter. Magic Castle = 5 Bonus Chapters. SpaceCraft = 10 Bonus Chapters. Golden Gachapon= 15 Bonus Chapters.

dxd_no_hentai · Fantasy
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249 Chs

Chapter 202: Confusion!

Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️


However, Nyssa realized that she had carried with her the memories of both the battle and being in Old Age, which created a strange feeling of being in two places at once.

It was as if she was living in two different worlds, one where she was a mortal fighting for her life and the other where she was an immortal swordsman honing her skills. The experience was surreal, and Nyssa struggled to make sense of it all.

Was it possible that her time in Old Age had somehow given her an advantage in her battle against Avalandor? Or was it simply a side effect of wielding Old Age, an artifact with powers beyond her understanding?

Regardless of the answers to these questions, Nyssa knew one thing for certain: she had to focus on defeating Avalandor once and for all. She couldn't afford to be distracted by the strange sensations and memories that lingered from her time in Old Age.