

This is a scary story that I have made about my character “Amara”. This is her backstory that I’ll think you’ll like. I specialise in scary stories and I would like to continue making backstories for my Oc’s. Anyways I hope you enjoy this Horror story!

Scary_stories · Horror
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Everybody knows, the legend of Amara in this town. But I assume, since your knew to this town that you wouldn't happen to know.

So let me tell you the few rules here.

No.1: Never leave your bed after 9pm. Or she will grab your ankle with her icy cold hands and slowly drag you to the underworld through the floor..

No.2: Everyday before you go to sleep, you must make sure your door is locked and your closet is closed. Or she will sneak through the shadows and watch you sleep for nights on end..

No.3: Make sure to always hang up a white flower outside your house. So she may take it and spare your life.

Those. Are the three rules of Amara. Now that you know those rules I shall tell you her story.