
Why a beauty always rely on others?

Yes beautiful girl always rely on their beauty because. They always wanted to look younger and. They think our beauty is forever but beauty is just an age not a factor. Today's sataitics reveals that they always try to lok younger but they do too much things for example masks, and other beauty creams they also do expensive treatment. That do not let them look beautiful. But by doing makeup they. But by wearing expensive things they also look younger. Beauty is not a factor but it also makes different. Beauty is an Important fctor but girls have to do this to look younger. It will also take an important view on beauty as age or factor but time reveals every thing most people are beautifull. Most age factor come due to different ways by aging and other factor. According a beautifull girl people don't like them and they also do not take leverage on other way. But being a beautiful girl it also makes look younger but how you will look younger for how many time.? My answer to this question is that how much younger we will stay younger. And beautiful. But day by day we are growing older and it also cause age factor wy out of common thing. By being a girl or women

I as a women consider muysel beautiful because many of people don't like me that why I wa considered low in my relatives. But I said no I wil become beautifull and strong. As strong I wil I will be able to fight with the world.