
Chapter 2

When Carla woke up, it was already the second morning.

She looked at Edward Lu in disbelief with a long face.

"Edward Lu... Brother?"

When she spoke, her voice was already very hoarse, which made the man frown slightly. When he saw her exposed skin, he immediately put on the suit jacket for her.

Even in this case, Edward Lu's cold eyes never softened a little.

Although Car;a bit her lips, she was very upset.

Last night, she thought she saw the wrong person

Edward Lu saw all the expressions on his face and frowned imperceptibly.

"Someone drugged you at the wedding banquet. When I took you out, the drug would take effect..."

Then he stopped.

With a blush on her face, the scene of last night flashed through her mind.

She coughed slightly, but got the point.

"Someone drugged me?"

Carla Ji frowned and raised her voice. It seemed thatsshe didn't know about it.

Edward Lu glanced at her and raised his eyebrows.

"I saved you. You don't need to thank me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Edward Lu suddenly got close to him and forced her to look at each other. There was no fluctuation in his deep eyes, but they were breathless.

Although Carla Ji was shocked by his strong aura, she was not afraid.

She pouted and looked at Edward Lu fearlessly.

For a moment, Edward Lu became interested.

He pulled her into his arms and pinched her chin to force her to look up.

The two people's breath constantly intertwined, and in this narrow space, they looked more and more intimate.

"I... I know..."

Carla Ji was shocked by the intimate behavior. She leaned against Edward's chest and blushed.

After a while, she thanked him with embarrassment.

"Thank you, Edward... Brother..."

Edward Lu heard the two words "brother" in a low voice.

He felt that his heart, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly rippled, and some part of his heart collapsed. His aura was no longer sharp, but a little gentle.

Edward Lu thought he would never have such a feeling in his life

As soon as Carla Ji finished her words, she pushed Edward Lu away. She suddenly got up and bumped into the car roof. The pain made her frown, but she endured the pain and quickly changed her clothes.

Although her dress was torn, she was wearing a suit jacket, so no one could tell what she was wearing.

Edward Lu just stared at him without doing anything.

"I have to go now. Thank you so much..."

After getting dressed, Carla Ji took a complicated look at Edward Lu, seeming to be struggling with something.

She gritted her teeth, swallowed all the following words, opened the door and left directly.

It was an accident. She couldn't get in touch with Edward Lu anymore!

Carla Ji made up her mind and rushed to the Ji family.

She looked cold, and the determination in her eyes was obvious.

The reason why she was drugged must have something to do with her good stepmother!

Edward Lu still didn't do anything. He lowered his eyes slightly to hide the gleam in them.

After he left, the gentle aura around him disappeared in an instant, replaced by an extremely strong sense of oppression.

Carla Ji, five years. You have left for five years!

You can't escape this time!