
A Beastly Proposal

|Cover image generated by me!| |Shout-out to Forteller for this amazing book cover!| [ WARNING: MATURE CONTENT, GORE] Bianca has spent her life trapped. Born into a wealthy family, she was treated more like an object than a daughter by her father. When she finally became aware of his betrayal, a fire ignited within her. Revenge became her sole purpose. For years, Bianca honed her skills, learning everything she could about the world beyond her gilded cage and cultivated a persona of elegant indifference. Finally, she felt prepared to strike. Her target: The Selvaggio Mafia family. More specifically, Achille Selvaggio, the ruthless underboss known as "The Beast in human flesh." Achille, a man as feared as he is respected, holds the key to Bianca's revenge. But getting close to him will be a dangerous gamble. Bianca hatches a daring plan. She will make Achille an offer he can't refuse - a proposal so shocking, so audacious, that it will force him to confront his own demons. A proposal that will change their lives forever.

EnHui · Fantasy
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48 Chs

What's Concealed In This Masterpiece?

 One hour later, Dr. Vittoria Caruso, a vision in a tailored suit and heels that clicked a staccato rhythm on the cobblestones, arrived at Achille's villa, chauffeured in by Lorenzo's very own man. This dazzling young woman, with dark tresses cascading in a simple bun, possessed the charisma of a starlet and the sharp mind of a scholar. Her reputation as the art world's wunderkind (prodigy), a close confidante of the captivating Valentina, preceded her. Her presence, both commanding and approachable, crackled with an irresistible blend of curiosity and expertise. 

Just as she reached the grand villa doors, they swung open with a dramatic flourish, revealing Valentina herself. A warm embrace ensued, a flurry of "Sorella mia!" (My sister!) and sweet smiles.

 Dr. Caruso, ever the professional (or so she tried to be!), cleared her throat and adopted a more formal tone. "Signora Rossi," she began, a playful pout forming on her lips, "it's been far too long! Why the radio silence since your grand escape to wedded bliss?" 

Valentina chuckled, a melodious sound that echoed through the grand foyer. "Forgive the transgression, cara Vittoria," she replied, "but married life has its demands." 

"Ah, understandable," Dr. Caruso conceded with mock seriousness. "But afterwards, coffee! My treat, naturally." With a theatrical flourish, she extended a hand, which Valentina accepted with a knowing smile.

Their laughter echoed as they proceeded towards Achille's study. But as Valentina pushed open the door, Dr. Caruso's smile froze. Inside, a tableau of male beauty awaited: Enzo, Lorenzo, and Achille himself. Enzo, with his keen sense of smell, detected a new fragrance in the air - a sweet, intoxicating scent that sent a shiver down his spine. 

 'Mamma mia!' Dr. Caruso thought, her cheeks flushing a charming shade of rosa. These men, undeniably handsome, filled the room with a powerful presence that momentarily intimidated her. But Dr. Caruso, ever the quick study, steeled her nerves and offered a polite, albeit slightly flustered, smile. 

"Greetings, gentlemen," Dr. Caruso announced with a charming lilt in her voice, extending a hand for a collective handshake. "Dr. Vittoria Caruso, at your service." 

Achille, ever the gentleman, stepped forward first. "Achille Rossi, Valentina's younger brother," he introduced himself with a polite shake. Dr. Caruso returned the gesture with a curt nod and a dazzling smile. 

Lorenzo, however, couldn't resist a touch of theatrics. "Lorenzo, Valentina's cugino (cousin)," he declared, taking her hand with a touch more zeal. His eyes, however, confessed a more profound interest. "Imagine my surprise, cara Dottoressa (dear Doctor)," he continued, a playful smirk gracing his lips, "to discover Valentina holding out on such a bella signorina (beautiful young lady) as yourself. Betrayal, I say!" He punctuated his declaration with a flourish, leaning down to kiss her hand. 

A blush crept up Dr. Caruso's cheeks, her heart doing a little tap dance in her chest. His gaze, warm and appraising, sent a flicker of heat across her skin. 'Charming, certainly,' she mused to herself, 'but perhaps a touch too...effervescent.' Her eyes couldn't help but linger on his lips as he continued his playful banter. 

Valentina, watching the exchange unfold, rolled her eyes with a silent sigh. ' This is exactly why I hesitated telling him about her,' she thought, a hint of exasperation coloring her expression. 

Dr. Caruso, flustered by the attention, let out a nervous giggle. "Though," she stammered, "one can't help but wonder why sorella mia neglected to mention such a handsome cugino." 

Lorenzo's brow furrowed slightly at this, casting a glance towards Valentina who, with impeccable timing, chose that moment to avert her gaze. 

