
Chapter Nine

 Probably the reason we all go hay wire at Christmas time with the endless unrestrained and often silly buying of gifts is that we don't quite know how to put our love into words.(Harlan Miller)

 Some Christmas tree ornaments do more than glitter and glow, They represent a Gift of Love given a Long time ago (Tom Baker)



 “You what? Arianna asked with tears in her eyes. “You inseminated me with Someone Else's child? “Oh, God! “Why would you do that to me? Arianna held her head, she was starting to feel dizzy. “How do I find the father of this Child now? “I am barely survivng, How am I supposed to raise a child?

 “I will support you! Louis answered, surprising Arianna.


 Louis held her hand and repeated his words. “I Will Support You.”  For some reason he wants to protect this lady. For some reason he feels drawn to her. For some reason he feels hurt seeing her in tears.

 “Why? Arianna turned to Louis. “Why would you be bothered by my troubles? 

 “It's not your trouble alone, it's mine too. 


“The Child you are carrying is mine!

 “What? “This child is yours? 

Louis nodded and Arianna suddenly felt weak and she fainted. Louis held her quickly and carried her in his arms.

 Louis carried Arianna and asked Brianna where Arianna's room was. Brianna was stupefied by what just happened and was too shocked to move.

  “Take me to her room, Now!

Brianna rushed up the stairs and led the way to Arianna's room.

  “John Come Over Here Now! Louis called and Dr. John rushed behind him.

Louis felt fear grip him at the sight of Arianna's sleeping body. “Was she going to leave him too? “He finally found someone who had at least one similarity with Samantha and she's also going to leave? Louis felt a strange sense of attachment to this lady whom he only just met.

 “Was it because she was carrying his child? 

Louis's eyes were fixed on Arianna. “John what happened to her?! Louis had worry in his voice.

 Dr. John checked Arianna and shook his head. 

“What happened John? Louis asked worriedly.

“Louis, this girl is Malnourished, Stressed and Overworked. And that isn't good for the baby. “If this continues she might lose the baby.

 “Take care of her, Louis ordered and he turned to look for Mona but she wasn't in the room. Louis's anger increased. “She isn't even bothered?  

“Okay. Dr John said but Louis was already gone. Dr. John wrote a prescription for Dr. Joseph and asked him to get them. Dr. Joseph sighed shook his head as he went out. “What trouble had he gotten himself into?

 “Two of the best doctors in Manhattan became Louis's errand boy on Christmas! 

 Louis Arrived at Sitting room and found Mona sitting with her legs crossed, and was filling her nails. This further irked Louis.

 “How Can She Be So Heartless?

Louis stood few steps away from Mona and he angrily threw a stack of cash to her. “I'm Taking her away! 

 Mona frowned at his words, She has had enough of this Arrogant man in her house. “And who are you to tell me to let go of my niece? 

 “Your niece? Louis scoffed. “She is More like your maid than a niece!

  “What do you care? Huh? Mona stood up in annoyance. “How I treat my family members is none of your business! Mona spat angrily. 

 “You still think it's none of my business after finding out that she's carrying my child?

Mona Laughed evilly.  “Mr. I don't know why you want to claim the Bastard she is carrying as your child but..."

 “What did you say? Louis's anger reached its peak. “How dare you call My Child a bastard?! “Do you know whose child you just referred to as a bastard?!

 “I don't know! And I don't care! “I will not have a bastard in my house! Mona retorted.

 “Then I'm taking them away! Louis turned to leave but stopped at Mona's next words. 

 “If you are so interested in raising bastards then why don't you go the orphanage, you can get as many as you want!

 Louis turned and he rushed towards Mona, but quickly stopped himself from hitting her. He gritted his teeth and said “Say that about my Child again and I will make sure you seize to exist on the surface of the earth!

 Brianna ran to her mother's rescue. “Please kind sir, don't be crossed with my mother, she is just mad that, after raising that chea..." Brianna paused and looked at Louis, She Smiled and quickly corrected herself. “My Mom feels bad about the pregnancy because Arianna is too young to be pregnant and Since she was raised by my mother, she will definitely feel bad if she goes off course!

 “Arianna." Louis repeated the name in his mind. His eyes went back to Brianna and he smirked, “Your mother is sad? She feels bad for Arianna? It's too Darn obvious how she treats Her! “Quit the drama and tell me how much you want for her freedom! 

  “I'm not giving her up! Mona Shouted.

  No child of the Croft's can ever stay in a place like this! Louis stood straight and put his hands in his pocket. He now has a domineering aura surrounding him as he said “I will advise you to cooperate and accept the offer while I'm still being so gentle! 

 Brianna's eyes widened as she seemed to have recognized who this handsome man was. She looked back at him and said “You are...You are that famous business man! She turned to her mother and said “Mom, Do you know who this is?

 “I don't care who he is! No one orders me around in my own home! Mona stubbornly said.

  “Mom, He is Croft...." 

  “Who? Mona's ears perked at the name.

Who doesn't know of the Crofts?  They are the richest family in the City. Everyone in Manhattan respects the name. And The only son of the Crofts was said to have become Stone-hearted since he lost his wife. So Nobody dares to mess with him.

 So if this man is a Croft, that means he is the Croft's only son!

 “He is Louis Croft!!