

  Chapter 161 Celebration

  After searching in the bedroom closet for a long time, Angel finally chose the knee-length skirt that she had never worn since she bought it.

  Most of the clothes hanging in her closet were shirts and trousers for daily changes and changes. They were not only convenient for daily activities, but also kept consistent with the clothes of her teammates in the Nighthawks.

  But Melissa Moretti secretly knocked on her door in the middle of the night yesterday, with a pleading expression on her face, suggesting that she "wear something different from usual."

  After repeated questioning, Melissa finally told the truth.

  It turned out that she and her brother Klein made a bet that if Angel still wore the same clothes as usual at the celebration, she would lose 50 pence.

  Although she doubted the authenticity of the bet, Angel still agreed to this small request because Melissa came to visit in the middle of the night.

  Changing into a long skirt and a conservative top was the biggest concession she was willing to make!

  But as a Nighthawk and a Beyonder, for the safety of herself and those around her, there are some things that cannot be compromised.

  She tied the holster of the "Thirsty Blood" and the dagger sheath to her left and right thighs respectively with leg rings. After lowering the hem of her skirt, she stood in front of the mirror and observed it from left to right. She found that it was not visible under the cover of the loose long skirt, and there was no strange bulge. The magic pocket watch that was originally wrapped around her left wrist could only be put into her coat pocket.

  In this way, even if she encountered danger, she would have the strength to fight, at least to protect Melissa and Benson...

  After tying up her long hair on her back, Angel walked out of the bedroom. The collision between the pocket watch and the spare bullets in her pocket made a discordant "swooshing" sound, which made her sigh. She walked back to the bedroom, took out most of the bullets in her pocket, and put them back in the drawer of the bedside table, leaving only the golden "Shattered Light Ray" and a few "Storm Gathering".

  Should I buy a handbag? Just like Rosanne...

  But it's just a small celebration in the North District Park, and I don't need so many bullets. Besides, it's not far from the Night Watcher's base...

  She thought secretly and walked down the stairs to the living room on the first floor.

  "Miss Angel, good morning."

  Tromi was wiping the coffee table in the living room. Seeing Angel coming downstairs, he greeted her with a smile.

  This female worker had just passed the trial of the Moretti family and had become their full-time maid. She was not only responsible for cleaning and washing clothes, but also for breakfast and dinner every day. The kind Benson set her a weekly salary of 6 soli, and also provided food and accommodation.

  As far as Angel knew, this was already higher than the average price of hiring the same maid in Tingen City. I'm afraid Benson meant to take care of her.

  Add to that the 2 soli earned every week for cleaning and washing clothes for the Granger family, and this poor girl who had just experienced the pain of losing her father should not have to worry about her life.

  After the work location is fixed, she will have more energy to learn complex cooking knowledge, and have the opportunity to become a female chef for a wealthy family in a few years and live a more decent life.

  After a simple breakfast, Angel left home and came to the noisy Narcissus Street. It was already 9 o'clock in the morning. The streets on Sunday were no longer as busy as before, but had a lazy temperament.

  Although Klein had switched shifts with Coenli, who was originally on break, and did not need to guard Chanis Gate today, he still had some work to hand over to Leonard, so he rushed to Blackthorn Security Company early in the morning. After Angel met up with Melissa and Benson, they took a hired carriage to Red Moon Street in the North District.

  In the carriage, Melissa looked at Angel with relief.

  "Angel, I knew you wouldn't wear that neutral outfit today. Klein will definitely be surprised to see it."

  Huh? Didn't you come over in the middle of the night and tell me to dress like this?

  Angel looked at Melissa in confusion.

  The latter looked away guiltily, then turned back as if she remembered something and said:

  "Angel, I want to ask, um, I'm asking for Klein, what kind of person is he in your eyes?"

  At the end of her words, she was already looking forward to it.

  Seeing the girl's expression changing and her eyes flickering, Angel chuckled and replied:

  "Is he a good person?"


  Melissa exclaimed in confusion and looked at Benson for help.   

  "Ahem," Benson coughed artificially, "Look, we've arrived at Red Moon Street."

  Angel also turned his gaze to the car window, watching the buildings on the street gradually replaced by rows of trees.

  Of course, she could hear what Melissa meant, and knew what kind of answer she expected.

  But, herself...

  She lowered her head, her eyes becoming a little dim.


  Inside the Blackthorn Security Company.

  Klein was talking to Leonard, who had just returned to the company. The latter found a letter left by the other party when searching for Lanevus's former hiding place.

  "A bomb that gets stronger over time? How can there be such a thing?"

  Klein asked curiously.

  At this time, he had hung his windbreaker and top hat on the coat rack, leaving only a white shirt and brown vest. With his meticulously groomed black hair, he really looked younger, as his sister Melissa said.

  Leonard looked like he had been running around all night, his black hair was messy, his windbreaker was unbuttoned as usual, and the hem of his shirt was casually draped over his belt.

  "Not only that, it's also extremely powerful. Lanevus said that if this bomb is not found, the entire city of Tingen will be reduced to ruins."

  He said with a gloomy face, handing Klein an envelope without an address or recipient.

  "If we just look at this letter, it's more likely to be a prank. After all, the other party is a con man with a criminal record. He's full of lies and even abandoned his pregnant fiancée."

