
Chapter Two Hundred+Fifteen

 "Probably the reason we all go so haywire at Christmas time with the endless unrestrained and often silly buying of gifts is that we don't quite know how to put our love into words." (Harlan Miller)



Arnold looked from Lewis to Richard. If I am to pick between a Croft and a Scott I will definitely pick a Scott because I want my daughter to have nothing to do with the Croft's.

 Richard look back to Louis and smiled. "Then it's settled, her father has given her to me. So Arianna is now mine. Now I only have to make her mine by the law. Then he turned to The registrar.

 "Gentlemen please you can proceed with joining us."

Linda nudges Arnold angrily. "What are you saying Arnold?

 "Didn't you hear what Louis just said?

He said he already registered his Arianna. Which means they are now a couple.