
A(lie)ment isekai

A vessel remains unfilled. Senjobu Hikabe fills that role. Being a male high school ex-track star, now recluse, he is vaulted into this fantasy word, incarnating as a powerful being know as a Domain Lord of Lightning. However, he didn’t expect that the vessel he now is in would be a girl....

Voltevia_Seteresu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 7: Preparation

Putting back on my normal clothes, I ended up coming down the mountain, to which Sierra ended up greeting me.

"Hey…" I awkwardly greeted. To say seeing her was an only a surprise would be an understatement "It has been a while."

"Just a month. For elves, that's nothing. Though, you still seem quite young. After the first 2 hundreds, months will breeze by." She defiantly would have more experience than me, how long has she lived? "So, has Haku ended up telling you about the test."

So that is why she's here. "He did. It was a battle between all of the disciples. And kind of was like a battle between all of the instructors as well."

"True. However, I am here to inform you of a new rule that was just set this month for the rookie battle royale. Here-" She ended up handing me a formal looking paper.

"This year, all of the rules will be the same, as well as new additional rules to make this an even greater spectacle for people to watch:

Real weapon rule- participants are able to utilize actual weapons. However, the non-lethal rule is still in effect. If you have been reported by the referees that you have done this illegal act, you will be disqualified and put on an adventurer suspension and will be unable to resume adventurer activities until decided.

Magic items rules- only magic wands and weapons are allowed, no magic items.

Potion rule- after battles, you will be fully healed. However, during, you are unable to use potions. As for the monster hunter round, you are entitled to have 2 potions, which can be either stamina, health, or magic.

Multiclass rule- if a user is multiclassing, he/she can choose up to three classes. The instructor reward money will be divided into individual amounts.

"Wait, so why do you want to see me?" I asked.

"Well, you see, most of my disciples are above level 25, so they are unable to attend the battle, and all of the on the weaker side won't win, so…" she ended up grabbing a paper.

"Wait, you want me to become an assassin class already? But my master said that most of all of the classes are up against each other."

"Well, that is most of the classes. Also, some people may be set aback by how the instructors may end up getting less money."

"I don't know…but it isn't an assassin class mostly on….lethal attacks."

"True. I won't be able to teach you those attacks…but I can teach you tree jumping, which is quite helpful. Do you know how to do it?"

"Well…. no."

She ignored me, making it official. "Then that is settled. I mean, all elves need to know how to tree jump. Also, I heard that this will be quite good against Flash stepping. Think about it- you can not only use your jumping strength into the fray, but the downward diagonal slash will be quite sure to help you penetrate someone's defenses."

"This is all true." A voice said.

Turning around, I was shocked to find that it was Haku-sensei. This made things a bit awkward, for me anyways, not to mention a bit anticlimactic. I was partially hoping to return to him victorious. I guess I can still do that. But it won't be the same. Especially not as cinematic.

" Lumiya, I think that this will be a great idea. Also, Sierra is quite skilled at dual handed weapons. I think I do recall you saying that you are typically dual wield. Whereas I have been teaching you only single-handed weapons, I'm sure Sierra can end up allowing you to bring forth even more power." He ended up turning to Sierra. "Lumiya isn't fully leveled to the required point."

"Well, I'm sure that either way, she would win. But I should be able to temporarily party up with her to show her the ropes on some techniques. This way, we can get her leveled up, as well as quite skilled with basic rogue stuff."

It seemed they were already on good terms with one another. Almost like a kinship. Could this be about the instructor payment? Is it that big?

Well either way, it was decided. So, from then on out, I ended up partying with Sierra temporarily.

Once we ended up getting out of the outside and into the guild building, to which we ended up walking upstairs, not too far to a similar room that we first ended up meeting in. I don't know why we ended up going there, but I decided not to question her authority.

There was a long pause, until Sierra ended up breaking the ice.


"Well, what?" I inquired.

"You can do it now."

"Do what?"

"Your dimension pocket thing." She answered.

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

"To get your equipment."