  "But this person is related to the 'Aurora Society', and the latter often performs various bloody sacrificial rituals. This reminds me of the 'Cursed Altar' we destroyed at the end of July. It was also a curse that became stronger as the number of sacrifices increased..."

  After listening to Leonard's analysis, Klein, who quickly read the letter, raised his head in shock and asked,

  "You mean, Lanevus also prepared such an evil ritual, and over time, it will eventually affect the entire Tingen City?"

  "Look, there's such a description in his letter," Leonard pointed to a passage on the letter, "...child laborers who kept dying, workers who died prematurely due to poor conditions and overwork, factories shrouded in countless resentments... If these are the source of power for the 'bomb', it's probably much more powerful than the previous 'Cursed Altar'."

  "No matter what, we must report to the captain as soon as possible and ask him to ask for help from the Holy Temple. Through the resentment collected by this increasingly powerful 'bomb', we can find its location." Klein shook the letter in his hand and looked in the direction of Dunn's office.

  "I came back precisely because of this matter. Luo Yao went to the Tingen Police Headquarters. She plans to check the records of recent construction and renovation projects. Maybe she can find clues about the 'bomb'. Such a thing that affects the entire city will inevitably cause a lot of noise during the construction process."

  Leonard replied.

  He and Klein walked through the reception hall one after the other, and walked through the partition under Roshan's puzzled gaze and headed towards Dunn's office.

  "By the way, it seems that you have switched shifts with Coenli today and are going to take a day off. Um, um, are you going on a date?"

  Leonard, who was walking in front, suddenly slowed down, turned his head, and squeezed out a strange smile on his serious face.

  "Where did you hear that? I was just strolling around the newly built park next door with my family..."

  Klein subconsciously denied it, but a frustrating thought still emerged in his mind:

  his vacation might really be ruined...

  He sighed and looked out the window. The noise of the park not far away seemed to pass through the street and reach his ears.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 162 Megose

  "I thought the newspapers were all lies. I didn't expect the new park to be so beautiful that no tickets are required."

  Melissa's eyes widened immediately after getting off the carriage. She looked at the street park in front of her and exclaimed.

  It is not quite accurate to call it a "street park". The new park has expanded by half, occupying the angle between Red Moon Street and Zouteland Street, and including a large area of ​​​​open space where houses have not yet been built into the scope of the park. With the expensive artificial landscaping, it has surpassed the park next to the municipal square in the Golden Wutong District and has become the largest green area in Tingen City.

  But even so, the entire park has been crowded with citizens who come to play. At a glance, there are at least hundreds of people.

  They strolled in the tree-lined avenue, playing with their children on the lawn, and more people gathered at the podium in the center of the park. It was surrounded by colorful flags, and Senator Maynard's speech would begin soon.

  It is said that there will be a lottery after the speech, and there will be rewards for participating. Many idle tourists have already gathered around. They may not be interested in speeches and elections, but the lottery can really attract anyone's attention.

  "It is said that the prizes of the lottery even include tickets to "The Return of the Count" which will be screened in Tingen next Sunday. If we can draw a ticket, Klein will definitely be very happy."

  Melissa did her homework for this celebration. At this time, she was holding Angel's hand, squeezing through the noisy crowd, and walking towards the center of the park. Benson followed behind with a doting smile on his face.

  "The Return of the Count? What is that?"

  Angel asked curiously.

  "That is the most popular play in Backlund this year. Every show is full. Various newspapers often publish reviews about it. Klein has been looking forward to it for a long time."

  Melissa introduced it in a low voice, as if she was afraid that others would hear the popularity of the play and snatch this opportunity from her. Is

  it often mentioned in newspapers? Why don't I seem to have seen it...

  Angel blinked, feeling a little ashamed of his poor information channels.

  The three of them walked through the tree-lined path and approached the podium. On the other side of the stone platform, the crowd was even more noisy, as if some big shot was coming to the scene in a crowd.

  Not long after, Councillor Maynard, dressed as if he was going to attend a royal ball, walked onto the podium. His short blond hair was meticulously groomed and he had a perfect smile on his face.

  As he looked down from above, the noisy citizens around him gradually quieted down.

  "Good morning, citizens of Tingen..."

  Without wasting any time, the councillor who aspired to be the mayor began his speech. In this era without loudspeakers, he could make a loud voice that could be heard by everyone surrounded by hundreds of people. It must be said that Maynard's basic skills were very solid.

  "It's just that the speech was too formal. I can even guess what he's going to say next, such as 'improve the level of public education and increase medical insurance'..."

  Benson turned sideways and whispered to Angel.

  "...improve the level of public education and increase medical insurance..."

  His voice was very low and was easily drowned out by Maynard's speech on the stage.

  "This makes me more confident about the public examination held by the government next year."

  Benson, who guessed the content of the speech, continued, with a smile on his face, but it instantly turned into a painful and twisted expression - his waist was heavily poked by Melissa's finger.

  "If you think it's just a formality, don't listen. Help me see if Klein has arrived. He said he would come at 9:30, and it's almost 10 o'clock now."

  Hearing the instructions given by his sister, Benson straightened his back and tiptoed, looking over the crowd beside him, looking for Klein's trace.

  Angel on the side also looked around, but she was not looking for Klein, but subconsciously felt something was wrong. The crowd around them was getting bigger and bigger, and their emotions were also mobilized by the congressman who was speaking. Once any accident happened, it might lead to a stampede, or even more serious problems.

