

The revelation of end time revival. You can distinguish the sound of revival and well-being of churches and nation. Stay tuned for the marvelous outpouring of the resurrection spirit.

SharonSandhiya · Realistic
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12 Chs


The spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD, searching out his inmost being.



Joel 2nd chapter.

What is mean by revival?

An Awakening spirit, the spirit of resurrection, Renaissance.


Lamp of the Lord will examine what is going on in man and point out the errors. Then man will walk in righteousness without stumbling. That is, they will not walk away from faith (1 Timothy 4: 1).

wickedness began to increase in the land which was mentioned in the prophecy book Joel.

That is, the lamp of the Lord (the spirit that was in man) was dead.

In order to rectifythis, God who is rich in mercy, sent his prophet with the word and make them to repent, then he pours out his spirit, through this he commands revival and resurrection in the fallen land or wicked nation.

Renaissance is the process of reviving something that is already exists.

It is the will of God to resurrect the spirit within a man and thereby command prosperity in the land.

Because when God made the world and man, there was no famine, no pestilence.

These are the wrath that came upon the earth by the wickedness of man.

That is why the nation in which the revival was poured out was prosperous and well-riched.


The change begins within the individual transforms the church and society.

God does not expect crowds, but the commitment of an individual human being.

Let us long for the fountain of resurrection to flow from us.

Whoever reading this let them understand the spirit says to them.

Praise be to the One who gives the desire and fulfills it.