
Chapter Four

Life is crazy! when I tell you I couldn't have imagined myself sitting on an island chair talking about My little pony and colouring in Dora, it's crazy what life can throw at you.

"Do you wanna make pancakes? I fancy pancakes" I asked as Summer shot her head up from her intense colouring in and smiled "yes! Yes!" She practically screamed clapping her hands together and wiggling in her seat. Pancake people are the best kinda people! They just get it. Summer was a pancake girl and so was I and that was all I cared about.

Now making the pancakes was the only downfall, as I looked at all the ingredients I shuddered, being the lactose intolerant person I am seeing full-fat milk made me want to cry, I love pancakes with my whole heart but the cheese will be the only thing I eat and ignore the stomach, but I was hungry and I couldn't let summer eat all of them. Be a brave soldier.

"Can I stir when you put all the ingredients in?" Summer said as I nodded and started measuring out all the ingredients we had and made sure we used no more or no less, I did these with my aunt's children and I feel like I gave myself a cavity with the amount of sugar they "accidentally" put into the mixture, I learnt the hard way and I vouch never again.

After I had put all the dry and wet ingredients in Summer grabbed the spoon and started mixing, while she was doing that I sprinkled in the choco chips and that was followed by a big bang of what sounded like the front door, after a few minutes mason came through to the kitchen and saw us in our prime smiling and dancing making pancakes.

"you two look like you are having fun," he said as he placed his bag down on the sofa and walked over behind summer dipping his finger in the mixture which earned him a slap from summer on the hand, serves you right, he snapped his hand back and frown a little at the little girl who went back to mixing again.

"ouch! I was just testing it" he added as she shrugged and he looked over at me and I mirrored summers reaction, "don't disrupt the chef" I added as he rolled his eyes and leaned on the counter behind summer myself and just watched us.

"Do you want to help us?" Summer asked as she spun around and handed Mason the bowl of now semi-mixed pancake mixture, he nodded and carried on where Summer had left off with mixing "you needed muscles for this kinda job" he joked as Summer and I looked at each other and she shook her head "you embarrass me" she added as she walked off and then 5 minutes later came back with an apron demanding mason put it on.

As Mason put it on I finished up mixing and preparing the pan for making the mouth-watering pancakes that I was dying to bite into, you do not understand my love for pancakes, "let mason flip the pancakes he is really good" summer said as she went to seat on one of the island chairs that faced us, I shot my hands up in defence and laughed "whatever you say summer, I'll let the professional" I back up from the stove and Mason pulled up his sleeves "are you ready to be flipped" he said talking to the mixture in the bowl beside the stove. weirdo.

After a few good tosses and Summers's messy mouth, she was beginning to get a little tired "hey little one do you want a nap?" I said as Mason looked back at dowsing off Summer and chuckled, "deffo need a nap, come on little monster" he said as he dropped his spatula and brushed himself off going over to pick her up.

"I'll clean up down here," I said as he nodded and then disappeared, this was my time to think about everything.

Thor: How's it being in a legends house?

Just as I thought I was going to have my own thinking space the man himself appears to try and pry at more information, Thor since I had moved in, bearing in mind it has only been 3 days, he has tried getting info about mason out of me in every living breath.

Me: If you are prying for new information, as I told you last time there is nothing here and nothing to be said, I am looking after Summer as best as I can and this is the first time in 2 days Mason has been here, now bugger off.

I quickly put my phone back into my back pocket and carried on cleaning up when Mason came back down and gave out a big sigh, I looked over at him stopping what I was doing "how was she?" I asked as he shrugged and then smiled at me "she was shattered but wanted to tell me all about what you two did today, say I should have been there" he said as a little sadness was evident in his eyes and body language.

"well, I left some spare pancakes for us, if you want to join me?" I said swiftly changing the subject and he smiled and looked at me then nodded and walked closer "yeah sure! I can't stay long though I have training tomorrow" I nodded and I turned back to what I was doing putting all the dishes used into the dishwasher and closing it up, pressing start and then going to dish some of the remanding pancakes on two plates and serving one plate to Mason, who was sitting on the island chair Summer once was on.

"it's a bit quiet," I said as I reach for my phone in my pocket, opened Spotify and just played my liked playlist which consisted of 2000 amazing bangers if I do say so myself.

As the music played quietly we covered our pancakes with our choice of condiments, mine being chocolate and peanut butter which he turned his nose up at and I rolled my eyes, his choice of toppings were banana and golden syrup, I don't even think that's a popular combo but each to their own, I looked over at his leaning tower of mess and let out a chuckle.

"Got enough Syrup on that pancake Mase?" his face shot up from his plate and just looked at me a little shocked, I flinched a little and then mentally went over what I just asked to find the error, "Oh I am sorry, can I call you Mase?" I asked as his expression was changed immediately and he smiled a little and resumed back to his pancake, "'of course, you don't need to ask, I was just shocked that's all, um ignore me I am just tired" he added as I slowly nodded awkwardly and we continued eating our pancakes.

As I placed the plates into the sink one of my favourite songs to cry happy tears to came on "I love this song" I whispered as (another love) All over again by Justin Timberlake played softly in the background, turned around and Mase was leaning on the counter that pancake batter was once all over.

"Hey, I was finished cleaning that!" I said as he push himself off of the counter and stepped closer to me, "chill out you literally have been on your feet looking after everyone all day" I grabbed a flannel and ran it under the tap, as I walked over to push him out the way he grabbed my wrists "come on loser let's dance, I am growing to like this song" he said as he placed my hands around his neck and wrapped his arms around my waist slowly rocking side to side.

Was I dreaming? Am I dreaming? did I give off some kind of like energy that made him think I was into him? Do I like this?

Who was I kidding everyone at least once has thought about slow dancing in a living room or kitchen with the love of their life to some old 80's music or at least to some kind of slow song, it's the start of a love that will never die kind of scene, and here I was having my very own with someone who I had only met 3 days ago.

"I better get going" he whispered in my ear and I had placed my head on his shoulder and we were just in the moment and It was a weird one but it was a moment that I definitely needed. I quickly released myself from him and stepped back "uh yeah, thanks for coming over I'll see you Saturday" I said as he nodded and grabbed his bag from the sofa and saluted me before walking to the door.

What the hell just happened?!