  She turned on her spiritual vision and scanned the crowd around her, but did not find any abnormal conditions that were different from the surrounding environment.

  Reaching out and pressing her thigh under the skirt, the holster tied to her leg gave her a sense of security. Seeing that Melissa seemed to be about to leave her and Benson to look for Klein in the open space beside, Angel quickly grabbed her.

  "Stay close to me, don't get separated..."

  Before she finished speaking, her eyes became illusory, and a thick gray mist surged up and instantly enveloped her.


  "An evil ritual that is absorbing the resentment of the entire Tingen City. Is this the 'bomb' that Lanevus mentioned?"

  Dunn sat behind his desk, holding his temples with both hands, frowning, and asked Klein in front of him.

  The captain looked much better than in the past few days. He should have come out of Old Neil's out-of-control self-blame...

  Klein looked at his captain and felt a little relieved. Then he answered:

  "Yes, this is the conclusion that Leonard and I came to. I think we should send a telegram to the Holy Temple for help and ask them to send an expert in mysticism to assist us in finding this 'bomb' as soon as possible."

  "Didn't you try to confirm it with divination first? This is not like your usual style."

  Dunn's calm tone exploded in Klein's mind like thunder.

  Yes, I am a 'diviner'... I used to be one. Why didn't I use divination to confirm it immediately when encountering such a thing?

  Klein was stunned for a moment, and felt that there was no time to lose. He sat down on the chair next to him, ready to enter the dream and divine the specific location of the "bomb".

  Wait, I should use the pendulum method to at least confirm the safety of divination. The last time I looked directly at the "Eternal Sun" was a lesson... I was too impatient. Was it because of the fear of the unknown, or because...   

  Dunn looked at Klein curiously as he sat down and stood up again. He saw him roll up the sleeve of his left wrist, untie the gold chain, put down the amethyst pendant, and suddenly asked:

  "Is this a gift from her?"

  "Huh?" Klein was stunned by the captain's question. "Yes... Captain, I'm going to start divination."

  After signaling the other party to be quiet with his eyes, he silently recited the divination words and half-closed his eyes to meditate.

  "Laneverus's bomb will cause harm to me."

  He did not perform divinations such as "whether the bomb will explode" with the bomb as the target, but used himself as the divination object, so that the result obtained would be the most accurate.

  And if this "bomb" can cause harm to him in the Nighthawk's base, then I'm afraid that "it can destroy the city" is not an empty talk.

  After reciting it seven times, Klein opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Dunn's serious face and wide eyes. Then he lowered his head and looked at the pendant.

  The amethyst was spinning clockwise crazily at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, and the gold chain even shook his left hand slightly.

  "It's very dangerous!"

  Dunn didn't need Klein to explain. He already understood the result of the divination.

  He opened the drawer, took out the telegram book, and lifted the cover of the telegraph machine on the table.

  "I will send a telegram to the Holy Temple right away, asking them to send an expert." Dunn turned on the power of the telegraph machine with one hand and flipped the telegram book with the other hand. "Let Leonard go find Luo Yao and ask her what she found at the police station. You go find Angel and tell her that her vacation is canceled."


  Klein took a deep breath, nodded, and turned to walk out of the office.

  Listening to the "tick-tick" sound of the telegraph coming from behind him, he walked slowly through the corridor, stood behind the partition of the reception hall, took out his pocket watch, opened the cover and took a look.

  9:35, it was past the agreed time...

  Angel should be in the street park with Melissa and Benson now. I can only go there in person and call her back.

  Klein could imagine the disappointed look in his sister's eyes after hearing the news.

  Sighing secretly, he was about to walk through the partition and call Leonard to gather the other teammates when he heard the latter's surprised voice:

  "Ms. Megose?"

  Megose... Megose!

  Klein remembered this name. It was the fiancée who was abandoned by Lanevus and was already pregnant.

  How come his fiancée came to our door just when we were about to investigate the "bomb" left by Lanevus?

  He felt something was wrong and walked out of the partition in two steps. He saw the door was pushed open and a blonde lady in her early twenties was entering the reception hall.

  "I just happened to pass by here and remembered that the fortune teller who helped me find Lanevus last time worked here, so I wanted to come up and take a look."

  Megose replied with a smile. She was wearing a loose skirt and had a melancholy and calm temperament. Even with Angel as a comparison, Klein felt that she was a rare beauty.

  But the most eye-catching thing was her bulging belly. It was Lanevus's child. It was left by him...


  As if a basin of ice water was poured over his head, Klein shuddered and raised his teeth slightly, about to open his spiritual vision to observe.

  But his loosened jaw could not be closed no matter how hard he tried. It was a strong warning from his own spirituality, forcing him to open his jaw. He could not grit his teeth to open his spiritual vision, and even made his whole body stiff, not daring to move.

  "I can't look... I will die if I see it!"

  The strong thought seemed to explode in his ears. Standing like a sculpture, Klein twisted his stiff neck and looked at Leonard in the reception hall. The other party was also looking at him with a cold sweat on his face, his lips were pale, and his eyes were full of fear.

  The only one who was unaware was Miss Roshan. When she saw a pregnant woman coming, she hurriedly walked out from behind the reception desk, helped Megose sit on the sofa, and handed her a cup of hot water.

  "No, don't get close to her..."

