
AΩ: Reincarnation of the creator of the heavens

Itsuka is known to be an ordinary boy, at least that's what his classmates and the entire Kingdom of Flare believe. One day, while Itsuka is eating lunch on the school rooftop with his friends, the school catches fire and explodes, killing all students and teachers and reincarnating them into a new world. Excited by this new life, Itsuka and his friends soon face betrayal. Under the command of the first princess, his comrades turn against him after he interacts with the fourth princess. As a result, during a raid in the Atoma labyrinth meant for leveling up, they betray Itsuka and his friends, causing them to fall to the deepest part of the labyrinth. This incident kills his best friend and gives his other friend amnesia. Struggling with his emotions, Itsuka walks to the final level of the labyrinth, where he encounters and becomes the holder of DeathxLife. Half of its power goes to Ray Skyrish, his amnesiac friend, transforming Ray from male to female. After dealing with Ray's gender change and the power of DeathxLife, Itsuka defeats and tames the labyrinth's final boss, who transforms into a beautiful dragon girl. Escaping the labyrinth with his new allies, Itsuka enrolls in a new school in this world, the same one his previous classmates now attend. They believe Itsuka and his friend perished in the Atoma labyrinth, which was officially deemed an accident. From here on, Itsuka seeks revenge while creating a low-profile background character at school. Secretly, he is Death, the leader of the Death Pieces, an organization he forms that becomes a significant threat to the Flare country. Unbeknownst to many, he is actually Itsuka Yagami, a student at Akura Academy and a former victim of Mitsuri Mine, the first princess of Flare. Check out the first chapter—you might enjoy it! If you do, keep in mind that the main character, Itsuka, is a badass and likely has a harem of more than ten members. Enjoy reading! Average Words per Volume 1 Chapter: 1500-3000, though Chapter One of Volume One has over 5000+ words for it's recreation debut.

FakeMast3rmind · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Reincarnation after betrayal

In the early morning at Golden High School, Itsuka walked briskly towards the school gates, his bag slung over his shoulder. The sun had barely risen, casting a soft, golden hue across the campus.

As he passed through the gate, he felt something rapidly approaching from behind. Before he could react, he was tackled to the ground. "Wassup dude, you're early today. What's with the rush?" It was his friend Livi, grinning widely as he pinned Itsuka to the ground.

"Get off me, bro," Itsuka grumbled, struggling to push Livi off.

Before Livi could respond, another voice chimed in. "What are you guys doing this early in the morning, and at the school gate?" It was Ray, another member of their friend group. Despite being a boy, Ray had a very girlish appearance and a gentle demeanor.

Livi looked up with a mischievous grin. "Why, wanna join in?"

Ray gasped, shaking his head. "Why are you still on top of him?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Itsuka punched Livi directly in the chin. "Get off me already, bro!" He stood up, brushing the dirt off his clothes as Livi rolled around on the ground, clutching his chin in pain.

Amidst the commotion, another friend, Kairo Otora, approached with a smile. He waved cheerfully. "Hey guys!"

The group's attention shifted to Kairo as he walked over, but he quickly noticed something was off. He looked down at Livi writhing on the ground and couldn't help but laugh. "What happened to you?"

Livi, still in pain, saw an opportunity for revenge. He kicked Kairo in the balls, making him scream and double over in agony.

Ray sighed, looking at the chaotic scene before him. "What a way to start the morning."

Itsuka shook his head, unable to suppress a small smile. "Just another day at Golden High."

Kairo groaned, still clutching his midsection. "Ayo, rude! I just got here. You need to understand that I'm not included in this fight you have right now with Itsuka."

Livi stood up, dusting off his uniform as Ray and Itsuka watched him. Both sighed in exasperation as Kairo finally managed to stand up straight.

Out of the blue, Livi turned to the group with an unexpected question. "What do you guys think will happen after we die?"

They all stared at him, baffled. Itsuka was the first to speak. "What kind of question is that?"

Livi shook his head and smiled at them. "Don't worry about it." With that cryptic remark, he walked into the school.

The three of them exchanged puzzled glances, watching Livi's retreating figure. His strange behavior left them unsettled, but they decided to brush it off, not wanting to pry into his personal thoughts.

"Well, that was weird," Ray muttered.

