
A Beautiful Journey

She used to be a cheerful young girl... But one incident changed her. Losing her love was the shock which changed her. The naive girl is gone, now she is an independent strong women who will go to any extent to avenger her loved once. She is now cold and ruthless with no place for love. She is determined to ruin those who destroyed her life and in that path she will stop at nothing be it destroying her own blood relations. But not everything goes according to plan. In her journey of revenge Song Meili came across Lu Yazhe the wealthy, ruthless and handsome Ceo of Lu Enterprise. Will she be able to stop Lu Yazhe from entering her heart? Will she be able to take her revenge? and What forced her to take this path??? And most importantly what will happen when her past will return, the one she thought she lost. Who'll she choose? 2 Male Lead's ---xxx--- *Credit to original owner of cover*

Messy_creates · Urban
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9 Chs


"Where is he????... He should be here by now... "

A woman was standin near the exit of airport was muttering to herself. She was wearing a light yellow sun dress and sunglasses. Her hairs were open. But if one paid proper attention then they can see her restlessness like she was waiting for someone impatiently.

Suddenly the impatience was removed by a bright smile which can make anyone's hear flutter. She was looking so beautiful with that smile. She was looking at a man coming out from the airport.

The man was wearing a round neck t-shirts with a denim jacket and jeans. He was also wearing sunglasses. He was ao handsome that all the female population present there can't resist themselves from peeking towards him again and again. With his handsome face and body he looked like a model making everyone's hear flutter. His eyes scanned the crowed and landed the girl wearing the yellow sundress. And to add cherry on top he too smiled looking towards her and with that smile loud gasps can be heard coming from all the ladies.

He walked towards the girl with long strides and within a few seconds emraced her tightly with his face burried in the crook of her neck taking a sniff of her flowery fragrance.

The man was none other than Li Han and the women in his embrace was Yang Meili.

The two together looked like a pair made in heaven.

After a long hug he released her. Both of the have already removed their sunglasses. Both looked at each other so lovingly like they wanted to imprint each other in their eyes forever. Li Han kissed her forehead and gentlly and said "I missed you so much all these years Mei. " If one look closely both of them had tears in their eyes threatening to fall any second.

Meili said "I missied you too An. All these years I have waited for you to return and now that you are back you are not allowed to leave me otherwise I'll never talk to you. " she said forming a cute pout.

Li Han smiled and said "I am not going anywhere now. I'll be with you forever, I promise. You can beat me as much as you want if I ever left you. " He said and hugged her again. Then they both went towards their car and went home.

Before coming back Li Han already purchased a new house for both of then to live together. Although he had his family home here but he wanted to start a new life with her happily where everything will belong to only them.

Where she can decorate their home however she wish and where they will build their future together.

Thinking of their future together he was so happy and looked towards the women sitting together with him, with her head on on his shoulder, she was playing with his hands.

He wanted nothing much but a simple and happy life with her. He closed his eyes with a smile playing on his lips thinking about their future.


After a long 1 hour drive they finally reached their destination. The house was not very grand or very small, it was just perfect for the two of them.

It had a beautiful garden where various beautiful flowers were blooming. In the left side a white shade was their decorated with vines under which a small table and chairs were placed. One can enjoy the pleasant environment sitting there.

It was a two storey house, with an open kitchen near the dinning area. It was not yet decorated completely as they have purchased it recently, but Meili took the responsibility for decoration each corner of the house as it will be their small love nest.

Entering the house and looking around both were very satisfied. It was there dream to live together as a family in their house with their kids running around. Everything seems possible now.

Hey guys...

Here you go, the first chapter. Hope you guys are all fy9.

I know the chapters are small but it will get longer with time. It's my first book and I am learning with this too so please forgive me for any mistakes ☺...


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