
Chapter 1- Let's Go Shopping

        Jason as usual was in his room watching TV while also playing a video game. He lost couple of times and decided to stop playing. He dropped his phone beside him and laid down on his bed almost about to sleep but Maggie opened his door.

   "Liam is in the living room" Maggie said then she left. Jason sighed as he left his room to the living room where he saw Liam sitting drinking orange juice so he sat down and took a little orange juice.

   "Hey bro what brings you here?" Jason asked

   "I just wanted to tell you that my parents from finally got me enrolled in Janesses senior high." Liam said

   "That's good news. Let's go shopping to celebrate" Jason said as he took a long slip of juice until it finished. He went to his room and changed to a white shirt and black pants. He went to the kitchen where his mom was doing the dishes.

  "Mom, I'm going shopping. Do you need anything?" Asked Jason

  "Um...  Barbecue sauce, cheese, mayonnaise and cauliflower" said Maggie stacking the plates in the dish washer

   "Bye" Jason went to the living room were Liam was operating his phone and Liam spotted him

  "Shall we?" Liam said and they both left and went into Liam's car then he drove off. Liam's phone started ringing when they arrived at the Mall.

"Oh shit. it's Bianca, I totally forgot we have somewhere to go tonight. What am I gonna wear?" Liam dragged Jason's shirt as they walked into the mall.

"Quit acting like a teenage girl. I'm sure your dad will be perfect." Jason Teased.

"It's not a date... But I'm planning on telling her tonight, let's hurry. Go without me, I'll answer the call." Liam said and Jason left to the male section of clothes when he saw a familiar face. He went towards the pretty girl.

"Hi, aren't you Makela Jackson from Janeesee Senior High?" Jason asked

"Yeah. I've never seen you there, how do you know?" She raised a brow at him.

"Well, I've seen the school advertisement on billboards and besides, I'm joining the new semester on Monday." Jason said.

"I'll watch out for you..." she got interrupted by an average man with huge muscles.

"Makela, let's go." He said and she waved at Jason before leaving.

"Dude." Liam said from the back and Jason was startled a bit as he turned.

"You scared the F**k out of me." Jason said touching his chest to feel his heart beat.

"Who's that pretty girl? let me guess future Mrs. Jason?" Liam smirked at him.

"Quit it. she's just a girl from Janeesee Senior High okay?"

"Whatever you say." Liam gave a short laughter then they continued shopping till evening. Jason went home to find his mom sleeping on the couch, he kept the shopping bags on the table then he got a blanket from upstairs and covered her in it.

He arranged the foodstuffs he bought in the kitchen and took the rest to his room. in the night, Maggie was still sleeping so Jason prepared dinner and kept everything on the dining table, Maggie woke up sniffing the sweet aroma of the food and Jason couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you gonna just sit there smiling or are you gonna join me?" He asked and she went to wash her hands before joining him.

After dinner, Jason did the dishes this time before taking a bath then he instantly fell asleep.


paggie_writercreators' thoughts