"Yeah, really weird," Kairo agreed, finally catching his breath.

Itsuka shrugged, trying to shake off the odd feeling. "Let's just get to class."

As they walked towards the school building, they couldn't help but wonder what had prompted Livi's strange question. But for now, they decided to leave it alone, focusing instead on the school day ahead.

Later that day, around lunchtime, Livi, Ray, and Itsuka gathered on the rooftop to eat. The breeze was gentle, carrying the sounds of the bustling school below.

As they munched on their food, Livi broke the silence. "Guys, where do you think Kairo is around this time?"

Ray swallowed a bite of his sandwich. "Don't know, but if I had to guess, I'd probably assume he's with his precious girlfriend."

Itsuka chuckled. "Yeah, it doesn't matter where he goes. Anyway, Livi, will you ever have a girlfriend yourself?"

A silence settled over them, and Itsuka smirked, thinking this would make a good joke. Livi took a deep breath and looked at the two. "I was once in a relationship before, but it really just didn't go that well."

Itsuka and Ray laughed. "Probably because your lame ass ain't got no rizz," Itsuka teased.

Livi's expression darkened. "Shut up, virgin boy."

"Hey, at least I'm fresh, unlike you who's already rotten," Itsuka shot back.

Ray continued eating peacefully, ignoring the banter. Livi and Itsuka turned their attention to him.

"Anyways, Ray, will you ever have a girlfriend?" Livi asked, trying to shift the focus.

Ray stood up without a word and headed back down the stairs, his face clouded with sadness and anger. Itsuka and Livi exchanged puzzled looks.

Realization dawned on Livi. "What the hell did I just ask him?" he muttered.

Itsuka looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

Livi sighed deeply, knowing he couldn't hide this from his best friend. "I shouldn't probably tell you this, but Ray... he has a very, very terrible backstory."

Itsuka's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Itsuka's curiosity deepened as Livi began to recount Ray Skyrish's backstory. "Well, you see, Ray has only one family member—his mom. She always hated men after her husband divorced her."

Livi continued, "Due to this, Ray's mom would try her best day and night to dress Ray as a girl. She feared that because Ray was a boy, he might leave her too, just like her husband did. Then, one day, Ray's mom committed suicide."

Itsuka's eyes widened with shock. Livi went on, "Ray got depressed after that. Even though his mom had gone mad, he still loved her because, at the end of the day, she was still his mother. He was sitting in the rain at a playground when I first met him. I handed him an umbrella, and from that moment forward, we became friends. I slowly introduced him to you guys."

"Ray didn't cut his hair since his mother's final wish was to turn him into a girl. As a result, with his long hair, Ray started to look like a girl. It's like giving up your own dreams to fulfill your parents' wishes."

Livi sighed. "So, even though he's not gay, he tries to act like it. He's really bad at it, though. This is why he has such a girlish appearance and why he doesn't want a girlfriend, despite having a crush on a girl. That's probably why my question hurt him so much. I should probably apologize."

Itsuka smiled, his expression gentle. "You're right. You should apologize to him right now. Let's go follow him."

Livi was taken aback by Itsuka's understanding and nodded. But before they could stand up, the fire alarm suddenly blared. They initially thought it was a prank by some students. However, their thoughts quickly changed when they heard the screams of students and teachers from below.

Panic spread across the rooftop. "This isn't a prank," Itsuka said, his voice tense.

Livi's eyes widened. "We need to find Ray and get out of here!"

They quickly grabbed their bags and rushed towards the stairs, their hearts pounding as they navigated through the chaos to ensure their friend's safety.

Itsuka and Livi, being on the rooftop, were safe from the immediate danger. However, the knowledge that Ray was still inside filled them with urgency. They dashed down the stairs, navigating through the chaos, their hearts pounding with fear and determination. The hallways were a nightmare, filled with flames, debris, and the agonizing sight of students and teachers either dead, surrounded by fire, or on the brink of suffocation.

As they reached the second floor, they finally spotted Ray at the very end of the hallway, sitting on the floor, seemingly resigned to his fate. His eyes widened when he saw Itsuka and Livi running towards him, dodging flames left and right.

"Ray!" Itsuka shouted, his voice barely audible over the roar of the fire.

