

Oliver,Rose and Julia were sitting in the playground.Oliver in a gentle tonne asked"Rose tell me honestly, what's troubling u?????"Rose looked up at him and just stared at him.Julia shook her shoulder and asked,"Rose...we know something about ur troubles,but we expect u to share with us!!!!After all, FRIENDS ARE NOT ONLY FOR SHARING HAPPINESS BUT ALSO SORROWS...."Rose smiled and them and said,"It's really difficult to hide things from u guys!!!!! "Oliver now in a harsh tonne asked" Jokes apart!!!Now just tell me,What's ur relationship between u and Beast...Why is he texting u???And why did u lie to us,for meeting him!!!!!!!"Rose looked stunned.She nervously replied,"Sorry guys!!!! it's just we are living together..!!!!!!!"Oliver and Julia were shocked and in a single tonne said,"WHAT!!!!!"Rose then in a panic voice said,"It's not what do u guys think!!!!!!We are in employee and employer relationship!!!!"Oliver made a poker face and asked,"Come on...Could u please Explain us!!!!"Rose now in a scared tonne said,"I was chased away from the dormitory..and ended up being a nanny in his house!!!!!"Julia asked,"Why don't u ask us for help????Do u think that we are too useless to help u?????"Rose in a puzzled tonne said,"It's not like that!!!!! I thought not u trouble u guys any more!!!!!And more over he said he knows my past!!!!so I don't wanna drag u guys along me!!!!!"Oliver asked ,"What ????How does he know about ur past!!!!"Rose in a serious tonne said,"Don't Worry!!!!he only knows about my life before10...so no problem...He doesn't know anything after the age of 12.....He meet me at a amusement park and we played and enjoyed together.."Julia and Oliver nodded.Oliver then looked at Rose and asked nervously,"Rose!!!!! Whatever the problem may be, we all can face it together!!!!so don't suffer urself and moreover even though Beast seems to be help us,my insight says he might be doubled face and Cunning,so I want u to move out from his house!!!!!! let's all stay together like we did, when we were kids!!!!"Rose smiled at him,"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine

!!!!! and whatever may happen but beast will never harm me.i trust him!!!!!"Julia in an excited tonne shook Rose's shoulder and asked,"Rose u'll never trust anyone easily..!!!U are trusting beast!!!!!Do u started to fall for him!!!!!!" Rose just sighed and said,"Love is not written in my fate!!!!!! Just don't mentioned that again.."Julia in her mind said,"Rose u'll never accept it!!!so stubborn...If u don't love him why don't u say "NO" to my question.U are just trying to bury ur feelings...but LOVE IS STRONG AND WONDERFUL..even if u hide ur feelings from us ur EYES ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE FILL IN LOVE FOR HIM...."ROSE too slightly blushed when she heard Julia's question.Oliver just clenched his bottle and almost disfigured it!!!! And he went away hurriedly!!!!!