A dry cough, almost a strangled "Casanova!" erupted from Enzo, who quickly averted his own eyes as if to avoid any potential glare from Lorenzo. 

Dr. Caruso, extricating her hand from Lorenzo's lingering grasp with a playful cough, turned her attention to Enzo. "Well," she chirped, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "and what about you, mysterious Signor? Don't tell me you also plan on leaving me a stranger."

Enzo, caught off guard by her directness, stammered a reply. "Uh, m-me? I'm Enzo, Valentina's other cugino, at your service," he mumbled, sheepishly averting his gaze. A faint blush crept up his neck as a new, intoxicating scent tickled his nose. 'Is it coming from her?' he wondered, his heart skipping a beat.

Dr. Caruso, captivated by his quiet demeanor, found herself intrigued. 'He's rather cute,' she thought, 'and seemingly closer to my age.' She flashed him a dazzling smile, the warmth reaching her eyes. "Pleasure to meet you, Enzo."

Enzo, bewildered by her sudden cheerfulness, raised an eyebrow. Unlike most who recoiled from his ever-present skull, she seemed completely unfazed. In truth, it bothered her more than she cared to admit, but a spark of curiosity flickered within her. Perhaps there was a story behind it.

Before the pleasantries could extend further, Achille intervened. "Enough with the introductions, shall we? Dottoressa," he addressed Dr. Caruso, gesturing towards the canvas bathed in the study's gentle light, "what are your thoughts on the painting itself? We've scoured every inch, but the artist's signature remains elusive."

Dr. Caruso approached the easel, her professional demeanor returning. With a flourish, she donned a pair of pristine white gloves and began her meticulous examination. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she glided her gloved fingers across the canvas, scrutinizing every brushstroke with the intensity of a hawk. 

 "Fascinating," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "The technique is undeniable, a true master's touch. And yet, no signature..."

"Indeed," chimed in Achille, his gaze fixed on her every move. "We haven't a clue who created it."

Dr. Caruso, her brow furrowed in concentration, gave the canvas a final, meticulous inspection. With a flourish, she flipped it over, scrutinizing the back and frame for any hidden messages. "Sometimes, cari (darlings)," she explained in a hushed tone, "artists leave little secrets – hidden marks that only a discerning eye can find."

Several tense minutes passed as Dr. Caruso meticulously scanned every inch. Then, a sudden pause. Her gaze fixated on a barely perceptible detail near the corner. Adjusting her magnifying glass, she leaned in, her face contorting in surprise. With a dramatic sigh, she pulled back, muttering, "Nothing. No markings, no clues. This ghost artist is truly a master of disguise!"

Valentina's eyes widened. "But how?" she exclaimed, "There's absolutely no trace? Not even a symbol, a date, anything?"

Dr. Caruso shook her head, a hint of frustration in her voice. "Nothing, Signora Rossi. Not a single mark. This anonymous artist is meticulous, that much is clear. But most, even the most secretive, leave a whisper of their identity. This one...nada."

A heavy silence descended upon the room. Dr. Caruso sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, Sorella mia," she said, her voice filled with genuine regret. "It seems I haven't been much help today."

Valentina offered a warm smile. "Don't worry, Vittoria. We appreciate you coming. Let's go."

With a nod and a wave goodbye, Dr. Caruso followed Valentina out, leaving the men alone. As the door shut, the air seemed to shift. Enzo, a flicker of curiosity etched on his face, couldn't help but notice the lingering scent – the one that had captivated him earlier – had vanished. He shook his head, forcing his attention back to the room.

Lorenzo, a mischievous glint in his eyes, leaned back, his hand casually resting on his hip. "Well, well," he drawled, a playful smirk gracing his lips, "it seems this elusive artist wants us to drag them out of the shadows, by force."

Enzo and Achille exchanged a knowing glance. A slow smile spread across Achille's face. "Then," he said, running a hand through his hair, a hint of excitement in his voice, "let's give them a taste of the Selvaggio way. The Mafia way."

Lorenzo shrugged, offering a devil-may-care grin. "Seems we're all in agreement. But for me, gentlemen, this is where I take my leave. You handle what you do best." He turned to Enzo, his playful demeanor replaced by a steely glint. "And Enzo, this time, no letting the prey slip through our fingers."

Enzo, a chilling smile playing on his lips, brought the skull to his cheek, its smooth surface a stark contrast to his dark eyes. "Don't worry, cugino," he rasped, his voice low and menacing, "consider it done." 

Decided to put the meaning of each Italian phrase beside them cuz it seemed easier that way.

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