But just as they were about to reach him, a floorboard from the third floor above crashed down, blocking their path. The flames around the fallen debris grew higher, forming an almost impenetrable barrier between them and Ray.

Livi screamed, "DON'T WORRY, WE WILL SAVE YOU!" Ray, surrounded by flames, asked calmly, "What are you guys doing here?! You both know I was trouble!"

Itsuka and Livi exchanged confused glances at Ray's calm demeanor. Itsuka asked, "What are you talking about?"

Ray stood up As tears streams down his face, and screamed, "JUST LET ME DIE HERE! DEATH MIGHT BE THE ONLY WAY TO STOP MY SUFFERING!"

Livi tried to interject, "We can talk about this later, ju—" but Ray cut him off. "Are you kidding me? If I keep living, the amount of regret and suffering that I will face will only increase. But death can stop it in an INSTANT!"

Livi responded, "Sorry if my question hurt you and made you uncomfortable, but you need to understand that death is never the right option."

Ray's tears continued to fall as he focused on Livi. "Question? That was hardly a question. You knew about my past but still asked that?"

Itsuka surveyed the growing thickness of the fire and realized they might not escape if the argument continued. He thought to himself, "At this point, the fire will spread so much that we cannot escape anymore if this drama will keep going. I have to interfere with this argument that these two are having."

As Livi tried his best to convince Ray not to give up, nothing seemed to be working. Itsuka then laughed at the two of them, shocking Ray and Livi with his sudden change in personality.

When Itsuka finally stopped laughing, he loudly exclaimed, "PATHETIC!!!" Itsuka locked eyes with Ray and continued, "Really? Is this the place where you want to die? Not gonna lie, I think you really should DIE! That's right, YOU DESERVE TO DIE!"

Both Livi and Ray were shocked by Itsuka's sudden aggression. Ray looked down and asked softly, "Is this really your true personality, Itsuka?"

Livi stuttered, trying to comprehend Itsuka's behavior. Itsuka silenced him and said, "This is between me and Sky."

As the fire intensified, Itsuka stared directly at Ray. Ray insisted, "You're still not convincing me!" Itsuka flicked his tongue and retorted, "Do you really want your parents to be disappointed in you?"

Ray screamed back, "YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME AND MY PAST!" Itsuka grew annoyed with Ray's defiance.

"Listen here, STOP playing hard to get in a life or death situation, kid," Itsuka snapped. "Because if you do, no good things will ever go right for you ever again. Like, literally, do you really want to die the same way your mom did? Committing suicide is your decision, but it is never the right decision. Think before you take action because that is always the safest way to go."

As ray cries more and more he said "Then why Am I suffering, why am I struggling, why do I have to go through all this pain."

As Itsuka then calmly said "Then why would it be life?, Life is beautiful you have to accept the good and bad part of it as being beautiful"

Ray responded with "Are you saying I am only getting the bad part of it...?" Itsuka Yagami smiles as he offered him his hand and said "Really?, do you Really actually see the both of us as a bad part of life"

And the definite words caught Ray off guard as he smiled as he giggles to himself, and said "probably the both of you do make fun of me all the time hehe"

Livi looks at itsuka of pure shock of what he said and convincing he can really be if he actually talk at the deepest and bottom of his heart.

Itsuka then looked at him then smiled, as livi stand up then jumped over the floorboard that were separating them, because in ray's side is the next stairs back to the first floor, but then The school Exploded before itsuka could jump, killing everyone that is about a mile away from the school.

Itsuka woke up in a state of shock, his body covered in sweat as confusion clouded his mind. He quickly surveyed his surroundings, taking in the vast expanse of the forest surrounding him. Despite the disorientation, he managed to remain calm, his expression betraying none of the turmoil within.

As he took a deep breath, fragments of a dream lingered in his mind, the memory of the orbs and their significance haunting him. "Looks like my memories are back," he murmured to himself, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "Cosmic, find me. My memories won't stay for much longer. It's me, Adonai."

The realization hit him like a wave as he remembered his role as the Keeper of the four orbs representing Death, Life, Error, and Perfection. Each orb held a unique power, a concept that shaped the very fabric of existence.

With a steely resolve, Itsuka watched as the orbs surrounded him once more, their colors shimmering in the air. They seemed to pulse with a life of their own, resonating with the essence of the universe.

