
Really a woman

About half an hour later, the spirit ship arrived.

This also means that Ji You has reached Fengxue Ancient City.

Since the spirit ship arrived directly in Fengxue Ancient City, Ji You had to travel a long way to get to the outside of Fengxue Ancient City.

As he walked, he was still observing the pedestrians around him, but he found that the black-robed man on the boat was following him surreptitiously.

He didn't take the previous things to heart, but this time he was even followed, how could he still not care.

Ji You walked into a small alley with a flat face, pretending that nothing happened.

The black robe also chased up immediately.

This is an alley off the beaten track, and Ji Youhui came here specifically with no intentions.

It didn't take long for the people in the black robe to follow along, and Ji You slowly stopped.

At the moment when he hit the ground on his toes for the last time, his body shape disappeared like a ghost, and in an instant he appeared in front of the black robe man.

"Ding! The master used the 'Thousands of Illusion Flash', and the 'Thousands of Illusion Flash' gained experience points: 400*999 times!"

Ji You's sudden move caused the black-robed man to tremble slightly.

The black-robed man turned and ran subconsciously, but Ji You grabbed his wrist in the same way as before.

Ji You won't be any more nonsense this time, and directly stretched out his hand to tore off the black robe on the opponent's head.

The next moment, a very ordinary and ordinary face appeared before his eyes.

As expected by Ji You, under this black robe was a woman.

This is a plain-looking young woman, who seems to be slightly older than Ji You.

To put it harshly, a lot of women with this appearance can be caught on the street.

However, this time made Ji You more curious. For such an ordinary woman, and she seemed to be quite weak and timid, why did she follow him?

"Why are you following me?"

Ji You asked coldly.

"I... my name is Su Ya."

The woman said timidly: "My brother and sister were taken away..."

"Your brother and sister?"

Ji You was a little baffled.

They are not his younger siblings, what does it have to do with him?

"I have heard that you are the very powerful genius Ji You, please save my brother and sister. They were taken away by the band of robbers outside. My sister is helpless, oh oh... "

The woman slumped on the ground, pulling at the corners of Ji You's clothes with both hands, crying and pleading.

Ji You was still a little speechless at first, but when he heard the last robber, he couldn't help but care, "Do you mean the robbers outside the ancient city of Fengxue?"

"Yes... There is only a group of robbers outside the city."

The woman's tone was weak.

"If it were them, I could help you. As for whether your siblings are dead or alive, I can't guarantee."

Ji You said lightly.

Although he is not a wicked person, he is not a great good person, and it is impossible to help out everything he encounters.

This time it happened that he was going to eliminate those robbers, so he was able to help the other side by the way.

And seeing this woman so weak and helpless, he couldn't bear it.

"The son is great, and the little girl is grateful!"

The woman said with excitement.

"You don't need to thank me. If you want to, thank you for your luck."

Ji You said casually.

The woman still thanked Ji You endlessly.

Ji You became a little impatient, and he immediately walked toward the exit of the alley.

"Can the son keep the little girl with him?"

At this moment, the woman asked suddenly.

"Do whatever you want, but I don't care about your life or death."

Ji You didn't look back, just left a word.

It doesn't matter if this woman follows him or not.

Anyway, he doesn't care about the life and death of the other party, so it is not his burden.

Ji You didn't worry about what this woman would do.

He had detected it a long time ago, and the woman in front of him had a lower martial arts cultivation base than him, and her strength was crushed by him and could not pose the slightest threat to him.

The woman immediately put on the black robe on her head, catching up with Ji You and following behind Ji You.

However, what Ji You didn't notice was that the moment the woman wore the black robe, the corners of her mouth were slightly curved.
