
A Bad Guy

No one is born evil, no one wants to kill other people... It's just the world that forces them. Come and read the story of our Mc, a kind man who turned into an evil and how he made the world, tremble with his name... Note: This is my 2nd work, so there will still be a lot of mistakes, so don't be shy and tell me about your thoughts, also, if you liked the work, then a small donation, please? paypal.me/teamcrowns (a dollar would be enough)

mrCat · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 10: Uncle?!!!

A Bad Guy

Chapter 10: Uncle?!!!

Ken Kai was walking on a small mountainous road, he was wearing a scarf around his face to protect himself from heat, as for his clothes, it were simple and plain, which had many holes. From the looks anyone can say that he was a beggar.

While walking on the road, he saw a group of people riding the hoarse coming towards him. The road was small and there is no way to give space for any sides, though Ken Kai could give some space as he was one man, but the group coming were big there is no space.

If Ken Kai gave them way, then he would either get hurt or fall from the mountain, if he stand on the edge side of the road.

Soon both Ken kai and the group confront each other. Surely the group didn't stop and only increased their speed.

At the coming group side-

??: Sir, there is someone in front, should we stop?

??: no, keep moving, who cares about him, it's his mistake to be in front of us…

The group didn't stop and only increased the speed.

Soon both sides came near each other. Ken Kai was angry, as he had already stood at the side of the road but the people coming are still not stopping.

After Killing the chief and also witness his own powers for the first time, when he killed the wolf, something has changed in Ken Kai.

He now felt that he is strong and can protect himself, so why should he back down? It's not his arrogance, Ken Kai still had a kind heart and that's why he stood at the side of the road hoping to talk with them, but if the group wants to ramp him down, then… it's there mistake.

The moment Ken Kai and the group came near each other, Ken Kai showed his palm like he was stopping them and released his Ki to make an invisible wall.

But the group didn't stop and only continued.


Dust were blowing everywhere..

??: *cuff* What the hell happened?!!

The group wasn't harmed much but they were really raged. Soon the dust disappeared and when they saw Ken Kai standing unharmed, they understood what was going on.

??: Kill this trash!!!

The man with big build ordered the group and many people took out there sword and aimed at him. Including the big build man, which was surely there leader, there were around 10 people only.

Ken Kai: Stop! I don't want to fight, I just want to pass by please, let's stay calm..

The group didn't listen to anything and attacked him.

Again, Ken Kai release his Ki, but this time, he used is palm to release it.

Ken Kai threw his palm at the chest of everyone who was trying to attack.





The moment his palm and the enemy body touched each other Ken Kai released his ki with a strong wave, bursting there chest and making a hole on their body.

This was the move he made it himself when he learned how to properly control the output of Ki and was practicing at the boulders, he called this move "Rock Destroying Palm" though the name sounded retarded but for Ken Kai, it was super cool.

Soon 4 bodies were lying down with a hole in their body.


??: What… just happened?...

Everyone was shocked; as they thought the person standing in front of them would be a weak ass beggar, it turns out he was someone mighty. They just didn't know what to do.

Ken Kai saw their expression and thought, 'now do you understand? Why can't people respect each other?'

Ken Kai: I am not a tyrant, please I still don't want to fight, let me go…

The people in front were stunned by this, they didn't know what to say as they all thought they will die but turns out he wasn't interested in killing them. They took a breath of relief and with a smile on the face gave way to Ken Kai.

Ken Kai smiled and started walking; he was feeling great it was like he was at the top of the world, the feeling where all people bowed head to him. As he was walking happily, he heard something.

?: Great Uncle!!!

Ken Kai was confused to hear this and looked behind, he saw a small carriage, which was covered in clothes but now half of it was uncovered. There he saw 3 small kids.

Ken Kai: Me? *pointing his finger at his own face*

Kid: Great Uncle! Please help Us!!!

Ken Kai was shocked to hear this, it wasn't to hear for help or something else, but it was the word "UNCLE", 'How in the world do I look like an uncle to you?!!!!!' He thought.

But then he remembered his face was still covered by scarf and then remains cooled. Was he angry? Yes, after all he was only 12 year old kid and someone calling him uncle, would surely make him angry...

But after calming down, the biggest question was, should he help them? Or not

The group of people were also shocked to hear this, after all if Ken Kai made up his mint to help the kids, there is no way they can do anything, except agreeing to him, while running away for their life.

Silence was everywhere right now, as everyone was waiting for Ken Kai's answer