  Klein almost blurted out, but he didn't dare to make any sound.

  Yes, he didn't dare.

  He recalled the "bomb that keeps getting stronger" mentioned in Lanevus' letter.

  He recalled the "hotbed of the birth of the evil god" he saw in Roselle's diary.

  Recalling that he had tried to open his spiritual vision to observe the pregnant woman several times, but was unconsciously stopped by the spirit.

  "Don't look directly at God"...

  In Megose's belly, the "bomb" left by Lanevus...

  is the evil god who is about to be born.

   Between adding more and not adding more, I chose to add more words

  (this chapter is finished)

  Chapter 163: Shocking Change

  Quietly, Klein took two steps back and returned to the partition, letting Megose out of his sight.

  Then, he reached into his pocket and grasped the two "Yangyan Charms" that were placed in the most convenient position. He felt the warmth emanating from the power of the eternal scorching sun, which made his stiff body soft again and obey his command.

  Only then did Klein's mind start to work again, thinking about the current situation.

  There was no doubt that the child Megose was carrying was the "bomb" left by Lanevus. As for whether it was the evil god himself who was trying to descend, or the "offspring" chosen through some kind of ritual, he was not an expert in this area, and he did not dare to confirm it through spiritual vision or divination.

  But it was not important whether it was the evil god or the offspring at the moment. The important question was, how long would it take for this "bomb" to explode? And why did Megose, who was carrying the "bomb", come to the Blackthorn Security Company?

  At this moment, he recalled the various coincidences after crossing over, and Mr. Azik's instructions to him rang in his ears:

  "The man behind the scenes who manipulates fate may have noticed my attention. I decided to leave Tingen and go to Backlund to find the lost memory, so that he can relax his vigilance and continue to act."

  So as soon as Mr. Azik left Tingen, he began to act again, manipulating Megose to come here "coincidentally"?

  After thinking it through and confirming that Megose's target was himself, Klein no longer had any fluke mentality.

  He returned to the reception hall and was about to speak, but his eyes darkened and he bumped into Leonard who was about to leave.


  Leonard covered his nose and Klein pressed his forehead. Both of them looked painful, but they dared not make a sound.

  It was not until they both left the reception hall and returned to the corridor behind the partition that Leonard wiped the sweat off his face. He looked at the reception hall with lingering fear and said,

  "You felt it too, right? That lady, she..."

  "Yes, the 'bomb' left by Lanevus is in her stomach. Report to the captain immediately and contact the Holy Temple..."

  "It's too late!" Leonard interrupted Klein in a low voice, "It will take four hours for Backlund to get here by steam train. The Holy Temple can't make it. Let him notify the Mechanical Heart and the Mandated Punisher. We must also be prepared for battle."

  Klein's eyes widened instantly, but he reacted immediately and nodded in response:

  "Okay, you go and hold her steady, the longer the better. The captain and I will be ready."

  After that, he turned around without waiting for Leonard's reaction. He didn't care whether the sound of his shoes stepping on the floor would attract the attention of Megose. He quickly came to the door of the captain's room and pushed the door open and walked in.

  Dunn had just finished sending the telegram and didn't even have time to put away the code book. When he saw Klein rushing into the room, his eyebrows raised and he was about to ask a question.

  "Captain, we found the 'bomb' that Lanevus mentioned."


  Dunn stood up and pointed in the direction of the reception hall.

  Leonard's shocked shout must have reached his ears.

  "Yes," Klein quickly told the captain his thoughts, and then added, "Leonard is chatting with her, trying to delay, but we don't know what kind of ritual he is using, how this evil god will come, and when." After hearing this

  , Dunn's expression was solemn, his eyes looked at the table, thought for more than ten seconds, and then nodded.

  "I understand. I will immediately ask for help from the Holy Temple, and then contact the Punisher and the Mechanical Heart in Tingen City, and have them rush to support."

  He paused for a moment, clenched his fists on the table, and continued:

  "We must also prepare for the worst. You go and notify non-combatants to evacuate. After I send the telegram, I will go to Chanis Gate to make preparations. If the evil god is about to descend, we will lead it into the basement and Chanis Gate, and use the holy objects to fight it."

  Klein also felt that this was the only feasible method. There are several powerful seals in Chanis Gate, and the ashes of Saint Selina are also behind the door. They are the ashes of a high-sequence strongman and the seal core of Chanis Gate.

  "Okay, Captain, I will go and notify Roshan and the others."

  He replied, watching Dunn sit down again, open the code book, and start sending telegrams.

  "By the way, Captain, you also need to notify the police department and ask them to evacuate the nearby residents. Just find an excuse, such as a gas leak..."

  "Don't worry, my memory has improved a lot recently."

  Dunn didn't look up. He typed and sent telegrams with one hand regularly, and smiled.

  My memory has improved a lot...

  Klein didn't know whether to be thankful or worried. He glanced at the busy captain and turned around and left the office. After

  informing Mrs. Orianna in the opposite room of the emergency evacuation notice and asking her to notify other civilian staff, Klein returned to the reception hall again and saw Leonard and Megose sitting on a sofa respectively. The latter looked excited and dazed at times, talking about the story of Lanevus's relationship with her incoherently. Rosanne

  was behind the reception desk, holding a cup of coffee and listening carefully. When she saw Klein walk into the hall, she cast a questioning look at him and was startled by his pale and serious face.

