

During the dinner, the four kept silent.

From time to time, Noah wanted to mock him, but was stopped by William Li.

After hearing Sean reprimand and stopping her from talking nonsense, the meal was like chewing wax.

After the meal, William Li drove her back to the hotel.

"William, i..."

"I have something else to do. Take care of yourself."

Carla Ji wanted to have a talk with him and explain what happened during the dinner. She didn't want there to be any gap between the two, but William Li didn't give her a chance.

As soon as William Li returned to the company, he immediately informed his secretary to secretly suppress the Ji family's company. He had already given them a chance. If they refused by themselves, then it was not his fault.

"But President Li, the Ji group still has a lot of connections with our company."

"Haven't I made myself clear?"

William Li glanced at his secretary indifferently.

The Secretary nodded, "Okay, I'll do it right away."

Sitting on his chair, William Li tapped the table with his slender fingers. He must get what he wanted.

Within a few days, the Ji group was in trouble and faced the danger of bankruptcy.

Edward Lu had been sending people to supervise the Ji group all the time. After Carla Ji came back, he paid more attention to her.

Of course, he also got the latest information at the first time, including that night when William Li left the hotel alone and didn't even enter the door of time's room.

"William Li?"

He pursed his lips slightly. As he expected, only this despicable man would do such a thing.

"I've found out that it's him. He has been trying to suppress the Ji family recently. Do you need us to do anything?"

"Have you found out the reason?"

"Before that, he invited Mr. and Mrs. Sean and miss Ji to dinner. It seemed that they were discussing about their marriage."

"Marriage? He and Carla?"

"Well, I guess it's not settled yet. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so desperate."

"Humph! Just him!"

Edward Lu pursed his lips slightly. He thought it was a good opportunity to let that idiot Carla Ji see William Li's true colors.

After a moment of silence, he raised his eyes slightly and said, "help me find Mr. Li, and you continue to keep an eye on him. As for other activities, report them to me immediately."

That day, after meeting the lawyer, Edward Lu immediately took him to the hotel to find Carla.

Carla Ji opened the door and was a little surprised to see the comer. "What are you doing here?"

She didn't look well and stood in front of the door, not intending to let Edward Lu in.

"I have something to talk to you."

"There is nothing to talk about between us."

Edward Lu looked down at Mr. Li and said, "tell her."

"Miss Carla, Mr.Lu and I came here today to tell you something about the Ji group." Mr. Li told the truth respectfully.

She frowned slightly. Speaking of the company, she couldn't ignore it.

It was grandpa's painstaking efforts, and the fruit of her mother's painstaking efforts. She couldn't just let the Ji group fall.

She glanced at Edward Lu and walked towards her room. "Come in."

Mr. Li took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to her.

"Miss Carla, please take a look at this first."

Edward Lu had already arranged everything. As long as he finished reading, he would know what had happened.

"You have an idea, don't you?"

Taking a deep breath, she knew nothing about the company. If Edward Lu didn't come today, he might not know everything until it went bankrupt.

"As long as you are willing to marry me, this is not a problem."

Edward Lu came straight to the point.

"As you know, if you marry me, you will have everything you want and the company will get better. You don't have to be bullied and look at others."

Lowering his head slightly, Carla's heart beat a little fast inexplicably.

Marry Edward Lu?

This was her dream since she was a child.

Perhaps only she knew how much she liked Edward Lu.

Trying his best to suppress the nervousness in his heart, he raised his head and said with a faint smile, "really? Can I have anything I want?"