
The Trip:

The university decided to take students for a trip for a week.Everyone was overjoyed.The trip was to a mountain for away from the city.⛰️⛰️⛰️🏞️🏞️🗻⛰️⛰️Everyone admired the place.It was super cool.They make their tents,🏕️🏕️🏕️🏕️and enjoyed the nature very much.The next day, was Rose birthday.Oliver got up at 4 and took Rose to a place.Julia too followed them with a camera.Rose in a sleepy tonne said,"Ollie!!! I know u would prepare some gifts for my birthday but I want to sleep.. Please...I don't wanna celebrate this cursed day!!!"Oliver flicked her forehead and said,"Shut up!!!!U are not allowed to speak any words....just follow my steps"Rose nodded and followed his step sleepily 😴😴😴😴😴.Annie noticed their move.She wake up Erica ,Beast ,Kaio and made them to follow Oliver and Rose.Oliver took Rose to a cliff and poured a bucket of cold water on her head and said,"Wake up sweetie.... It's almost dawn!!!"Rose got annoyed and in a fierceful tonne said"Oliver u are death!!!!"Saying she chased him.Oliver hide behind Julia.Julia tried to calm her down.Rose saw another bucket of water there.She just smiled and said,"Fine...I'll forgive him!!!just this time.."On hearing this words Oliver stepped out and let his guard down.Suddenly Rose splashed the bucket of water towards him.Oliver was shocked.Finally everyone laughed.🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂Julia said,"U guys are same,as we used to be in our childhood!!!Look there is a haunted house🏚️🏚️🏚️🏚️🏚️🏚️ there Rose,just change ur clothes there.Rose came out after changing her clothes.Oliver changed the clothes there .Julia was too busy to lit the candle in the cake.Beast team noticed it.Erica almost started to nosebleed on seeing Oliver change his t-shirt. After changing her dress Rose came out and said ,"Julia... don't say me it is my birthday dress!!!!"Julia turned with a stammered tonne said,"Sorry Rose ....the bags have changed.It is the couple outfit,which I bought for Allen and Helen!!!!!"Oliver then looked at his t-shirt.It was written 2 GETHER in his shirt and in Rose's shirt it was written 4EVER .Everyone laughed again 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅.Oliver dragged her hand and pulled her near a tree.There was a birthday cake for her.She was surprised and hugged them both.Rose now clearly saw the view.It enchanted her mind .It was an awesome place....She lost her mind.Oliver shook her shoulder and with an exciting tonne said,"Look Rose ....the sun is about to raise!!!!!"🌥️🌥️🌥️🌥️🌄🌄🌅🌅🌅🌄🌄🌄Rose saw it with great admiration.Suddenly Oliver knelt down and opened a ring box and said,"TAKE IT WITH U ,SO YOU'LL ALWAYS HAVE A WAY TO LOOK BACK AND REMEMBER ME ....."On hearing these words she cried and squat down.Julia ran towards her and hugged her.

Oliver said Rose,"It was the last words LEO wanted to say to u and he asked me to give this ring to u!!!!!!"Rose wiped her tears and accepted the ring.She in a painful tonne said,"I love u too LEO... Oliver it was my best birthday gift!!!!!Thank you...I really miss him!!!"Julia said,"No more tears babe!!!!! "Rose shivered in cold.Oliver lend his Blazzer.In the back it was written as OLLIE.Beast team hid in a bush far behind , they only can see them, but they can't hear their voice.So Everyone thought Oliver confessed to Rose and she accepted it.Erica heart was filled with pain.She ran away from that place.Kaio followed her to console her.Annie whispered in Beast's ear and said,"Look,she is really a slut !!!!"saying she hurried to catch up with Erica.Oliver and Julia packed their things and left the place.Rose insisted to stay there.After Oliver and Julia left,Rose shouted,"LEO!!!CAN U HEAR ME!!!! I REALLY LOVE U....COME BACK...I CAN'T BEAR THIS PAIN...I LOVE U PLEASE COME BACK AND STAY BY MY SIDE...."saying she kissed the ring with tears.Beast was shocked to hear this.His eyes filled with tears!!!!