  "Rosanne, it's very dangerous here. Leave immediately and come back tomorrow."

  Klein came to the front of the desk, picked up the thermos, and whispered to her.

  The girl, who hadn't figured out the situation, opened her mouth in astonishment. She looked at her two teammates and the somewhat restless visitor for a moment, and nodded solemnly.

  She put down her coffee, packed up for a moment, picked up her handbag, and walked out from behind the reception desk.

  "May the goddess bless you."

  She quickly drew a crimson moon on her chest, then brushed past Klein, bypassed the sofa in the middle of the reception hall, and left the company.

  I also hope she can bless us...

  With this thought in his mind, Klein walked lightly to Leonard and Megose with the kettle and filled their cups with water.   

  "Thank you, Mr. Fortune Teller. What's your name?"

  Megose smiled calmly, took the cup of water, and drank the whole cup of boiling water, licking her lips that were burned red.

  Fuck, I feel like she's about to lose control...

  With his heart pounding, Klein forced a smile and replied,

  "My name is Klein, beautiful lady."

  He turned to look at Leonard, who was pale, and moved his lips silently,

  "Stay steady!"

  Leonard pursed his lips and followed Klein's gaze until his figure disappeared behind the partition before looking back at Megose, who was stroking her bulging belly under her skirt, with an expression on her face that made it hard to tell whether she was crying or laughing.

  Taking a deep breath, the "Midnight Poet" racked his brains and thought of another topic:

  "Ms. Megosa, can you tell me how you got engaged to Lanevus?"


  Klein walked through the partition and watched several civilian staff approach from the other end of the corridor and pass by him one by one. There were Brett and Mrs. Orianna, who he was already familiar with, and there were also newcomers from the police station who he had just met.

  They had already learned the seriousness of the matter from Mrs. Orianna. At this moment, they looked serious and walked around the partition lightly, leaving the Blackthorn Security Company from the edge of Megosa's sight.

  Watching the last non-combatant evacuate, Klein breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at Leonard who was still looking for a topic, and then looked at the door leading to the basement.

  Very good, no one is paying attention to this place now...

  He had a flash of struggle in his heart, but he quickly made a decision.

  "Fool who does not belong to this era, you are the mysterious master above the gray fog..."

  He leaned against the wall, clasped his hands in a prayer posture, pressed against his lowered forehead, and chanted in a low voice in Hermes.

  "...Lanelus of the Aurora Society has performed a ritual to summon the evil god. The offspring of the evil god is about to descend on Tingen City, with the center point being the Blackthorn Security Company on Zotland Street..."

  He changed to Loenese and summarized the current situation at a very fast speed. Klein propped himself up, left the wall, walked four steps counterclockwise in the corridor, and recited the spell he had memorized.

  Amid the roars and whispers in his ears, he appeared in the palace shrouded in gray fog, and appeared on a high-backed chair next to the bronze long table.

  Four crimson stars floated in the endless gray fog. They were the four members of the Tarot Society, but in addition, an originally dim star in the corner was constantly shrinking and expanding, emitting a light different from other stars.

  He stretched out his right hand and pointed at the twinkling star. Klein successfully appeared in front of his eyes the "prayer" scene he had just seen, as well as the low prayer sound. He

  didn't bother to "mosaic" this scene. He pointed his finger and projected the materialized scene fragment into the most familiar star.

  This was a method that had been tried when Miss Justice reported the movements of "Vice Admiral Hurricane" Qilingos. Klein was already familiar with it when he used it again.

  After doing all this, he was relieved and left the gray fog and returned to the real Blackthorn Security Company.

  "... Miss Megose, calm down. Lanevus must still love you. He just..."

  Leonard's words, trying to stay calm, came to his ears. In the corner of his sight, Dunn Smith just opened the door and returned to the second floor from the basement.

  Fortunately, there was just enough time...

  Klein pursed his lips and nodded to the captain who was coming.

  He didn't know why he risked exposing his identity to warn Angel. Did he hope that she would come to support him, or did he hope that she would take her family away from here immediately, away from the center of the evil god's arrival?

  Or did he just leave the choice to the other party?

  His mind was in a mess. He looked at Dunn who was approaching and asked subconsciously:

  "Captain, what should we do now?"

  Dunn looked at Klein quietly with gray eyes. His expression of everything being under control successfully infected the latter and made him calm down.

  "Don't worry, we'll wait here for support. Don't over-stimulate Megose. If the worst happens, run underground and enter the Chanis Gate. I'll lead her in."

  Okay, this is the safest way, but it's hard for Leonard...

  Klein's breathing gradually slowed down, and his heart returned to his chest.

  Maybe when support from other teams arrives, and when the experts from the Temple arrive, they can turn this incident around without sacrificing anyone...

  "Klein, we're in big trouble..." A low, yet extremely panicked voice came from behind him. He looked back and saw Leonard half sticking out from behind the partition, with a stunned expression. "Megose left. She said the baby in her belly wanted to go to the street park. I was afraid of stimulating her, so I didn't dare to stop her..." Street park


  Klein looked at Dunn suddenly. The two of them made eye contact, and then they both looked in the direction where Megose left.

  A celebration was being held there, with at least hundreds of citizens present.

  Melissa, Benson...

  Angel was there too!

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 164 Explosion

  "...If the evil god succeeds in descending, the disaster it causes may affect the entire Tingen City..."