"My equipment…." Then I realized. My equipment was practically gone. It has been gone since I ended up waking up at the guild building in the first place.

"Yeah, your equipment. Didn't you, like, get it?"

"No, I thought you said that you would get it for me. After you gave me back my dagger, didn't you end up giving me some assurance that you would give back the rest of my stuff?"

"I say a lot of things…." She ended up signing, before walking out of the room, waving me to follow. "Come!" To which a very confused Lumiya did.

We ended up walking back to the main area of the guild. And ended up walking to the front, and out the doors, to which I finally ended up seeing the mansion's front outside.

From when I woke up here, as well as entering the dojo, I didn't end up seeing the front area of the or the 'town' that the guild was in.

I mean, it is kind of small. Compared to the painstakingly large guild building, the town didn't really seem like a town. Rather, it ended up seemingly like a small village.

"I presume this was the first time you stepped on this side of the guild. Well, this is the commercial area of the guild."

"THIS IS STILL THE GUILD!?!" I exclaimed in shock.

"Easy there," She coaxed. "To be frank, it technically is a bunch of businesses catered to adventurers. General markets, blacksmith shops, apparel shops, magic item shops, survival equipment shops, butcher shops, monster items shops, conversion banks, taverns, red-light district. The basic adventurer toolkit."

I began to inquire as we continued to walk into the commercial district. "You speak as if they're multiple of the same shop."

"Well, most of them are owned by different companies. They are all competing against each other for economic supremacy. And the best way to go at it is through the Adventurers. This adventurer's guild is the central one, regardless of its numeric stature; this makes it the ideal battlefield. Acting as a commercial hub for adventurers, if they can strike it big with them, it is almost guaranteed to be popular with some other civilians, causing further boon for the company..."

Hearring her explanation, it reminded me of the classes. "Isn't that like the class royal that will be going on in the guild?"

Sierra ended up thinking briefly on this, before breaking down in laughter. "Heheh, I guess you're right. Though, I would have to say that the commercial district of the guild is a tad more vicious."

I didn't know what she meant. "So, will it be kind of hard to find a deal?"

"Oh no." She chuckled. "You should be able to find one. Because of their continued competition, this causes most of the prices to be reasonable. That isn't what I meant by them being vicious."

"What did you mean?"

"Once you get popular enough, you'll find out." She ended up pulling her hoodie over her head. I really doubt this can't mean anything good.

We ended up reaching the area. It wasn't too long of a walk; just a casual few block from the royal mansion-like driveway that ended up stretching outward into the town. Like what she said, there are many places, and like the hills, it even looked a bit bigger when I was experiencing it. It literally looked as if everything was a giant mall. Kinda how like the adventurer's guild ended up having a style that everyone was following, the commercial district was basically the same.

You had the mages entering magic item stores, you had the physical combatants heading to weaponries and armories looking for better deals on armor. You had the average adventure going into the general market, and you had a more experienced adventurer going into the survival shops, the potion shops, and the magic item shops. You also had pleasure quarters to which may seem a bit out of the place, but adventurers really do like taking the edge off, even if it is doing that.

Now that store looks…. interesting. Catching my eyes, I ended up seeing a few stores where adventurers ended up going in, dragging carts of dead monsters. Piquing my interest, I patted on Sierra's shoulders while pointing to the store. "What is that?"

"The monster and beast conversion bank. Basically, you can end up redeeming monster or beast material for money."

"I am going there first. I have a few monster parts, so I want to exchange them for some money."

"That is honestly a good idea. Let's meet back here at the….' She ended up looking at the most notable landmark, which was the statue of a man, he seemed to look like a strong muscular man, with a beard. "...guild founder statue."

She ended up parting as I ended up facing the guild founder statue before facing the monster conversion place and ended up walking inside. This building had a similar look to the reception office. Though, naturally, it was that of a blank. There were many teller sections, ranging from small to large.

"Hi there." A woman waved to me. She seemed to be a greeter. "Do you need help with navigation?

