
Mysterious special event pool party

Chapter 682 Mysterious Special Event Pool Party

Twelve o'clock at midnight.

"Ding, [Daily Package·May Welfare Month] has arrived and has been opened"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100% equity in [Pampas Game Technology Company]."

"[Pampas Game Technology Company]: An independent game studio established in 2015, located in 1002, Building 10, Internet Industrial Park, Liangjiang New District, West Section of Jinkai Avenue, Yucheng. The representative is "No Man's Sky", with total platform sales of 360,000 Copies, creating a total income of 23.5 million yuan. PS: This package comes with a special event, please pick it up within 24 hours."

A game company? ? ?

It doesn't seem to be big, but it comes with [Special Event], which is not bad.

After receiving it, it can be used as a branch of [Tianyou Huyu], depending on the [Special Events] is not enough.

One night in the Shanghai stock market, spent a night in a galloping horse.

Nowadays, young people stay up late to play games, and it is normal to use their mobile phones overnight.

Chen Chuan could stand it, after all, he was in good health.

But Yao Meier was a bit miserable. Although she was super-sweet for a while, she couldn't stand her energy.

Early the next morning.

Yao Qian called her boss to ask for leave, then kissed Chen Chuan goodbye, and went back to sleep.

After running downstairs in the morning, Chen Chuan found a place to have breakfast, and then gave the business jet branch of Hongqiao Airport to prepare a Boeing 747, because besides him, there was a long-axis Phantom to be transported back.

AIR global charter company not only has small and medium luxury airliners under its umbrella, but also has giants such as 747s.

The plane took off at 7 o'clock in the morning.

Carrying Chen Chuan and the newly bought Rolls Royce Phantom, flew back to Yucheng at 9 o'clock in the morning.

That's how it comes and goes! I was still eating Xiao Yang Shengjian in the magic city a second ago, and now I am returning to Yucheng.

The economy of the mountain city is not as good as that of the magic capital, but the scenery here is beautiful, and the girl is very good.

Coming out of the airport, drove the Mirage.

Chen Chuan felt that the height of the driver was as high as the entire driver, because of the 6-meter long-axis phantom, the feeling of driving was not so comfortable, like a driver going to pick up people.

I drove to the Internet Industrial Park, which is the famous Optoelectronic Park.

There are many people working in this place, and it has always been crowded. It is known as the "Zhongguancun" of Yucheng.

Chen Chuan stopped the car and went inside.

The little girl at the front desk asked enthusiastically.

Chen Chuan said his name.

A capable woman with short hair walked out quickly and smiled: "Hello, Mr. Chen, I have received a call and you have acquired this company. I am the CEO and my name is Zhang Yi."

Look at Chen Chuan, this small company is not big, with 30+ employees working.

At the same time, I heard the system prompt in my mind "[Special Event] is being generated, this event can change the process of the country and even the game industry, please wait patiently for the host——"

When Chen Chuan heard, this [special event] had a big background and changed the progress of the country and the game industry?

Since letting you wait patiently, Chen Chuan will wait.

Sitting in the small conference room, by the way, the female CEO Zhang Yi gave a brief introduction to the small company. It's just an ordinary game company. However, the "No Man's Sky" developed last year has become a small hit on Steam. Can sell hundreds of thousands of copies, and the results are not bad.

From 9:30 in the morning to 10:30, this [Special Event] has not been generated yet.

And Chen Chuan and Zhang Yi have nothing to talk about.

In the small conference room, Zhang Yi also felt embarrassed, neither standing nor sitting, and there was nothing to talk about.

Mainly because the company is not developing new projects, but is still working on DLC for the old game "No Man's Sky".

If you are developing a new project, some have chatted.

And because Chen Chuan didn't speak, he inadvertently triggered the [silent boss] temperament.

This made Zhang Yi even more silent.

Standing in front of the young and handsome new boss, Zhang Yi felt a bit difficult. The main reason was that the boss of the new boss was too strong and forced her to almost breathe.