  In the gray fog that enveloped her, Angel saw a figure wearing a windbreaker, leaning against the wall, and kept speaking in a praying posture.

  The slightly illusory voice gradually faded, and then the fog dissipated, and she saw the crowded crowd beside her again.

  Forcing herself to calm down from the chaos, Angel quickly sorted out the news she had just heard in her mind.

  The evil god is about to descend, and the target location is even not far from here. The night watcher's station?

  She subconsciously cast her eyes to the north. Behind a few low buildings is the Blackthorn Security Company. At this time, the sky in that direction is clear and the sun is shining. There is no trace of the "evil god".

  But the picture in the gray fog just now is undoubtedly the work of Mr. Fool. He should not deceive himself, at least not in this kind of thing...

  And Angel can be sure that the figure in the prayer posture in the picture just now is Klein Moretti, who will attend the celebration with her today.

  I didn't expect Klein to also chant the name of the Fool and become his believer... Was it after I recommended him to the Fool, or had he already become a believer of the Fool but never joined the Tarot Club?

  Without thinking about it, Angel could only assume that the information was true. There was only one thing to do now.

  Send Melissa and Benson away, then return to Blackthorn Security Company and join the battle!

  "Melissa, Benson, come with me."

  She took Melissa's hand and said to Benson who was listening carefully to the speech.

  The two looked at Angel with doubts at the same time, but then nodded at the latter's serious expression.

  The three of them squeezed through the crowd together, left the crowded park square amid the passionate speech of Councillor Maynard, crossed the trail, and came to the side of Red Moon Street.

  "Listen, Mr. Benson," Angel loosened his grip on Melissa's hand, glanced at her red wrist with guilt, and continued, "Take Melissa away from here immediately in a hired carriage, the farther the better. The steam train should be too late. Hurry to the dock area and take a boat to leave Tingen City. If...if Tingen City is fine, come back tomorrow."

  After saying all this in one breath, Angel waved to the hired carriage parked on the side of the road. The driver saw that business was coming, so he led the horse over here.

  Turning back, she found that Benson and Melissa were looking at her with an expression as if they had just met her.

  "Can I ask what happened?"

  It was Benson who spoke. He did not show doubt and worry on his face like Melissa did, but his tone was still a little hesitant.

  Angel looked at the Moretti siblings, listening to the faint speech of "My goal is not just to become the mayor" coming from afar, took a deep breath, hid the words of "the advent of the evil god" back in her heart, and answered vaguely:

  "A very dangerous thing is about to happen in the North District, or even in the entire Tingen City. If handled properly, no one will be hurt, but if the worst happens..." She looked at Benson, whose eyes were gradually widening, and said slowly, "At least I hope you can survive." As

  soon as she finished speaking, Melissa asked anxiously:

  "What about Klein? Is he the same as you?"


  Angel closed her eyes and nodded. The brother and sister both knew that they worked in the same company, so there was no need to lie.

  "Okay, Melissa, stop asking." Benson put his hand on Melissa's shoulder and forced a smile. "We'll set off for the dock area now, then find a speedboat, leave Tingen as soon as possible, stay far away, and come back tomorrow."

  As if to reassure Angel, he told her what he was going to do next, and then pulled Melissa, who still wanted to continue asking questions, to get on the hired carriage waiting next to him.

  Seeing that the two did not ask too many questions, but got on the carriage obediently, Angel finally breathed a sigh of relief. She signaled to the waiting coachman that he could leave, and she took two steps back and took a last look at the carriage.

  The window on this side was opened, and Melissa's little head poked out. Her black hair was stuck in the window gap, but she didn't care.

  "You will definitely come back safely, right? Take Klein with you?"

  The girl's voice came with a tearful tone.

  Angel smiled.

  "Of course, I promise."


  Watching the hired carriage leave quickly, Angel turned around, and the smile that was forced on his face immediately disappeared.   

  How could she guarantee anything in the face of an evil god that was about to descend?

  Looking at the congressman waving his arms on the high platform not far away, and the citizens who were crowded around him, not knowing whether they were moved by the speech or looking forward to the follow-up activities, Angel shook his head.

  The dense crowd here was only a few hundred meters away from the Blackthorn Security Company. If the evil god really descended on Tingen, they would definitely not be spared.

  But now there was no time to evacuate the crowd. There were tens of thousands of residents in the North District. Unless Lanevus's plan was successfully stopped, what difference would there be if there were a few hundred more or less?

  Just as Angel was about to bypass the crowded crowd and head to the Blackthorn Security Company, the diffuse gray fog appeared in front of her again, and the hazy but familiar figure appeared.

  "Megose left the Blackthorn Security Company and was approaching the street park next to it. Her mood was very unstable. I think the evil god is likely to descend."

  The scene came and went quickly. Before Angel could react, the gray fog wrapped Klein's figure and disappeared.

  Street park...

  Angel stopped and looked at the noisy crowd around her, and her heart slowly sank.

  There is no doubt that Megose, or the offspring of the evil god in her belly, is targeting the dense crowd in the park.

  No matter what kind of evil ritual, human life is the best sacrifice. This is true for the Witch Cult and the Aurora Society...

  Contact the police department to evacuate the crowd here now?

  She glanced around the park and found that only one patrolman walked past the corner of the street, not caring about what happened in the park.

