
Chapter Sixty-Eight

   "Don't get caught up in the wrapping paper and forget that the gift of the Christmas season is simply love."  (Toni Sorenson)



 While Louis and Arianna are both wrapped under the blanket of Love. Alice was gnashing her teeth in anger and regret.

   "She should have waited."

"What would Louis do to her now? 

"This was infact her second offense in a row. "S he going to forgive her?

  Judging from Louis face before he left his room, he was definitely pissed about what she did and once Louis gets angry, it's very hard to make him calm and he never forgives.

 Alice couldn't stop tears from flowing freely out of her eyes.

 "She was ashamed of herself.

"How could she be such a failure?  She couldn't even snag a Man. 

"If only she could turn back the hands of time, then she would undo her mistake.