"Why are you the CEO? Do you have any special skills?" Chen Chuan asked.

The reason for asking this is because Chen Chuan feels that this short-haired girl, apart from being good-looking, has relatively average skills in other aspects.

Chen Chuan also knows a little about games, but the CEO is a layman.

Zhang Yi is weak: "Back to my boss, I started a business partnership with a few classmates. Later I got the investment, but I lost money for several years. That is, I made a fortune last year when I made "No Man's Sky". Investors have lost money. Now the partners are gone, and investors have withdrawn their capital."

"On the verge of bankruptcy?" Chen Chuan asked.

"It doesn't count. You can survive for a while by selling DLC ​​for "No Man's Sky"." Zhang Yidao.

Chen Chuan didn't ask any more.

The woman didn't know what to say, she just stood in front of her.

During the period, Chen Chuan received a call from Hu Kaili, saying that the house had been settled.

"The villa in the city center, located on Nanbin Road, is a model room in this community. I won the last set based on relationships. Brother Chen, come and see? I will send you the coordinates." Hu Kaili said on the phone.

Chen Chuan checked the time. It was eleven o'clock in the morning, so he didn't wait for this [special event] here anymore, and drove to Hu Kailina.

At the end of the day, it turned out that He Meier and He Jinglan's house was located at Jiu Xitai.

"1200 square meters, with taxes and fees of 47 million yuan, 6 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, and 6 garage spaces. This is a model house. It was originally decorated with a cost of more than 20 million. The decoration was designed by Master Roman James. It was left to the boss of Yongxu Optoelectronics, but Yongxu had a problem with the funds, and the payment for the house has not been paid. I got it... Do you think it will work?" Hu Kaili said.

The location of this community is good, located in the downtown area, and the price is reasonable.

Chen Chuan went into the house and looked at it. The decoration is also good. As for whether it cost 20 million, it is difficult to verify, but it is indeed good.

[Consumption Fee]There are 197 million yuan, 100 million yuan was spent on [Tomson First Product], 47 million yuan was spent on this set, and the remaining 50 million yuan can be used to continue the decoration.

Chen Chuan transferred 47 million to Hu Kaili and asked him to go through the formalities.

Later, I found a well-known local soft decoration design company to add soft decorations to this new villa, as well as furniture and appliances that were not yet in place.

In short, spend the remaining 50 million before the afternoon, so that the time saved will disappear as soon as the [consumption money] is reached.

After receiving a live soft furnishing company, the whole company is busy. A design team of more than a dozen people went to the Jiu Xitai Villa to check for deficiencies and repairs. A dozen people went to the mall or contacted foreign furniture and home appliances. Business order.

Millions of TVs, home theater equipment, and hundreds of thousands of refrigerators are coming in.

Chen Chuan paid the rest, but he didn't worry.

Hu Kaili came back after completing the formalities, looking at the eighth-generation Phantom parked in the parking space of the villa, and went around 3 times.

"Just mentioned? Is there an existing car in Yucheng?" Hu Kaili sighed with emotion, "It looks very arrogant."

Chen Chuan said: "I went to the Shanghai stock market yesterday to mention 14 million."

"Shanghai stock market, I heard that there is a beautiful young lady in the Rolls-Royce Center over there. What is the name of a butterfly..." Hu Kaili said.

"Shen Die, it's not bad." Chen Chuan returned the taste.

"Oh? Brother Chen, did you see her?"

"I saw it." Chen Chuan smiled and threw the car key to Hu Kaili.

Hu Kaili opened the door and got into the car. After experiencing it for a while, he suddenly smiled: "I smelled the perfume in the back row. Is it sister Shen Die?"

"Dog nose, you. Let's go and eat." Chen Chuan said, "This car is comfortable, but you have to find a driver."

"That's easy, you can find it everywhere." Hu Kaili said, "In the evening, I call the top ten shareholders to come to your new villa to have a party to celebrate the housewarming. It just so happens that He Meier also lives in this community."

"A lot of people are a little messy, or..."