  "It's too late..."

  Angel muttered to himself, gritted his teeth, and stepped forward fiercely, aiming at the dense crowd next to the podium.

  "Make way, please make way..."

  The crowded crowd turned their backs to Angel, shoulder to shoulder, and even with the physical strength of a Sequence 7 Beyonder, they could not go any further. She was too lazy to waste any more time, and directly lifted the hem of her skirt, drew "Thirsty Blood" from the holster tied to her thigh, and raised the pistol high in the eyes of the passers-by beside her, who turned from amazement to surprise, and finally to panic.


  The roar of the large-caliber pistol instantly quieted the noisy square, and Maynard on the podium was scared back to his throat when he ended his speech.

  The crowd that was packed with people just now suddenly retreated, forming an open space next to Angel.

  "I'm going to count to three now, and then find a few lucky people to give a bullet to," she put on what she thought was the most charming smile, with a hint of malice in her words, "So, who will be so lucky?"

  She put down her hand holding the gun, crossed "Thirsty Blood", and aimed at the crowd.


  Bang -

  with the second gunshot, the bullet flew past the scalp of the nearest man, and the stunned crowd made a "boom" sound, and the chaotic footsteps and cries from near and far ignited the entire park square.

  Under the threat of death, the crowd squeezed and fled in all directions, trying to stay away from this beautiful woman with a crazy smile, and then passed this fear to those who were farther away and didn't know what was going on, and then let them stay away from the square and leave the street park.

  Putting away the already stiff smile, Angel looked at the square with satisfaction as the number of people decreased rapidly, and then cast his eyes on the podium, looking at the congressman who was protected by bodyguards behind him and staring at him in amazement.

  "Why are you still here?"

  Angel asked, curious about the courage of this councillor.

  As if he thought he could communicate with this crazy lady, Councillor Maynard pushed aside two bodyguards, walked forward, stood on the edge of the podium and looked down at her.


  As soon as he opened his mouth to utter a word, the pillar of the New Party in Tingen City, the powerful person who was about to run for mayor, exploded.

  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 165 The Burning Park

  The New Party MP, who was already over 40 but full of energy and promising, seemed to have turned his entire body from head to toe into a bomb. With a "boom", he exploded into blood and flesh, and even his bones disappeared without a trace.

  From his broken body, a strange figure crawled out, with his hands open, as if embracing the sky. The blood and flesh that had been scattered around but not yet landed were attracted by it and flowed back to the figure, turning into a blood-colored robe.

  The bodyguards on both sides were knocked to the ground by the explosion. When they got up, they saw this strange and crazy scene and turned around and ran away in fear.

  The one who was a little slower was grabbed by the white arm stretched out from the blood-colored robe, and thrown off the podium with amazing force, and thrown into the few citizens who had not yet escaped.

  Everything happened in a flash. Angel had not yet recovered from the shock of Maynard becoming a human bomb, and the unlucky bodyguard exploded in the crowd again, blowing seven or eight citizens who were about to escape to the ground, and their flesh and blood were blurred.

  At this time, the person who crawled out of the body of Councillor Maynard, who had only a complete head left, stood up and stretched his limbs.

  He had short yellow hair, a high nose bridge, and a handsome but neutral face. He was the Aurora Society envoy who escaped from near death in Enmat Port, Mr. C.

  "Long time no see."

  As if greeting an old friend, Mr. C looked at Angel in the audience, smiled and whispered.

  But there was no smile in his eyes. The white right hand that had just killed a bodyguard and killed and injured many people tapped his chest four times, down, up, right, and left, like an inverted cross.

  The citizens who were frightened by the continuous explosions and stood still did not know what to do. Screams came one after another, and they crowded away from the Aurora Society envoy who had "resurrected" from the corpse.

  "So it was you who did it all, attracting the crowd to gather, and then preparing to sacrifice them to the evil god?"

  The moment Angel saw Mr. C, he figured out the connection between all this, and felt a lot more relieved in his heart.

  Since the person behind the scenes has appeared, it would be good to kill him.

  She mobilized her spirituality, and several dark flames appeared around her. She raised her right hand and poured in her spirituality, ready to shoot the black flame bullet that was amazingly effective against the "Rose Bishop".

  Mr. C, however, didn't care about the flames that were so close, and even the screaming people who were fleeing were not in his attention. The Aurora Society's messenger opened his hands, leaned back slightly, and showed a strange smile, as if he was hugging something in the sky.


  Angel's chest made a sound of glass breaking, and a tiny crack appeared on the magic mirror she hid close to her body, and the surface became cold, as if even her heart was about to freeze.

  Was this a warning from the magic mirror?

  Without time to think about it, she took out the "magic pocket watch" from her pocket with her left hand as a conditioned reflex, pressed the crown, and most of the black flames around her flew towards Mr. C, but one flew upwards, away from the ground.

  As the glimmer of fire appeared within the perception range of "Flame Jump", flames surged from her body and then disappeared on the spot.

  The flames did not dissipate immediately, but were engulfed by a larger flame. The ground of the entire park square seemed to be squeezed and crushed by an invisible giant hand. Every piece of stone floor was lifted up, and scorching flames gushed out from below, engulfing Mr. C who stood in the center like a cross, and also engulfed the fleeing crowd.

  "This lunatic..."