As the orbs slowly descended towards him, Itsuka's gaze remained unwavering. He knew that his destiny was intertwined with these powerful forces, and he was prepared to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a sudden jolt, Itsuka woke up in a state of confusion, his mind a blank slate as he struggled to recall the details of his dream. The memory of the orbs and their significance eluded him, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand. Despite the lingering sense of importance attached to the dream, he found himself unable to grasp onto its contents.

As he took in his surroundings, the dense forest stretching out before him, Itsuka's mind raced with questions. What had he just experienced? Why did it feel so significant? Try as he might, he couldn't shake the feeling of something important slipping away from him.

With a deep breath, Itsuka pushed aside his lingering confusion, focusing instead on the present moment. Though the memory of his dream remained tantalizingly out of reach, he knew that dwelling on it would only lead to frustration.

Gathering his resolve, Itsuka resolved to explore his surroundings and uncover whatever secrets lay hidden within the forest. Whatever significance his dream held, he was determined to uncover it in due time. For now, he would focus on the journey ahead, trusting that the answers would reveal themselves in their own time.

Itsuka's eyes widened as he spotted Ray Skyrish leaning unconscious against a nearby rock, while Livi lay sprawled out in the distance, also unconscious. Itsuka's mind raced, trying to piece together what had happened and how they ended up in this unfamiliar place.

Before he could gather his thoughts, Livi suddenly let out a scream, "IM DEAAAAAD!!!"

Itsuka shook his head in exasperation, recognizing Livi's tendency to be melodramatic. As he scanned their surroundings, trying to make sense of their situation, Livi spotted Itsuka and sprinted towards him, relief evident on his face as he realized he was not alone.

Livi bombarded Itsuka with questions, asking why they were in the middle of nowhere despite being in a forest just moments ago. Itsuka confessed his own confusion, unable to recall the events that led them to this mysterious location.

As they contemplated their predicament, a realization dawned on them. "We've been reincarnated to another world!" they exclaimed simultaneously, the truth sinking in as they shared a moment of disbelief.

Ray stirred awake, blinking groggily as he saw Itsuka and Livi in the distance. He wondered if it was all just a trick of the light, but Livi's slap brought him back to reality. "Yo, stop pretending to still be asleep. We know you're awake," Livi said, breaking the tension with a hint of humor.

Itsuka chuckled at the familiar banter between Livi and Ray, feeling a sense of camaraderie amidst the confusion. As they laughed together, the weight of their situation seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of adventure and possibility.

The three friends set out into the forest, their laughter echoing through the trees as they talked and joked along the way. Suddenly, they were approached by a traveling merchant who quickly recognized them as Otherworlders, sparking a new chapter in their unexpected journey.

Azzgar Razil gratefully introduced himself to Itsuka, Livi, and Ray, immediately asking if they were Otherworlders. Feeling a sense of pride, Itsuka and Livi responded positively, relishing in the attention.

As they followed the merchant, Azzgar Razil, he assured them that any confusion they had would be addressed by the princess herself. The mention of the princess piqued their curiosity, and they eagerly followed Azzgar to their destination.

They arrived at a massive gate, towering like a skyscraper, surrounded by imposing walls. Azzgar instructed them to behave as he spoke to the gate guardian. After a brief exchange, the guard nodded, allowing them entry into the town.

The sight of the medieval town left Itsuka and Livi in awe, their mouths hanging open in wonder. Ray, too, was impressed by the grandeur of their surroundings. Azzgar continued to escort them until they reached the castle, where he handed them over to the guards.

The guards led them to a room filled with other students who had also been reincarnated. Itsuka, Livi, and Ray noticed that these students were victims of the school incident. Although the students briefly glanced at them, they soon returned to their own activities.

The room itself was impressive, but what caught their attention was a massive door at one end. They watched as more students entered the room until finally, the princess herself arrived accompanied by two golden knights.

All eyes turned to the princess as she introduced herself as Mitsuri Mine, the daughter of King Stratos, the ruler of the country. She assured the students that she would provide them with all the information they needed to know. The three friends listened intently, eager to learn more about their new reality from the princess herself.