"Yes, I am looking for where to sell goblin ears."

"Goblin ears?" I was a bit worried that it wasn't normal to take the ears, but was relieved when she ended up pointing to the first teller desk,

There wasn't a line, which allowed me to immediately meet with the teller.

"What monster part will you be making a transaction with today?" He asked.

"Goblin ears."

"Alright. Might I see them?"

"Be my guess." I spoke. I was worried about showing the domain pocket, so, I ended up deciding to make it to where it looked like I was reaching into my pocket, which is quite funny given that I was wearing a skirt. I then ended up handing the teller the bag, to which he opened and began to count.

He counted for a bit, before halting as he looked at the ear intricately. "This is a hobgoblin" ear, you should get more money out of it.

"Wow! I didn't even know."I was a bit happy that the teller was honest. I honestly hoped that most of everyone was like that.

He ended up counting up to total, to which he calculated the selling cost. "The total selling cost is around 13 gold and 36 silver. Would you like the custom bag of our business to hold it? It will only cost 10 silver."

"Sure." I answered, to which he ended up putting all of the money in the bag."

"Now, the bag has compartments, to which I divided up the money from silver to gold." he noted, before handing it to me.

"Thanks." I was gratified before putting the bag back into my "skirt pocket."

"Say, are you in a relationship right-"

"Now" that I was finished with getting money, I ended up heading back outside. Oh, guess Sierra isn't back yet. I decided that this was a good idea for me to brush up on how much currency costs in this world, to which I ended up flipping into the journal to find out.

"Platinum piece is 100 gold. Gold piece is 100 silver. Silver piece is 100 coppers. 100 Platinum is Nobelium; a currency used by only nobles…." Flipping to the currency section inside the book, I ended up getting a general amount of what things typically cost. Like, how an inn room for the night would typically cost 2 silvers. Basic clothing would cost 50 copper, and soap about 10 copper. Potions vary from a whopping 2 silvers downright to 60 gold!! And magic scrolls from 10 silver to 80 gold."

Alright, now I will at least know the least general costs. That way, I won't get scammed. The other part mostly had to do with weapons, but as an avid player of a mmorpg, I can most definitely get by with a good amount of enchantments and weapons. My greed is insatiable.

"As for basic weapons, that would range from 10 silver about 5 gold, depending on the material. Armor is around 20 silvers to about 10 gold. As for enchantments, depending on the enchantments, that would be around 1 gold to as much as a platinum…" It read.

Hey! Don't I have 13 gold? Maybe that is enough for an enchantment? And I have enough for new weapons and armor. This will definitely be something to be considered as I enter the store.

"Hey, Lumiya. I'm back" I heard a familiar voice chimed behind me.

I didn't need to turn around to see that it was Sierra, but I did anyway.

"Hey, so are you finished with your business?" I asked.

"Yep. Something like that." It seemed she didn't want to talk about it. "Anyways, I know which stores we need to get for your stuff. Though, quick warning, they are a bit…eccentric."

The way she phrased it…. this can't be good.

We ended up walking to the first stop, which was the apparel shop. Though, it wasn't my first guess where a shop would be set up; it was in an alleyway. Rather than the typical boutiques that were plastered out in the open for everyone to see, this one wasn't as flattering.

"Come on, let's go. And…. let me, do the talking."

"Why is the store owner weird?"

"Trust me. She will drain you dry if she has the chance."

I shrugged, before the two of us ended up going inside. We were greeted by darkness. Thankfully, it wasn't that I haven't been through before. And much like then, I could see quite well in darkness. I still don't know why that is the case, though, who am I to question something so useful. Sierra guided the path. Since she was a Dark elf, I'm sure she could see even better than me.

Atmosphere could tell everything about a store, and as for this store, the fantastical sense was drained out, only carrying a horror-like scent across that air. It made me waver, and even now, it looked as if it made Sierra waver. Soon, we began to hear cackling.

"This will make so much money...hee-hee." I heard the voice of a child. A creepy child. The raspy voice only emphasized the creep factor.

