
Jiang Yuechu's inner struggle

"What's wrong?"

Feeling Jiang Yuechu's sudden move, Ji You asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing."

Jiang Yuechu's head lightly leaned on Ji You's arm, and said slowly: "I hope it's just fine to keep it like this."


Ji You did not resist at all, letting Jiang Yuechu lean on her arm.

At this moment, Jiang Yuechu's beautiful eyes gradually became blurred.

Without the boy next to him, his father, mother, sister, and himself would not know how much hardship he would have to go through.

This boy named Ji You is really the only support for himself and his sister.

younger sister...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuechu's heart suddenly became complicated, and the color of struggle appeared in her beautiful eyes.

What is the purpose of my efforts for a while?

After so many days, not only did I fail to help my sister much, but became more and more obsessed with Ji You.

This is completely contrary to her goal at the beginning.

No... it can't go on like this.

At this moment, Jiang Yuechu suddenly released Ji You's arm.

She didn't dare to continue to have close contact with Ji You as it was just now, because she was afraid that she would soon become obsessed with Ji You.

That way...it will hurt my sister.

However, Ji You didn't know Jiang Yuechu's inner struggle, so he didn't care about Jiang Yuechu's move.

Later, he bought a horse casually on the road, planning to take Jiang Yuechu back to Mingyue Ancient City on horseback.

But at this moment Jiang Yuechu said with some embarrassment: "Can't it be replaced with a carriage?"

"Why change to a carriage, isn't that more troublesome?"

Ji You said in a puzzled tone: "And the speed of the carriage is much slower."


Jiang Yuechu struggled for a while, but gave up.

The reason why she didn't want to ride a horse was because she would definitely have to hug Ji You after getting on the horse. Such long-term close contact would easily make her lost.

But there was no way, after all, she couldn't tell Ji You those secrets.

"It's time to go, come behind me."

At this time, Ji You had already mounted the horse, and said to Jiang Yuechu behind him.


Jiang Yuechu hesitated for a while, but got on the horse.

After sitting on the horse, she took a deep breath, trying to keep her mood as stable as possible.

Then she slowly stretched out her hand around Ji You's waist, and did not hug Ji You tightly.

"are you done?"

Ji You asked: "If it's all right, I'll set off."

"All right."

Jiang Yuechu responded softly.

Afterwards, Ji You immediately drove forward.

Inertia made Jiang Yuechu cling to Ji You's back, feeling Ji You's generous back, as well as the unique breath of Ji You's body, and the mood that had calmed down instantly fluctuated.

Jiang Yuechu had to enjoy it all.

In desperation anyway, she simply pressed her ears to Ji You's back, and her face flushed slightly as she listened to the slow and powerful heartbeat.

Ji You devoted himself to the ride without paying attention to the soft body behind him.

"Ding! The master used the mysterious middle-level mysterious skill "Fist Town Sifang", and the mysterious middle-level mysterious skill "Fist Town Sifang" gained experience points: (300*999 times)..."

"Ding! The master used the mysterious middle-level mysterious skill "Fist Town Sifang", and the mysterious middle-level mysterious skill "Fist Town Sifang" gained experience points: (300*999 times)..."


"Ding! Congratulations, Master, the mid-level profound skill "Fist Town Sifang" successfully broke through to the realm of "Integration and Transcendence"..."

When passing the Monster Beast Mountain Range on the road, Ji You also freed up a hand to solve a large number of Monster Beasts, and by the way, he broke through the realm with "Fist Town Square".

"Fist Town Quartet" this profound technique with a range of lethality is convenient, no matter how many monsters there are around it, it can be resolved in an instant.

After passing through the Monster Beast Mountain Range, Ji You and Jiang Yuechu returned to the ancient city of Chaoyang soon.

Entering the city gate, Ji You rushed to the city lord's mansion without stopping.


At this moment, both Ji You and Jiang Yuechu had dismounted and walked quickly into the City Lord's Mansion.

Not long after, the two came to a small house, which was the house where the lord's wife lived.

"You go in and say hello to your mother, I will refine the pill here."

Standing in an open place, Ji You said to Jiang Yuechu.

"it is good."

Jiang Yuechu didn't say much, and then walked into the room.

Ji You also immediately prepared to start refining the pill, and took out the alchemy furnace and all the materials needed to refine the Qixuan Qingling Pill from Najie.

This is the first time he has tried to refine the third-class high-quality pills, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Immediately, Ji You began to light the furnace and put the materials into the alchemy furnace one after another.

"Ding! It is detected that the owner has started to refine the third-grade high-quality pill "Seven Profound Clear Spirit Pill", the success rate of alchemy has increased by 999 times..."
