
A 9-Tailed Love

A shape-shifting kumiho. A lonely king. A kingdom fell into a time of peace as the last king of the Joseon empire had fallen ill. The crown prince Dae-Hyun was then moved into the position of the king after his father passed, and now his father's infamous advisor wants to change how he rules his kingdom by becoming a ruthless tyrant. Dae-Hyun refused. No matter how hard his advisor pushed. He had even gone as far as staying celibate. Every consort he was given, he refused to touch, let alone see.  Eun-Ae, a nine-tailed fox who would often be seen running through the forest enjoying her simple life, was set to be captured to be added to the collection of the king's discarded playmates. But things take a turn after a life threatening incident causing Dae-Hyun to bring Eun-Ae to the palace. Will the heart eating fox be a threat to the kingdom? Or will their secret be revealed?

Tamira_Keitt_Moore · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Blushing Mess


I smiled up at Dae-Hyun and shuffled out from under the covers. Adjusting my ears and tails. I don't know why I had gotten so excited about him checking up on me but my heart fluttered with adornment.

Nodding at him I rose from the bed and straightened out my skirt before folding my hands in front of me as Dae-Hyun and Gon had descended the stairs. I followed after them, taking each step with caution as my little legs hopped from one step to another. I made a game out of it.

Gon glanced back and chuckled at my antics as I had made it to the bottom with an umph.

"Having fun I take it?" Gon asked as Dae turned his head to see what the fuss was about.

"What? What did she do?" He blinked in confusion as he looked back at me.

I shook my head and smiled as I approached him. "Those steps are too tall for me." I replied.

Dae-Hyun ran his hand over his face to conceal his laughter as he urged me to follow him. The three of us made our way out of the throne room and outside toward the connecting hallways to the baths.

Dae-Hyun cleared his throat, "Gon, did you escort Chun and his people out of here?" 

"Hmm? Yes I did. I got everything taken care of and even doubled the guard around the palace." He replied.

I listened in on their conversation regarding the man who showed up claiming I was stolen from him. Who was he and why did he search me out? 

I sighed and kept my head down as I was instructed prior and followed after them. My eyes trained on his feet shuffling across the floor as we continued.

Once we had reached our destination I didn't realize his feet had stopped moving and crashed right into him. I cried out as I bounced off of him and fell onto my backside.

I sucked in a breath and rubbed my sore behind, "Ow, what was that for?" I sneered.

Dae-Hyun clenched his fist and took a deep breath before he turned around and knelt in front of me. "You need to watch where you're going." His tone was soft. 

I narrowed my eyes at him and huffed as I pushed myself from the floor. "You told me to keep my head down, so I did and I stayed behind you. How was I supposed to know you had stopped walking if I'm looking at the floor?" I asked, annoyed.

He quickly rose, reaching for my arm and pulled me to him. "At least you can follow orders. Now, go undress over there and get in the bath. We will wait for you to finish, here."

The heat in my cheeks rose as his hand loosened around my arm. I raised on my tippy toes and whispered into his ear. "You must have forgotten that I like the taste of blood, you might want to be gentle with me." I quickly turned and trotted off toward the steaming bath, a smile on my face with my head held high.

Excitement coursed through me as I untied my top and the two skirts and folded them beside a chair. I dipped my foot into the water to test. Once I was happy with the temperature of the water I slid off of the side into the bath and let out a soft moan of satisfaction. I closed my eyes as I sank into the hot water.

"Oh this is nice." I purred and dipped below the surface.

I sat under the water, just staring at the ceiling as Dae-Hyun's panicked face appeared above me. His lips were moving but I couldn't understand what he was saying.

I pushed myself to the surface as he took off his jacket. Wiping the water from my face I gazed up at him, "What happened? Did someone approach? Why are you frantic?" My heart raced at the thought of someone discovering who I was.

Dae-Hyun let out a heavy breath as he whined. "Don't do that! I thought you were going to drown. Aish! Why would you stay under there for so long!" He scolded.

"I wasn't under there for too long. Why are you so angry? The water isn't deep and I can still stand!" I shouted back. 

His jaw dropped, "What did you say to me? The amount of disrespect coming from your mouth-" 

I wrapped a tail around his wrist and pulled him into the water, still half dressed. I chuckled at him as his arms flailed.