"Cora, I have brought a customer."

"OHOHOHOHO Yes!!!!" Immediately the lights went on. This caused me to have a brief moment for my eyes to adjust before I could end up seeing the girl. Footsteps came up rapidly, as if it was…. running.

A girl ended up talking to Sierra, grabbing her by the legs. Had violet eyes, ashen gray skin, and sharp teeth. Her pale green hair dangled quite messily, draping over her shredded dress that made her look like a pauper.

"So, I ended up giving you-"

Before Sierra could talk, the girl, Cora, ended up giving a creepy twisted smile. I was arguing whether or not I should be thinking that is cute, or downright fearful. She even began to sniff like a vicious dog, but that didn't seem to cause me to consider that as weird. Crappy Otome games…. not allowing you to see right or wrong.

Although I haven't taken my eyes off of her, it was as if she could immediately catch me off guard as she began to tackle me. "MONEY!! I SMELL MONEY"

Sierra ended up closing the distance, grappling her. "HEY! What did I say about jumping customers."

She grumbled before sighing. "No jumping customers…"

"Yes, that is right. We don't want to call the adventurer guards on you or request a removal of your building." She chided, reminding me a bit of a mother.

What she said only began to make Cora begin to cry. "But….no place in town means no lot of money. No lot of money means…" Thinking about it only made her gasp. "Fine! I will be a good girl."

"Good to hear. Remember those clothes I asked you to repair."

"What clothes?" She acted coy. Even I could see that.

"Don't act coy with me." She snarled. "You most certainly know what I mean.

"I think I do." She backed away from that. "They were cool clothes, right? I must say, they were made quite well. "She seemed a bit professional. However, that was immediately diminished when she ended up scurrying away, chuckling like a crazy person."

She ended taking a bit to get back, to which Sierra ended up pulling me towards her, before whispering into my ear. "Poker faces."

Huh? What did she mean by "Poker face?"

I threw up on the matter, until a girl ended up coming back. This time, it was a different girl. She was tall, and quite beautiful. She also had ashen skin and a darker green hair. I presume it was her sister.

"Hi. I am Cora's sister. Look-" She ended up bowing.``I am terribly sorry for what my sister has done with the outfit!!"

"What did she do?" Sierra asked, sighing.

Cora ended up pulling out Ribbon's of yellow fabric, to which I gasped. "She is quite passionate, and after seeing that new design, she couldn't help but try to reverse engineer the attire. But she became too passionate, and as a result, ruined the clothes."

"What!!!" I ended up yelling. "But, the clothes, they were an heirloom!?!?" I was blinded by being upset.

I don't know why, but I could see a brief flash of her maddening sister's face behind her. It was probably because of my frustration with her sister. She was already acting weird. But, currently, Sierra wasn't fazed by this. In fact, it seems she seemed to have ticked off with me.

'Sorry, I am terribly sorry. My sister has mental health problems. Ever since our parents died, she has tried her best to work. She is really good at making clothes, but no one would give her a chance…"

"Oh…" I was heartbroken when I heard that. I can understand why Sierra ended up wanting me too not be so big mouthed.

"Well, it's fine. We were at least able to make something similar to the clothing you had." She ended up walking back, to which I swore I could see a smile on her face.

After she left, Sierra smacked me in the back of the head. "You idiot. I told you to listen to me and be quiet."

"Sorry, but I don't understand why you are frustrated."


Before she could say anything, a creepy smile came back, along with clothing; whoa!"

Not only were my boots there, but it's also my bodysuit and kimono. As for the girl, it seemed she ended up putting on business clothing, similar to what her sister wore.

"Alright, let's do business. We have a repai- new clothes, repaired body suit, and boots, all with enhanced great magic spider silk thread interwoven into it for increased durability. This should greatly increase your clothes durability for future adventuring. So, now let's discuss the price."

"Lumiya!!" Sierra ended up turning towards me. "Get out of the store. I will pay."