Mitsuri mine the first princess the next ruler of Flare country took a deep breath before she spoke" You guys were summoned here by the goddess fillia, she saw how you guys died and just could not accept it of how miserable it is, so she repaid you guys by giving all of you a second chance, but as she was summoning all of you she was attacked by the one and only Phantom God, due to this her summoning was broken, that's why you guy's were split up after the summoning, and was not summon in one place here at the palace, anyways your guy's goal is to save the goddess by defeating the Phantom god, dont worry all of you are not gonna be thrown there empty handed, in this world magic exist and you guys can choose you own different path's or in other word classes for example mage, swordmanship, tank, archer, thief, druid, warlock, necromancer and more, and as the pricess will declear you all to grind at the atoma labyrinth, of course again not empty handed, dont worry commander zaro will tell the rest, now may I take my leave.

 As the princess departed, groups began to form among the students, each eager to find allies in this unfamiliar world. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as everyone prepared for the challenges ahead.

Suddenly, the commander entered the room, introducing himself and presenting a key for the large door in the corner. Excitement rippled through the crowd as the door swung open, revealing a cache of weapons and accessories. Itsuka Yagami grabbed a sword, Livi Takanashi opted for an axe, and Ray Skyrish chose a flintlock.

The commander wasted no time in leading them outside to an even larger door. He addressed the assembled students sternly, emphasizing the gravity of the task ahead. "Now all of you listen," he commanded, "get ready because the moment this labyrinth opens, the grind will begin nonstop until we reach a checkpoint. UNDERSTAND?!"

A resounding chorus of "UNDERSTAND!!" echoed through the room as the students braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. With weapons in hand and determination in their hearts, they prepared to face whatever trials awaited them in the labyrinth.

As the door opened, a strong gust of wind accompanied by harmless slimes burst forth, signaling the beginning of their descent into the labyrinth's depths. With each level they traversed, the monsters grew stronger and more formidable, presenting a greater challenge for Itsuka, Livi, and Ray.

Amidst the perilous journey, the trio encountered other students, forging bonds and alliances along the way. After several hours of exploration, they split into smaller groups to cover more ground. While one group rested, Itsuka and another group pressed onward, determined to delve deeper into the labyrinth's mysteries.

As Itsuka took a moment to rest, he was approached by a student accompanied by a friend, who inquired about his level. Exhausted and fatigued, Itsuka didn't immediately respond. Before he could gather his thoughts, he was struck with a vicious kick to the head, sending him flying several feet away.

Dazed and disoriented, Itsuka looked up to see Mitai Kira and Sarit Lazaniya standing over him, their faces twisted with malice. Mitai's words cut through the air like a knife, accusing Itsuka of ignoring them. Itsuka knew he stood no chance against these two formidable opponents, especially with the lack of support from those around him.

It became apparent to Itsuka that Mitai and Sarit were among the strongest students in this new world, boasting impressive levels and skills. Mitai, a level twenty-two swordsman, and Sarit, a level twenty brute, exuded an aura of menace that sent shivers down Itsuka's spine. As they glared down at him with sinister smiles, Itsuka realized he was facing a formidable challenge unlike any he had encountered before.

Itsuka winced in pain as he felt the blood trickling down his forehead, his head throbbing from the impact. Before he could even gather his bearings, a sudden blow to his stomach sent him reeling, causing him to vomit blood onto the ground.

The students from group two remained frozen in fear, unwilling to intervene as Itsuka endured the brutal assault from Mitai and Sarit. However, amidst the chaos, a strange realization dawned upon them – Mitai was missing his right arm. Itsuka's smile remained defiant even as he lay on the ground, bloodied and battered.

Meanwhile, Livi stood triumphantly, holding Mitai's severed arm in his grasp, his laughter echoing maniacally through the cavern. Mitai's screams of agony pierced the air as he grappled with the shock and pain of losing a limb, while Sarit watched on in horrified disbelief, fearing he might be next.

The sudden appearance of Commander Zaro interrupted the chaos, but it was too late to prevent Mitai's grievous injury. The commander, enraged by the scene before him, swiftly attended to Mitai's wound, cauterizing it to stop the bleeding. Mitai writhed in agony as Livi continued to laugh, seemingly reveling in the chaos he had caused.