  Angel had just reappeared from a height of 30 meters on the flames when she was hit by the shock wave of the explosion and flew up several meters. She used the assassin's "lightness" to stabilize her body and let herself descend at a slow speed, looking down in shock.

  The street park that was green and bustling a few minutes ago has become a living hell. Most of the citizens have left the center of the explosion under Angel's threat, but at least nearly a hundred people have not been able to leave in time due to the crowds and trampling.

  Broken limbs were scattered all over the ground, and faint moans and cries of pain could be heard. Under the lifted floor, the brown soil had been dyed black by blood. The thick smoke and bloody smell drifted upward with the scorching air, making Angel in the air almost vomit.

  The culprit who caused all this, Mr. C, emerged from the smoke.

  He was unharmed in the explosion he caused. He squinted his eyes and took a deep breath of the bloody air, as if enjoying his own achievements. Then he opened his eyes, glanced at Angel in the air, and ignored her, instead casting his eyes towards a corner of the park.

  At the end of his sight, a blonde woman in a long skirt with a bulging belly walked against the fleeing crowd towards the center of the park.

  She staggered and swayed, and only half of her beautiful golden hair was left, and the remaining half was held in her hand. The corner of her mouth was cracked to the cheekbone, revealing bright red gums and neatly arranged teeth.

  Even though the crowd was desperately trying to escape from the park, they made way for her when they saw her like this.

  That was Megaos with the evil god in her arms!

  "The Lord who created everything!"

  Mr. C faced Megaos, opened his arms, and prayed loudly, as if to welcome his Lord.   

  "The ruler behind the veil of shadows;

  "The fallen nature of all living things."

  As Megose approached, the prayers that Mr. C recited in the ancient Hermetic language became louder and more excited.

  "Your devout believers pray for your coming..."

  Angel, who descended from a great height, smashed into Mr. C at a speed of almost free fall, and pierced the latter's chest with a dagger of black flames, causing the rest of his prayers to return to his abdomen along with the flames.

  "Coming, huh! "

  After kicking down the Aurora messenger with black flames on his body, Angel raised "Thirst for Blood" and pulled the trigger continuously.


  Two large-caliber bullets were fired at Mr. C's handsome face, but were blocked by his hands raised in advance, and blood flowers appeared on his forearms.

  Mr. C, whose prayers were interrupted, seemed to wake up just now. He struggled to stand up, with black flames burning on his body, and even the blood-red robe made of flesh and blood was no exception.

  The next second, the body of this "Rose Bishop" became short, and from his feet to his torso, he turned into a shadow that even the sun could not illuminate, and was about to burrow into the ground.


  Angel, who was well prepared, stepped forward with her right foot. The biting cold spread out from the place where she stepped on the ground. A hard layer of ice formed on the surface of the flesh and blood covering the podium, blocking Mr. C who was about to "dive into the shadows"!

  After facing the "shepherd" with various means, it felt that the "Rose Bishop" was nothing...

  Angel put aside the strange thoughts in her mind, raised her pistol, fired the last bullet, and re-ignited Mr. C who had turned back into human form.


  Another impact was accompanied by an explosion. Blood splattered in front of Mr. C. Angel took a few steps back and simply jumped off the podium.

  Her sight passed through the blood mist floating in the air and saw Mr. C, who had thrown down an arm, turned into a shadow, and burrowed into the ground in a place where there was no frost blocking him, and disappeared without a trace.

  Angel quickly emptied the shells in the magazine, reloaded the bullets, and loaded the precious "Broken Light Ray" into the last of the five empty positions.

  Then she looked behind the podium, but because her sight was blocked, she could no longer track the creeping shadow.

  He ran away?

  No, this messenger of God should not just run away like this. The evil god he wanted to summon is still here... and judging from his prayer just now, the Aurora Society is going to summon, could it be their "true creator"?

  Sensing the movement behind her, Angel turned around and looked at Megose who was gradually approaching. She still couldn't believe that she was carrying the offspring of an evil god in her bulging belly.

  As the distance shortened, the expression on the face of this poor woman was... Her expression became clearer. It was unclear whether she was crying or laughing. Tears and blood flowed from the corners of her eyes, but her mouth was twisted upwards, revealing two rows of teeth that were gradually becoming sharper.

  Behind her, three belated night watchmen pressed forward.

  Dunn Smith held a square urn the size of a palm in both hands. The urn was silver-white and engraved with mysterious patterns. Just looking at it made one feel as if one's body and mind were being enveloped by a peaceful atmosphere.

  Leonard Mitchell had a gloomy face, his sleeves rolled up, and a thick but pale blood vessel was wrapped around his left wrist. .

  Klein Moretti also had a sullen face, tightly holding a golden talisman that exuded a warm touch in his hand. He looked at Angel opposite him, his expression gradually relaxed, and then became serious again.

  Surrounded by four people, Megose stood still, his body facing Angel, his neck twisted strangely at a large angle to look at the Night Watcher behind him, and the bloody scratches on his face that were deep into his facial bones kept bleeding.

  His overly congested eyes stared at Dunn, who was standing closest, and stared at the ashes of the saint in his hand.

  The extremely threatening aura made Megose and the "child" in her belly tremble.

  "You want to kill him, kill my child!"

  Turning suddenly, with his jaw opened far beyond the limit, the corners of Megose's mouth were cracked all the way to his ears, and a sharp cry came out of his mouth.

  (End of this chapter)