'Umm, ok…" I ended up walking through and out the door, waiting outside.

I ended up hearing a lot of noise coming from inside. It seemed like arguing. It lasted for quite a bit, until Sierra ended up getting out of there, looked drained, but she got the clothes.

"I…managed to get them for you."

"Cool. How much did they cost?" I asked.

"It wasn't worth the cost of dealing with her..." She groaned, handing the bag of clothes to me, rubbing her forehead. "Why did you speak? This could have been so much easier…"

"But her sister said she was poor. And the clothes were torn. And the clothes they made look quite good."

"That is all just a ploy. Geez, how innocent are you?" She ended up going at it, lecturing me similarly to the Cora girl. To be frank, I didn't like being in the line of fire.

She ended up explaining to me that this girl is an scam artist, and that she ends up using illusions to trick her customers into giving her more money.

"So, she isn't good at patching up clothing."

"Oh, she's one of the best. I come to her all of the time to get clothing repaired. However, for a complete noob, she was going to milk you for all that you are worth. Quick question: how much money do you think you were about to give her?"

"Well, probably about…at least all of my silver and a gold piece."

"HAHAHAHAHA!! I knew it was right to get you out of there." She ended up patting me on the shoulder. "Alright, let's go get your weapons and armor.

Still not understanding what she meant, we continued to walk. Though, the gradual walk was enough to resolve my feelings and beat myself up for how stupid I was. I don't have the luxury to be fooled all the time. My sympathies should be mine and mine alone to give out.

"You look distressed. Look, it wasn't your fault." She ended up noting as she glanced back. "She is quite manipulative, and pairing that with her ability to sense aura, makes things all the more troublesome."

"Wait, what do you mean, aura?" I know that aura is like a thing that you say, like if something has a bad aura or not, but does that apply?

"You know how you get a faint sensation; like a pinprick when you are fighting things, like monsters. Well, aura is like that. It's one of the tree main powers that people often use, besides spells and techniques."


"Well, basically that. People's feelings have a great amount of power over us. More than we can think. That is why Heroes are quite powerful, being the masters of their own aura."

"Heroes? Are there heroes in this world?" I asked.

"I don't know what you mean by the wording, but yes. There are a few heroes in this world. Last time I checked, there were about 17." I wonder if I will ever meet any of them.

We continued to talk a bit before reaching the destination. I got to learn a few other things, like the kingdom, mage academy, holy church, demon lord army. Yeah, basic stuff like that. If I didn't learn it here, I would have heard it elsewhere. And elsewhere, I meant the book. But it is good not to fully rely on resources when you have many.

It was a few blocks away, on the outskirts of the town, but that was most definitely for the best; given that there was a ton of smoke coming from a blacksmithing area close by. We both ended up going inside, to which I was immediately awed by the weapons and armor on display. They were all greatly polished.

I ended up looking around quite a bit until a gruff looking man ended up walking in from the back. He was a bit short, about the same size as me. However, that was vertically. As for horizontally, he was extremely muscular. If he was any taller, he would be an ogre.

"Why, hello Sierra, it is good to see you. Have you come to see my new wares?"

"Well, I haven't." She ended up grabbing me, pulling me over, putting both her hands on my shoulders. "Remember those damaged armor and weapons you gave you? Well, those."

"Oh those…" He ended up scratching my beard. "Well…."

"Please don't tell me you ended up reverse engineering it!?!" She asked. This kinda reminds me of the Velgara.


"Oh, my goodness, you did." I looked up, hoping to see her palm face. However, she ended up holding me down near her.

"Alright, I did. However, this was the first time seeing a weapon like that. It is quite exotic weapon. So, I was wondering how it was used." He ended up stroking his beard, thinking about it. But was snapped out of it after Sierra ended up stomping once. The sheer power and loud sound caused both me and even the man to end up shaking a bit. "But I end up fixing it. I even reforged them with my abilities and slipped some mage iron into them, to increase durability and magical resistance. A tip for the troubles."