He quickly resurfaced, anger radiating from him. "Yah! What the hell was that for?" He shouted, wiping the water from his eyes.

I chuckled and closed the distance between us as I released him. "You don't want to wake the entire palace do you?" I batted my eyelashes at him innocently.

Dae-Hyun froze as my eyes trailed from his lightly toned abs toward his lips. Honestly this man was gorgeous. I gazed up at his eyes as his bun became disheveled, loose strands fell, framing his face.

He placed his hands on his hips, "What? What are you looking at?" 

I smiled sweetly at him and reached up to the ribbon that held his hair and pulled it loose. Watching as his tresses fell past his shoulders in soft waves. I stepped away from him and made my way to the other side of the bath, just to gauge his reaction.

My mind raced as he quickly discarded his pants, tossing them over to the side with a heavy slosh and waded over to me. "You think you're going to get away with that?" His voice turned deep.

I wrapped my tails around myself and submerged. A smile on my face as he took a deep breath, plunged under and swam over to me. The two of us sat staring at one another for a moment before I reached out and pulled him to me. A purr vibrated my chest as he cupped my cheek with his free hand,  his thumb stroking my cheek. I quickly resurfaced, taking in a breath of air as I searched the water for Dae-Hyun. 

My eyes frantically scanned the area around me, "Where did he go?" I whispered to myself. 

Suddenly the water behind me shifted as a pair of arms wrapped around me and the warmth of a body pressed against my backside. Frozen, a chill ran down my spine as I shook. What was this feeling? Why is my body reacting this way? I closed my eyes and tried to calm my erratic heart as a warmth radiated from within me.

Dae-Hyun's face appeared in my peripherals as he rested his chin on my shoulder, "Caught you, little blossom." His husky voice caused my body to melt.

My cheeks felt warm as I leaned into him, letting out a sigh of satisfaction. "Did you now?" 

"Mm, I think so." He chuckled, nuzzling me.

I spun around and smiled up at him, "Oh? Hmm." 

Dae-Hyun's eyes widened as they shot down to my chest then back up to my eyes. His cheeks immediately reddened. I looked down to see what was causing this poor man to blush and saw that my hair was no longer covering my chest.

I shrugged my shoulders and adjusted my hair to cover myself. "Sorry, I'm just comfortable with being nude."

"I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have looked there." He reached up and scratched the back of his head as he averted his gaze.

Chuckling, I rose on my tippy toes and gave him a peck on the cheek, causing his blush to deepen.

"No need to be shy. I'm not going to hurt you…" I smiled. 

Gon poked his head from around the corner and snickered, "Are you two done yet? Someone's coming."

The two of us panicked as we made our exit. I couldn't get my skirt unfolded in time as stomping footsteps approached the bath with haste.

"I can't get this undone!" My hands shook as I fiddled with the ribbon.

Dae-Hyun pulled me close as I tucked my tails between the two of us.

"Oh, your majesty. I didn't know this bath was occupied." One of the senior magistrates stuttered as he quickly turned his head.

"It is, and he's preoccupied." Gon sneered.

"Is that the consort everyone has been talking about?" He asked, his curiosity piqued.

Dae-Hyun turned his head in the man's direction, his aura quickly shifted into fury as he glared at the man. I poked my head out from behind him and watched as the magistrate stumbled backward.

"I'm so sorry I will leave you two be. It seems you were having an intimate moment." He pivoted on his heel and took off down the hallway.

"Mother fucker." Dae growled as he turned back to me. "Let's get you back. That one has a big mouth and I am never going to hear the end of it." He sighed.

My ears perked as Gon approached, his head turned away with his arms extended holding a silk robe in each. "Let's go. We need to get out of here before he goes running to everyone else."

"That's basically what I just said." Dae-Hyun retorted.

I laughed at them as they bickered at one another and grabbed the smaller robe of the two. "Thank you, Gon."

I pulled away and wrapped the robe around my shoulders before slipping my arms through the sleeves. With my head down I pulled the ribbons over to one another and secured it. 

My eyes trailed from Dae's toned legs to his nude crotch. I slapped a hand over my mouth as my eyes landed on his obvious endowed erection.

I squeaked and turned around as I knew my cheeks were completely filled with blood.