
The master of Qianyuan Wufu, Murong Zili

Those Canglan Empire Academy finally felt that the situation was not good, and the strength of the young man greatly exceeded their expectations.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have imagined that the young man was capable of awakening Chen Yan from the acquired spirit body.

On the other side, Jiang Yuexin covered her small mouth in surprise.

Although she has always known that Ji You's strength is very strong, she never thought that Ji You's true strength could be so terrible.

In fact, Jiang Yuexin is okay, Jiang Yuechu is directly suspicious of life.

Not long ago, she was still the first genius of martial arts in the ancient city of Chaoyang, but she was defeated by Chen Yan with three moves a few days ago and took the title of the first genius of martial arts.

At first, she was a little worried about Ji You, but this guy beat Chen Yan with almost no room to fight back.

"You haven't reached the third trick, are you already dead?"

At this moment, Ji You looked at Chen Yan with a joking look and smiled.

From the blast just now, he almost felt that Chen Yan's specific cultivation was in the second stage of the Imperial Profound Realm.

I have to say that after the dog thief awakened the acquired spirit body, his cultivation strength really improved very quickly, and it was no wonder that he could defeat Jiang Yuechu within three moves.

However, this cultivation base alone is not worth mentioning in front of him.

What's more, he has also mastered two inferior profound skills, which is beyond the reach of this dog thief.

"You... hiss!"

Chen Yan wanted to speak, but couldn't speak because of the pain.

"It's time to end."

The playful smile on Ji You's face instantly disappeared, replaced by endless coldness.

His fist once again condensed a strong profound energy, ready to use this fist to end Chen Yan's life.

"no no!"

Chen Yan's eyes were full of horror, and she kept shaking his head to ask for mercy.

He knew that with this punch, he might really be dead.

"Let him go!"

At this moment, the instructor of Canglan Empire College finally couldn't sit still, and stopped talking.

However, Ji You didn't seem to have heard it at all, and didn't have the slightest intention to stop, and then he punched Chen Yan again.

"Stop it!"

The moment Ji You shook his fist, the instructor of Canglan Empire Academy instantly slapped the seat under him with a palm, and rushed to the ring at an extremely terrifying speed.

But at this moment, a purple shadow suddenly stood in front of him.

"Murong Zili, let me go!"

The imperial academy instructor roared, his speed hardly reduced.

No matter what, he couldn't let the boy kill Chen Yan.

The woman in the purple skirt who was called Murong Zili did not obey, the green jade fingers waved slightly, and a huge lavender barrier suddenly formed all over her body to block the middle-aged teacher's path.

The middle-aged tutor had to slow down and his face became gloomy.

"You're welcome to blame it!"

He immediately pulled out the long sword around his waist, his wrist quickly turned, and the sword body shone with a faint green light.

Fiercely stabbed towards the purple barrier.

However, at the same time, Ji You's "Kanshan Fist" had already fallen on Chen Yan.

Chen Yan was hit by a boulder in an instant, and his whole body rolled out of the ring.

Seeing this scene with his eyes, the middle-aged instructor suddenly changed his face and forcibly stopped the sword in his hand.

He flickered towards Chen Yan in an instant, and caught Chen Yan the moment Chen Yan was about to fall out of the ring.

The middle-aged instructor probed Chen Yan's condition, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Obviously, Chen Yan has not completely died.

Upon seeing this, Ji You couldn't help but feel a look of regret, and his punch didn't kill Chen Yan directly.

"Boy, do you take my words to your ears?"

At this moment, the middle-aged instructor turned his head to stare at Ji You, his eyes full of shadows.

"This is a life and death battle."

Ji You faintly uttered five words.

Facing the master of Canglan Empire Academy, his face was extremely cold, without the slightest panic.

It was also at this time that a group of people finally reacted.

"Yeah, this is a life and death battle."

"Isn't the duel of life and death stipulated that it cannot end until one party dies? Is it really good for the people of Canglan Empire Academy to intervene like this?..."

"There is no way. Who told Chen Yan to awaken the Houtian spirit body, and has already joined the Canglan Empire Academy. Of course, the Canglan Empire Academy does not want Chen Yan to be killed by that boy."


Everyone in the audience sighed, most of them were on Ji You's side, feeling that the instructor of Canglan Empire Academy was not kind.

They were just watching the show themselves, neither Ji You nor Chen Yan were familiar with them.

Whichever side is strong and which side is reasonable, they will lean on which side.

Jiang Yuexin was also particularly angry, "It's really shameless to forcibly interrupt the life and death duel and still speak to Ji You like that!"

Chen Wuheng's expression became very ugly. Today was supposed to be the day when his son shined brightly, how could he develop into this way.

Lin Zhanshan's face was so good that he couldn't see where it went. He didn't expect that Ji You not only lived well, but also crushed Chen Yan.

And since people from the three major forces are present, this kid will definitely join a certain force.

In the future, if he wants to avenge Qitian, it will be difficult to find a chance to start.

Almost all around was accusing voices, everyone at Canglan Empire College looked embarrassed.

At this time, Murong Zili suddenly opened her lips lightly, "Disrupting the life-and-death battle, do you want to regret it?"

As this cool and beautiful voice came out, the middle-aged tutor gradually realized that he had violated the rules and that there was a mistake.

But he is a member of Canglan Empire Academy, how can he bow his head in front of so many people?

"My Canglan Empire Academy, I will never welcome you!"

The middle-aged instructor gave a cold snort, put down these words to Ji You, and took Chen Yan out of the ring.

Hearing this, Ji You smiled without saying a word.

He had never thought about joining Canglan Empire Academy. He would appear here for only one purpose, and that was to kill Chen Yan.

It's a pity that now Chen Yan has been taken away by this person, and he can't continue to put Chen Yan to death.

Just as Ji You was about to step down the ring, he noticed the woman in purple skirt in front of him.

He bowed slightly to the woman in the purple skirt and thanked him, "Thank you senior for helping me."

If the woman in the purple skirt hadn't come forward, the instructor of the Canglan Empire Academy just now would definitely have done something to him, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

"I am the master of Qianyuan Wufu Mansion, would you like to join our mansion?"

Murong Zili's beautiful eyes shimmered faintly, and he stated his purpose straightforwardly.