Commander Zaro wasted no time in delivering his verdict, reprimanding the three students for their reckless behavior. With a stern expression, he announced their punishment – suspension for causing friendly fire. As he ushered them to return to the surface, he made it clear that their actions had consequences, and this incident would serve as a harsh lesson for them all.

Later that night, Itsuka gazed out at the stars from his room balcony at the palace, his forehead adorned with a bandage. A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. Opening it, he found Skyrish, who apologized for not being there to save him.

"Sorry for not being there to save you, Itsuka," Skyrish said earnestly.

Itsuka sighed, "It's not your fault. The commander split us into different groups."

"But still..." Skyrish started, but Itsuka cut him off.

"It's Mitai and Sarit who caused this mess," Itsuka muttered, watching as Skyrish left, before returning his gaze to the sky and retiring for the night.

The following morning, Itsuka wandered through the castle, guided by the distant sound of a piano. Upon finding the source, he entered to behold a girl with snow-white hair and purple eyes, dressed akin to Mitsuri Mine. Assuming her to be royalty, he approached, but she continued playing without pause. Itsuka listened to her melody until she finished, then applauded before bowing as she acknowledged him.

With a smile, the princess introduced herself as Patricia Mine, the youngest daughter of King Stratos. Itsuka respectfully introduced himself in return.

"I am Itsuka Yagami. It is really a pleasure to meet you, M'lady," Itsuka said with a bow.

"Oh, how respectful. I am Patricia Mine," Patricia replied, "Now, do you want to try the piano?"

Itsuka hesitated, "Only if I have permission from you, princess."

Patricia continued to smile and then gave Itsuka permission to play the piano. Itsuka took a deep breath, placed his hands on the keys, and began to play.

Patricia was shocked by Itsuka's impressive piano skills, and as he finished, she clapped her hands, smiling at him in admiration.

However, their moment was abruptly interrupted as Mitsuri Mine slammed the door open, causing both Itsuka and Patricia to turn their attention towards her. Mitsuri's glare fell upon them, and she strode directly towards Itsuka. Before he could react or offer any explanation, Patricia herself slapped him across the face and exclaimed, "GET OUT."

Itsuka felt the sting of the slap, realizing he had incurred the wrath of royalty. Thoughts raced through his mind as he contemplated the potential consequences of angering someone of her status. He knew that facing the ire of royalty could lead to severe punishments, even as extreme as death penalties or lifelong sentences.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Itsuka resolved to be more cautious in his interactions. He pondered over the reason for Mitsuri's anger, wondering if it was because of his interaction with her younger sister. In this world, where the future seemed predictable, he understood the importance of being mindful of his actions.

As Itsuka left, he cast a final glance at Patricia, who still wore a smile. Determined to avoid further trouble, Itsuka made his way to the palace's library. He selected a book from the shelves and settled into a seat by the window, seeking solace in the quiet surroundings of library.

The book Itsuka took was "The Adventure of the Previous Hero." As he was about to read it, a girl asked if they could read it together. When Itsuka looked up, he realized it was Lea Sharlily, one of the most popular girls back at Golden High School.

Lea said to him, "It seems like there's only one copy of that book. Please, may we read it together?" Itsuka sighed, wondering why such a popular girl was talking to him, but he calmly agreed to her suggestion.

Lea smiled, took a chair, and placed it beside his. As they read together and finished the book, Lea was impressed by how cool the story was. She then looked at Itsuka and started talking about the book. Itsuka smiled and happily answered. However, they were kicked out of the library for being too loud, so they continued their conversation in the hallway as they walked. Eventually, they went their separate ways when Lea was called by her friends. Her friends glared at him as he expected. Itsuka continued to explore the castle until he looked out one of the windows and thought, "Tomorrow we will be heading back to the labyrinth. I hope I do well this time."

The next morning, the students were again escorted by Commander Zaro. When the door to the labyrinth opened, a strong gust of wind blew out along with harmless slimes. They easily went down stage by stage, but at the second stage, someone called Itsuka's name from behind. It was Itori Yagami, his younger sister. She jumped on him from behind, and they both fell to the ground as Ray and Livi laughed. Itori glared at them, but they pretended they hadn't laughed. It was too late; Itori bit them one by one, making them scream in pain.

Itori then said, "You guys better not bully my brother!"