"Last time at the auto show, I hired 8 car models, all of them are S-class models. The catwalks are very professional and enchanting. I will call them all." Hu Kaili said.

"All right, the joy of housewarming can still be done." Chen Chuan said.

Hu Kai forcefully said: "Yeah, the 10 largest shareholders of nightclubs, plus 8 car models, there are not enough people, so I will find a few more. I opened the 4S shop and didn't make much money, but the car model cards were accepted. Quite a lot."

"18 people, enough, no matter how many, this villa may not fit." Chen Chuan said.

"If you don't sleep here at night, it's okay to have a party with dozens of people." Hu Kaili said.

The two of them walked outside the community and found a hot pot restaurant to go in. They came to a pile of fat cows and sheep, and slowly cooked the hot pot to eat.

Hu Kaili is a curious baby who always inquires about the pretty young lady in the Shanghai Stock Exchange Namei Center. Chen Chuanyue does not say anything, he becomes more anxious.

After hearing from Chen Chuan that the Mirage was airlifted back by Boeing 747, Hu Kaili was shocked again.

After eating the hot pot, Chen Chuan went to drive several cars to the new villa.

Phantom, Rafa, GT2RS and DBX four cars.

So far, Chen Chuan has settled in four major cities in China.

[Tianjiao Family] in Haiqin City, Rongcheng [Black Butterfly Shell], Shanghai [Dongjiao No.1] and [Tangchen Yipin], and [Jiu Xitai] in Yucheng.

Just these 5 houses, even the decoration is about 750 million, and there is no need for bicycles.

[Jiu Xitai]The house has a garden swimming pool.

It's hot in Yucheng, so take a dip in the pool in the afternoon after eating hot pot, which is comfortable and cozy.

But if it's not Hu Kaili, but the young lady, it would be even more pleasant.

But Hu Kaili just bought this villa for help, so he drove people away, a little suspicion of killing the donkey.

"Hey, are you busy? In your shop." Chen Chuan asked.

"It's not busy, the store manager takes a group of employees, and the operation is in order." Hu Kaili said while swimming back and forth.

"If you are busy, go back and have a look." Chen Chuan said.

"It's okay, they called me if something happened." Hu Kaili said.

Chen Chuan floated on the water, basking in the afternoon sun.

Except for the [special event] that hasn't come out yet, there is nothing wrong with that.

Looking at the sky and the roof of the French villa, he suddenly thought of He Jinglan's father.

The day before yesterday, I used a drone to follow Lu Mingfei and took pictures of his dad's chat records, and I wanted to set HJJ off. Then HJJ should be He Jiajin.

Chen Chuan felt that it was necessary to remind.

Stand up and swim to the shore.

Chen Chuan took his cell phone and saw that He Jinglan hadn't even sent a message to herself?

Recall that at the house of monitor He, the two got along very well. When they were close, monitor He was shy, but also super happy. Why didn't he even send a WeChat account?

Put on your pants and don't recognize people?

Or... was scolded by her parents? Under house arrest?

Or... Yesterday, I saw the photos Liu Cheng sent to the university class group, and I saw the photo of myself and Yao Qian?

Squad leader He is not a stingy person, and it may be nothing to see a photo with others.

But seeing Yao Qian, would she be very angry? You know, no matter which world, monitor He and Yao Qian can never deal with them.

Thinking of this, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Chen Chuan went ashore and went back to the house to get dressed.

"Brother Chen, where are you going?" Hu Kaili shouted.

"I'm going to a friend's house, you can go clubbing here by yourself." Chen Chuan said.

"Brother Chen...cough, can I call a young lady? It's a bit boring to be alone, hehehe." Hu Kaili shouted.

"Whatever you want, don't dirty the water in the pool... if you dirty it, change it to a new water." Chen Chuan said.



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Thank you for the news, rudder master, rudder master kevinzkr, kutenwu, , dawn time for your reward, thank you very much! Ask for monthly ticket, recommended ticket! Seek full support from Bo! Explosive!

(End of this chapter)