Before he knew it, he ended up showing the two weapons, to which they ended up glistening with a bluish hue to the gray silver. I was hesitant to awe them, but it seemed like Sierra ended up doing so in my place.

"Dang, those look nice. What do you think, Lumiya?"

I ended up thinking about it. I was quite hesitant, but since Sierra asked that question, I guess I can answer. Although rationally. "Do you mind, if I can test them out?" I asked, to both Sierra and the man.

"Why, of course. I ended up risking the blade's connection with its wielding by reforging it, so it is only best if you check it out. What do you think of Sierra?"

"I agree with you. Do you mind if we use your weapon test area?"

"Sure, here follow me."

Sierra ended up following her outside. Guess she didn't want me to screw up. Are the repercussions that bad?

The weapon testing grounds looked a bit similar to a training ground, open ground, and a good amount of space for weapon attacks. However, it was less clear. There were many weapons on a table, as well as writing next to them that looked like results.

Sierra ended up letting me go like a mother duck as I ended up walking towards the dwarf, who had the weapons in tow.

"Alright. Let's get started. I'm Gragoro"

"Lumiya." I greeted.

"Here, test them out." He ended up handing me the weapons. They were in their sheaths, but even then, they didn't seem too different. It is like they were the same weapon.

Since I didn't have my armor on, I couldn't equip the sheathe and take them out, so I ended up getting Sierra to hold the sheathes, I could test swing.

"Alright. Yes. I like this…." I held the two weapons in my hands. They were well made. Or...remade. Reforged. And the sharpness of the blade, it looks even greater than the original.

I could help myself by swinging the blades. As the flash step became natural to me, I ended up swinging the blades in that form. Compared to how I was now, I could barely use a blade, not to mention my mobility was dog shit. However, now, as I was striking, I could end up going as far as flipping, and reeling with the weapons in tow, and they didn't end up slowing me down. I flash stroked, was able to strike twice, thrice, I even swore that if I ended up using domain step, I could end up getting not only a diamond, but a star, which strikes almost simultaneously hit the air. I could help be awed at this being partially capable just because of the blade.

After exhausting myself just a bit, I ended up looking back at Sierra and Gragora, who seemed to have impressed looks on their faces. It even looked as if Sierra was carrying a smirk.

"Oh, I am going to win the gamble…" She looked quite happy.

Gragoro looked satisfied as well. After I ended up sheathing the weapons, and bringing them back to him, he didn't grab them from me. "No. Keep them. Free of charge."

"Huh? But, you worked hard on it."

'Yes. And I was so happy with how much the blades worked for you. And blades should be with a master who can fully bring out their potential. If this weapon remains here, it will only go to waste. So, you take it."

"No! We are not doing this again." Sierra ended up butting it. "Gragoro, you are running a business. If you want to keep it that way, you are going to have to get money from people buying your weapons to keep the business running."

"But I ended up reforging it….it could have broken or failed…"

"But it didn't."

They continued to back and forth before she ended up coming to a compromise. "Look, mage iron typically decently costs, and costs about 50 silver. Now, the repairs typically cost about 5 silver. So, how about 55 silver?" She asked.


"Sierra ended up glaring at him."

He eventually caved. "Ok! Ok! I yield. I will accept the 55 silver. However-" He ended up conditioning. "The armor that you ended up giving me didn't seem to completely fit Lumiya. So, I will add free armor in addition."

"Fine. I think that will work. However-" Sierra ended up looking at me. "Mage iron and lower. I can't have a rookie adventurer get"

"Yes ma'am!" I replayed.

We all ended up migrating our activities back into the store to which Gagoro ended up pointing me to the armor that would work for me. "I ended up creating feminine pairs of armor. They should be in the left corner of the store.

I ended up going there, checking the armor. Now compared to general games, female armor typically is a blend of skimpy and lewd. The same went for the previous game. The gamer Lumiya's character ended up probably getting a custom build, and even then, that would cost a lot of money. As for this, well, it seems like it is one of the normal ones.

