
99 Roses

In search of happiness that seem will never came

tsukimisya · Realistic
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4 Chs

chap 1

"I'm sorry but we love each other."

"We found someone else,

You can live on your own right?"

"Wait.. don't leave me!"

Then suddenly I snaps back from my dream. My breath is unstable, I keep gasping in search for the air , the cold sweats is rolling down from my cheek. After few minutes, My breath became more stable I then realise that I have been sleeping on my empty paperwork, the light is still on. I shake my head and take a look at my pink lemonade color clock that been hanging on my wall since an ages.The clock is not working, I let out a sigh and take my phone at the corner of my wooden desk that have been my bed last night , it's said  6:50 A.M.. it's still early I thought but I can't seem to get back to sleep with my cold sweats after all.

I take my baby blue towel with an a bird embroidery that I hang it beside my rack of books. I took a nice cold shower, I brushed my teeth, I brush my hair and get dressed (A khaki color turtle neck sweater and dark brown pants). Then I make a hot steamy coffee for 3 people. I sat down beside my living room window to enjoy the view while sipping my own coffee. There's a traffic jam outside, what can you expect from rainy day that's on Monday. They sure want to go fast and doesn't want to get wet. Before I know it I have finish my coffee and the outside is also stop raining.   Suddenly my phone ring, it's my manager, Shiro.

"Hello? Momo? Ohmygod you finally answer my call, I have many things to talk about with you. Can we meet at the Sora Cafe?"


" I mean like.. right now?"

I take a look at the hour it say 8.05 A.M.

"Ehhh it's still kind of too early don't you think?"

"Fine, I will treat you breakfast."

"I will be there in minutes."

I end my call. I wear my white stocking and the black shoes. I also bring my phone and notebook just in case. I shut my door off and lock it. Then I see Mrs Soko who's about to get in her apartment. 

"Oh good morning my dear, going out huh? It's kinda rare to see

you out at this hour."

"Yes, Shiro said he going to treat me breakfast today, where were you?"

"Just taking out the trash.

Lucky you to get treated today. Be careful on your way since it just

finished raining, it might

get slippery."

"Yes I will. Have a nice day

Miss Soko!"

"You too! Have  a decent meal, Momo."

I walk in the lift and push the button. Miss Soko is really a nice lady. Her husband died after 2 year of marriage. She never got pregnant and decided to stay in the apartment where the memories is. She just 45 years old. She is indeed have a heart of angel, she have been helping me since I moved in the apartment. I consider her as my mother, I mean everyone will.

The lift stop at my floor. I then meet Mr Shin, the bodyguard of the apartment.

"Good morning Miss Momoko. Wow! You really are early today I can't almost believe my eyes." He said jokingly.

"Hahahahah, Miss Soko also said that. I'm going out to eat

since my manager

is going to treat me today."

"Oooo, what a way of saving money. Anyway hope you have a wonderful day."

"Yes, I sure I will.

You too Mr Shin have a nice day."

As I going out of the apartment. I notice the outside is full with people walking and biking to go to work or school, if so they have been super late. That wil explain why they look so rushed. After a few block, I've arrived at the front of Sora Cafe.