
We choose to go to the Lord of the City

Everyone in the Fang family looked at each other, dare not say a word.

At this time, I don't know who suddenly shouted.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, the elders come out, they will be able to convince the Patriarch to fight the guy together!"

Everyone in the Fang family had not seen Ji You's strength with their own eyes, and they still had a trace of luck in their hearts, feeling that they had a chance to defeat Ji You.

Then, a dozen or so elders walked out of it.

However, what everyone in the Fang family didn't expect was that all the elders actually bowed down towards Ji You.

"My generation chose to go to Lord City Lord."

All the parents said in unison.

How can they not know how terrifying Ji You's strength is.

It is rumored that Chen Wuheng and Lin Zhanshan were killed by Ji You. It has been so many days, if Chen Wuheng and Lin Zhanshan were still alive, they would certainly not sit back and watch.

Then there are only two possibilities, either to be subdued by Ji You, or both are dead.

The hearts of the other people in the lower family were completely shaken. Even the Patriarch and the elders have already taken refuge in each other. Why do they need to continue to struggle?

One by one took the initiative to throw away the weapons in his hands, and bowed to Ji You one after another.

In this way, Ji You successfully subdued the Fang family.


In the next few days, Ji You traveled to the other nine families in the same manner.

In essence, it is a method used, that is, to use absolute strength to make everyone in the family yield.

Among them, apart from teaching a few stingers a lesson, Ji You hardly hurt anyone, and even more did not kill.

Because he would not casually slaughter people who have little to do with him, and these people are part of his combat power.

As for the other families in Chaoyang Ancient City, Ji You hasn't started yet.

He was going to sit and watch, waiting for those families to choose for themselves.

During this period, Ji You was not idle either, constantly refining and taking pill to improve his level.

Now he has become the lord of Chaoyang Ancient City, the most indispensable gold coin.

Because he has laid down rules for the ten families that have been subdued, and one of the rules is to pay him 10% tax every month.

And all kinds of complicated affairs are still handed over to Old City Lord Jiang Zhongtian, Ji You only needs to sit with the name of City Lord.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master,'Alchemy Achievements' successfully broke through to the fifth-grade inferior alchemist!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, the'Budo Cultivation' successfully broke through to the second peak of the Tongxuan Realm!"

In just seven days, more than 90% of the forces in Chaoyang Ancient City chose to merge into the City Lord's Mansion.

Not only that, during these seven days, Ji You kept refining pills to improve his cultivation, and he was also promoted to a fifth-rank alchemist. The martial arts cultivation was also from the early stage of the Tongxuan realm to the second peak of the Tongxuan realm.

The power of the City Lord's Mansion grew rapidly, and the lifeblood of the entire Chaoyang Ancient City was almost connected together.

Among the 90% forces, the Chen family and the Lin family were also included.

Now that both the Chen family and the Lin family have lost their heads, they both desperately need a new leader.

Although it was the new City Lord Ji You who killed their Patriarch, they had no choice but to defect to the new City Lord.

Moreover, in their opinion, if Ji You really wanted to treat them, they wouldn't be able to live at this time.

Taking risks is not necessarily a chance to survive.

But Ji You didn't think much of the Chen Family and Lin Family.

Before Chen Yan's several bodyguards were killed by him, Chen Wuheng, Lin Zhanshan, and Lin Qitian's enemies were also dead.

Except for one Chen Yan who was still hiding in the Canglan Empire Academy, the Chen family and the Lin family basically had no enemies of him.

However, Ji You will still pay attention to these two families, and if any aliens are found, they will be killed.

As for the remaining 10% of the forces that have not yet expressed their views, Ji You does not intend to control them for the time being.

As long as they are honest, Ji You doesn't matter.

But if they dare to mess around, Ji You will suppress them with absolute strength.

Now Ji You can be said to have almost unified the ancient city of Chaoyang.

Next, he was going back to Qianyuan Wufu.

He still remembered that Palace Master Murong had said before that he would be named the so-called "Tianjiao" when he returned.