Most of the armor doesn't seem to wrap around the breasts, like armored bras in videogames, instead, there was an opening that went over. Since there was a great selection, I was able to look around for the ideal piece of armor for me. To which I did. The thin plated armor had a slivery glint to it. Thankfully, this armor wasn't heavy armor, as that most definitely wouldn't work with my build. It most ended up covering the vital spots, having pauldrons and forget that went into chest piece as well as chainmail on the back that was connected via leather straps. There were also bracers, new bracers, grieves, and tassets. All and all, it was quite streamline, and even picking it up, it was quite light as well. So, I ended up getting it as well.

After bringing it to the desk, the dwarf ended up looking at it. "Oh, that armor, yes, I think it will work quite well. Now, I am going to adjust it a bit to allow it to fit you a bit better."

He ended up popping out with the armor, causing a clicking sound to be heard, to which he ended up coming back. Almost immediately it ended up looking 'fixed.'

"Ok, here is the money. "Sierra ended up putting money into the back before handing it to him."

"Thank you so very much." He spoke. "Please come again.

Sierra ended up helping me carry everything outside, before I ended up using a domain pocket to store it. Thankfully no one was there.

"Here." She also handed me a chainmail shirt, quite compress and clean. Nevertheless, it looked my size. "He added this in as well."

"Thanks." I ended up putting that in the domain pocket too. "So, are you going to tell me what that was all about?"

"Well, he is quite fueled by his passion rather than money for making armor and weapons. And quite popular. However, he always ends up giving out most of his armor and weapons for free if he thinks it is a good suit for you. Not to mention enhancing armor rather than basically fixing it."

"He seems like a nice guy." Much better than Velgara. "Though, I don't understand, why did you safeguard me like that? Is he vicious?"

"Well, not to newbies. I wasn't worried. As for why I was holding you, it was to restrain you."


"Ok, if you ended up wandering and saw something you liked, even if it was brief, he would have seen it and more than likely wanted you to have to, regardless of paying. But because of that, you really have to pay him. Otherwise, the store will close down. And he means it very well. As for your next visit….be sure not to recklessly break your weapon. He can tell. It is almost like they speak to him. But if you find out, he would more than likely try to break you to a pulp, even if you are a girl."


"Just don't do anything stupid. And if you do, don't tell him about it. Also, don't say you lost equipment. And don't wear equipment he didn't make near him. He will get sad and depressed."

"It seems like you understand him quite well."

"Well, I should. I have been alive for half a millennium."

"FIVE HUNDRED YEARS!!!" I jumped back. "You look so young."

"Well, duh, I am an elf. You are too. You will probably live even more, as long as this line of work doesn't get to you first." She ended up coughing a bit as a way to move the conversation to somewhere else. "Anyways, do you need to go to someone else's?"

"Well, I would like to get my weapons enchanted, if it is possible."

"Originally, that wouldn't be the case if they weren't magic. However, now, you should be able to go for it, due to that dwarf smuggling in mageiron into the blade. At least he was reasonable when it came to selecting the material."

This was a process in and of itself. Though it was a bit more streamline. Most of these people were honestly hoping for an honest living, to which they gave. I ended up getting Store mana enchanted into my weapons, though, it seemed that that was if. It cost so much that I didn't have enough money for something like a lightning enchantment. Ooooh, that would have been so cool, striking others with lightning. Man! I got to get that.

Once I got the weapon enchanted, I decided that I was ready. So, in a public changing room, I ended up changing back into my kimono, as well as my weapons and new armor. Mainly I used domain equip to do this. But I didn't want to do that in public. After that, I ended up meeting up with Sierra who looked to be in her cloak, to which I could see just a glimpse of her armor, or weapons, as she shifted towards me.

"Ok, let's get going." She ended up pointing to the forest. "This forest is the great capital forest. It is what is in between the Guild town place, and the Capital city. It is quite vast and will be our training grounds. It was also the place we found you at."

"Alright. Well, guess it is time to make a return." I said, raring to go alongside Sierra.