Ray and Livi simultaneously responded, "Don't worry, we're not, right, Yagami?" They stared at Itsuka, begging for him to agree.

Itsuka put on an evil smile and answered, "They're lying."

The commander looked back because he heard the screaming, and the other students just put on pale faces. Itori was quickly tied up by her school friends and carried through the labyrinth. Itori was also one of the most popular girls in Golden High School due to her cute, loli-like appearance.

As they went deeper into the labyrinth, they were split into groups, this time into eight groups.

Group 1: Mitori Amowara, Kenji Takumi, Itori Yagami, Konami Atami, Yuiichi Typhoon.

Group 2: Zarin Konowari, Yuri Filay, Ariana Okatsu, Michael Jiren, Kiyozi Fumitari.

Group 3: Aoki Natori, Aki Takiramo, Chiyo Ghidora, Bashira Tialolin, Mikara Motamaraki.

Group 4: Mitai Kira, Sarit Lazaniya, Faye Michelle, Kairo Otora, Erane Rashiro.

Group 5: Ray Skyrish, Livi Takanashi, Itsuka Yagami, Mahiro Akasuki.

Group 6: Emi Leyorinashi, Fumiko Sakurashi, Hina Utoumara, Nunally Raechelle, Lea Sharlily.

Group 7: Faora Ederan, Angeline Camael, Calicio Matson, Starlette Emerasionna, Dellas Zweigenhaft.

Group 8: Yael Gardener, Delta Primorse, Ai Tsira, Mei Sheila, Mist Nethera.

Itsuka immediately pointed out the unfairness of the counting. "Wait, wait, wait. Why are there only four of us?"

Commander Zaro responded, "Sorry, man, there's really nothing we can do about it..."

Livi put his hand at Itsuka's shoulder and smiled

Itsuka sighs then agree to this, But then he slowly realize his nerve is Getting high, And then he saw Mitai laughing, Itsuka looked away,but now he know's, danger is coming as each group went they're separate way's, Itsuka warned his group about this, but they really actually didn't think about it that much, but then he saw his other group Mahiro showing the same smile as Mitai.

Livi and ray really didn't think about it as so much as a danger, because the commander will be teaming up with them to cover they're missing number, but itsuka still is aware and not letting his gaurd down' until they made it to this clearing with a giant ravine in the middle, until the three realized they're being surrounded by the group four.

"Well well, Itsuka and livi we meet Again am I right?" Mitai said as Itsuka replied With a serious face"What are you planning, Cause what ever it is, its not working until the commander is with us."

As livi then also said "yeah bro so scram!, unless you want to be punished" but then the commander spoke, as he said "Who told you guys im with you guys."

The commander Grabbed Livi's head and slammed it at the ground, he then punched itsuka in the face making him flew at the ravine, but before he could fall he managed to grab at the edge of the ravine, and now is now hanging at the edge.

The entire Group four then laugh along with mahiro as the commander stayed silent. "Wha-What are you guy's Do-doing!" Ray said as he struggles to understand what is going on." As Sarit said "and who is this beauty girl?"

"Im A Boy!" Ray yelled as sarit replied "too bad." Sarit then ran directly at ray as Ray tries to shoot sarit, the commander then grabbed ray at the head to prevent him from shooting, sarit then punched her at the stomach making him Vomit blood.

But then they realized livi is already gone, and his actually now trying to pull Itsuka back up, but then he was stabbed by kira directly at his heart, as livi show's his final smile at itsuka before he falls in the raving along with itsuka in the ravine who is now in pure trauma as tears come out of his eyes.

Ray was then thrown in the ravine aswell after they both fall, As the entire student at this scene Laugh Except for the commander who stayed silent as he shows a serious face, As itsuka is falling, he felt hopeless as tears continues to come out of his eyes.

"Why did they do this, Why was the commander Along with them, is this all my fault, I just need some confirmation if this is part the punishment that I was expecting." Itsuka exclaimed in his mind as the three continues to fall in this deep ravine.

As the three of them fell livi is also running out of blood, As the three then landed on water, as the ravine was filled with water below.

To be continued

This is a recreation of DeathXLife Reincarnation of the god of the heavens, my first Novel, so if you enjoyed it, why not add it to your guys library to keep Updated..

Thanks for reading ;)

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