
9.9 Billion Bride

He is the emperor of the dark night—cruel and indifferent, rejecting the warmth of women's affection. He ensnared her, viewing her as the antidote to the love poison that coursed through him, instantly addicted, and henceforth, forever beyond redemption. "The women who have glimpsed my body have only one destiny," he declared, donning a refined silver-black mask, his smile sly. "Yet, I find your scent intriguing. You may choose the manner of your demise." Their first encounter saw him pinning her to the carpet. Though commonplace advances typically involved various kisses, he surprised her by biting her neck. The perplexing question lingered: Why was he, not a vampire, drinking her blood?! Upon their second meeting, she fell prey to his bodyguard's abduction, brought before him. As she teetered on the brink of total consumption, a mysterious factor within her body was triggered...

Mo Xiaotao · General
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910 Chs

589: The Real Reason for Divorce (15)

Translator: 549690339

Tara Summer couldn't resist, she picked up the spoon from the side and took a bite. The lychee meat had already been stewed to perfection, melting instantly upon entering her mouth. She kept going, one spoonful after another, and in less than a few minutes, the bowl of sweet soup was empty.

Perhaps she drank too quickly, by the time she realized it, her stomach felt overstuffed. Tara stood up and paced around the room. Spotting a telephone next to the sofa, she naturally went over to make a call.

Only after dialing did she realize that the telephone was not outgoing. Disheartened, she hung up the phone and sat back on the sofa.

The daylight outside gradually dimmed and by seven o'clock, Tara surprisingly felt her eyelids heavy. Yet, she persisted, her eyes staring intently at the door…

After what felt like an eternity, Tara hazily felt someone push the door open. With much effort, she forced her heavy eyes open, but in the pitch-black room, she couldn't make out anything.