

That day, my husband's face contorted due to immense pain as he glared at me before dashing toward the bedroom. After that, I fixed my clothes, and sat there on the sofa for a long time, staring at the distance blankly.

I still didn't know why my husband had decided to behave like this. But I didn't want to think about him anymore. Our relationship was already on the verge of breaking, and after tonight, I didn't know whether I would still be able to face him in the future or not.

Tears continued to pour out of my eyes, but I didn't dare to wipe them. I was already upset enough. I was still feeling lingering pain in my nipples from all the biting my husband did, but I couldn't even dare to take a look.

I was afraid. Afraid of what me and Lewis had become. I didn't want to think about what he did just now. I didn't want to consider it all a reality. It was better if it was my hallucination.

But if I ended up finding his marks on mt body, I'd break down for sure. So without even looking at my body, I curled up against the sofa and faced the wall.

That night, I wasn't able to sleep, and I stayed awake the entire time, staring at the place blankly.

But I didn't even realize when I fell asleep. And the next morning when I woke up, I found that there was a blanket on the top of me as a cup of hot tea was placed on the table.

Must be my husband. When I went inside the bedroom, I found that the entire bed was made, but I didn't see a trace of Lewis.

He must have left.

I didn't want to see him anyway. I felt too exhausted just by thinking of that guy.

And just like that, a few days passed. After that drunken night, my husband never talked to me again. He didn't even look at me, and would always come home late at midnight.

The crazier fact was that Lewis would leave the house before even I woke up. So the time when I would see him reduced so much that I almost felt like I was living in this cold apartment all alone.

And to keep my mind off of my husband, I buried myself in my novel. The story was already going as planned, but I still needed to add many things. The suggestions Vampire gave me in the outline were indeed good, but I didn't want to change it all. So I only added a little bit of his outline while keeping the entire thing as it is. And after changing the outline, I emailed him the document.

Meanwhile, me and Vampire kept exchanging texts.

Vampire: "How's my baby doing?"

I felt a warmth in my chest when I saw this message. I instantly picked up my phone and texted back.

Me: "Who's baby? Do I look like a kid?"

Then I returned back to my work. I was currently writing about how the main character of my book confessed to her editor. I couldn't help but remember the scene where me and Vampire had kissed for the first time and blushed.

Maybe I should write it down.

Just then, a message popped up and I instantly opened my phone.

Vampire: "You're a baby. Why do you have to act like a kid all the time in front of me?!"

I pouted at his message and wrote back.

"When did I act like a kid?"

Vampire: "Aren't you pouting?"

How did he know?! I instantly looked around and realized how foolish I was! I was in my home, and Vampire had no way to see my face. He must be assuming that I pouted.

This shows that this person knew me so well!

I grinned as I typed.

"I'm pouting, but how did you know?"

Vampire: "I can read your expressions from the text."

I smiled again at this.

Today was the 17th day ever since I met Vampire, and I felt like our relationship was progressing too well. Just then, I got another message from him that made me grin like an idiot.

Vampire: "Can we meet? At Chaoyangmen coffee bar."

"Okay, it's a date!"

The next day, I swiftly got up and started getting ready. I carefully put on my makeup and after I was done, I glanced at my reflection in satisfaction. I wanted to look perfect for a Vampire. Then I gave my face a finishing touch and smiled.

This was how I should look like before that person.

And then I sprinted off to the place. When I reached, I found that he was already sitting on the table alone, sipping the coffee. As soon as he saw me, he smiled widely and quickly got up, pulling out a chair for me. "The princess should sit here."

"Huh? Princess?" When did he give me this nickname?

"Of course, you're my princess. Everything about you is perfect!"

I blushed at that. I lowered my head and played with the strand of my hair to distract myself. This person was really too good at flirting.

Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulders. I looked up and suddenly, his lips captured mine. He gently moved his lips and kissed me so affectionately that I felt my heart dancing in my chest.

But we didn't go further than this. He quickly broke away and sat before me. At this time, my heart was still jumping inside my chest, making me feel dizzy.

And after that, we talked a lot. It was mostly Vampire flirting with me, and I kept blushing at his remarks.

And finally, after what it felt like hours, he talked about my work.

"I read the latest version of outline you sent that day, and let me tell you, it's perfect." He glanced at me helplessly. "Even I couldn't have thought about the story in such a strange way."

I grinned and lowered my head to hide the blush on my cheeks. "Thanks, but it's all because of you."

"No, you deserve the credit." Vampire leaned back and looked at me with affectionate eyes. "Other editors are blind to reject such a talented writer."

I blushed again.

"But then again." He paused and cocked his head. "If they would've accepted you, we wouldn't be here right now."

He was right. If someone else had accept my book, I wouldn't have met Vampire, and I wouldn't have felt my heart racing for the second time. I wouldn't have kissed someone else and realized that my heart still had the capacity of flourishing blooming love. I smiled at him and nodded.

This moment felt so good that I didn't want it to stop.

After three hours of casual chatting, we both decided to separate and go home. Apparently, he still had to go to work early in the morning, otherwise he would have spent more time with his 'princess.'

But I still didn't want to live him. I had been living in darkness everyday, afraid it think about that night. And now after getting a dose of love from Vampire, I really didn't want to leave him.

So I clung to his arms, refusing to let go.

So he sighed helplessly, caressing my head. "Okay, we'll go to the bridge together."

I nodded.

Others saw both of us and compliment that the couple were so loving. And I could only lower my head and blush.

And then we walked hand in hand, gazing at the scenery. Water flowed smoothly beneath the bridge as birds chirped above the sky. Cars walked past us in the road as if we continued strolling until we reached at the end of the bridge.

After that, both of us stopped. Neither Vampire, nor I said anything. My heart wss thumping against my chest, but I didn't look at his face. I really didn't want to leave, but did I have any other choice?

Just then, Vampire suddenly pulled me toward him, and gave a kiss filled with desire. His lips hungrily clung to my mouth, licking and sucking my tongue. After a little while, we separated again before he pecked my lips and said, "Let's meet another day."